Salut !
Mon internet à un petit problème . A chaque ouverture , et à chaque recherche sur chrome/Firefox ce message s'affiche.:
"Hold on!
You have reached this web page because you (or your network administrator) are using one of the OpenNIC Tier2 DNS Resolvers which is not supported or not actively maintained anymore and as such will be shut down soon.
We're trying to keep the amount of such events (IP changes, soon-to-be shut down servers, etc.) very low but since OpenNIC and many Tier2 Providers are non-profit organizations or normal people, this happens every now and then.
Please take a look at "DNS Servers near you" below to find a new DNS resolver near you and make sure to subscribe to the OpenNIC discuss mailing list in order to stay up to date with the available DNS resolvers and receive update information regarding planned maintenance and similar information.
DNS Servers near you
Please click here to query the nearest nameservers for you."
Je ne comprends pas ou est le problème . J'ai fait une analyse ADW CLEANER , mais rien.
J'ai jamais bidouillé le pc ou autre . Tout ça m'est venu ce matin :-)
Je pense pas trop que ca soit un virus , mais j ne savais pas ou caser ce topic .