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  (BCD) Boot Configuration Data - IgnoreAllFailures


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(BCD) Boot Configuration Data - IgnoreAllFailures

Eye Sca Zi
Posté le 01-04-2014 à 16:49:14  profilanswer

Je suis à la recherche sur BCD sur la différence de 2 commandes sur IgnoreAllFailures permettant de désactiver le déclenchement automatique des modes de recovery ou sans échec.

Code :
  1. Windows 7 : bcdedit.exe /set {bootloadersettings} BOOTSTATUSPOLICY IgnoreAllFailures

Code :
  1. Windows 10 : bcdedit.exe /set "{bootloadersettings}" BOOTSTATUSPOLICY IgnoreAllFailures

Code :
  1. Windows 7 : bcdedit /set {default} bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures

Code :
  1. Windows 10 : bcdedit /set "{default}" bootstatuspolicy ignoreallfailures
Si vous connaissez un peu l’édition de la config de boot W7, n'hésitez pas.
Merci  :jap:

Message édité par akizan le 26-07-2017 à 16:06:41
Posté le 01-04-2014 à 16:49:14  profilanswer

Eye Sca Zi
Posté le 01-04-2014 à 17:19:26  profilanswer

En fin de compte :
{bootloadersettings} = paramètres du chargeur de démarrage
{default} = chargeur de démarrage Windows
Je pense que le résultat est la même chose au final...
Plus de détails ici : [...] s.85).aspx [...] /index.htm
Pour la liste des options : [...] s.85).aspx
bootstatuspolicy policy
    Controls the boot status policy. The boot status policy can be one of the following:
        Displays all errors if there is a failed boot, failed shutdown, or failed checkpoint. The computer will fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot.
        Ignore errors if there is a failed boot, failed shutdown, or failed checkpoint. The computer will attempt to boot normally after an error occurs.
        Only ignore errors if there is a failed shutdown. If there is a failed shutdown, the computer does not automatically fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot. This is the default setting for Windows 8.
        Only ignore errors if there is a failed boot. If there is a failed boot, the computer does not automatically fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot.
        Only ignore errors if there is a failed checkpoint. If there is a failed checkpoint, the computer does not automatically fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot. The option is available starting with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
        Displays errors if there is a failed shutdown. If there is a failed shutdown, the computer will fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot. Ignores boot failures and failed checkpoints. The option is available starting with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.
        Displays errors if there is a failed boot. If there is a failed boot, the computer will fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot. Ignores shutdown failures and failed checkpoints. The option is available starting with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.


        Displays errors if there is a failed checkpoint. If there is a failed checkpoint, the computer will fail over to the Windows recovery environment on reboot. Ignores boot and shutdown failures. The option is available starting with Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.

Message édité par akizan le 26-07-2017 à 15:48:02

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  Windows & Software
  Win 7

  (BCD) Boot Configuration Data - IgnoreAllFailures


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