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  Probleme boot apres clone avec Ghost 9.0


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Probleme boot apres clone avec Ghost 9.0

Posté le 25-02-2005 à 17:29:02  profilanswer

Hi everyone !
Bon alors je possede un laptop sur lequel je veux changer de HD mais j'ai
pas trop envie de tout reinstaller. Donc j'ai decide de cloner mon ancien
disque avec ghost 9.0 qui m'a l'air adapte et facile d'utilisation.
L'operation s'effectue vers un disque neuf formatte sur port firewire.
Tout se passe a merveille. Je remplace alors mon ancien disque par le
nouveau, ca boot, mais windows arrete a l'ecran bleu juste avant de me
proposer de choisir l'utilisateur que je veux. En gros j'ai un joli ecran
bleu windows avec le logo de windows, et ca s'arrete la.
Quelqu'un aurait-il une idee de pourquoi comment ca se fait et comment
y remedier ?

Posté le 25-02-2005 à 17:29:02  profilanswer

Posté le 25-02-2005 à 19:18:28  profilanswer

As tu essayé de démarrer en mode sans échec ?

Posté le 25-02-2005 à 19:37:37  profilanswer

salut, j'ai déjà vu ce problème et un mec disait de supprimer la fonction de restore de XP avant de ghoster ... à voir :/

Des trucs - flickr - Instagram
Posté le 25-02-2005 à 19:39:55  profilanswer
Posté le 25-02-2005 à 20:09:58  profilanswer

Ok, bon ben finalement ça a été vite, Norton m'a répondu le lendemain. Alors voici leur réponse :
From your message, I understand that after copying your hard to the new hard drive using "Copy Drive" feature in Norton Ghost 9.0, when you start your computer from the new hard drive, Windows XP log-in screen appears and hangs.  
Guillaume, please be aware that this issue can occur when the system partition's drive letter changes. When migrating an OS, this usually occurs when the destination of the copy had a drive letter already assigned, or if the machine was rebooted with both the source and destination drives still in the machine. To resolve the error, it is usually necessary to run the copy operation again.  
To prevent the error from reoccurring:
- It is preferable to have the target location formatted as unallocated space with no partition present, as Drive Copy will copy the partition information from the source drive. Although it is possible to copy into an already existing partition, this can cause boot issues if the destination already has a drive letter assigned, as the letter assignment will carry over when the drive is switched.  
- Disable Windows System restore. The document below would provide you with more information in this regard:
Title: 'Disabling or enabling Windows XP System Restore'
Document ID: 2001111912274039
> Web URL: [...] on_ols_nam
- A copy of a system partition should also occupy the same relative location on the destination drive that it does on the source. If the system partition is the second partition on the source drive, it should be copied as the second partition on the destination drive as well.  
- After the copy is complete, shut the machine down.  
CAUTION:  Do not reboot the machine yet. Booting from the hard drives at this time can damage program installations and trigger configuration changes that you might not be able to reverse without restoring backups.
- Remove the source drive from the machine, and physically adjust the destination drive so that it is now the first physical drive on the computer. This might require switching jumpers or attaching the destination drive at a different location. If the computer's BIOS is not set to "auto" for drive detection, or you are moving a drive to a different channel, you might also need to update the computer's BIOS. Once you have done this, restart the machine with only the destination drive in the machine.
- If you wish to keep the source drive for use as a backup drive or slave drive, the operating system partition on the source drive will need to be deleted or hidden before you boot into windows with both drives in place. This can be accomplished by connecting the source drive as the primary slave, and then running a partition formatting utility on the source drive before rebooting into Windows.
For more information, please refer to the document provided below:
Title: 'How to copy disk-to-disk using Norton Ghost 9.0'
Document ID: 2004111701520562
> Web URL: [...] on_ols_nam
Please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can help in any way.  
Arun Senthil
Symantec Authorized Technical Support
Alors pour résoudre mon souci, j'ai désactivé la restauration  du système, j'ai reformaté mon disque externe sans lui attribuer de lettre de lecteur, et j'ai refait un ghost. Maintenant ça marche du tonnerre de dieu, en deux minutes j'avais donc un HD tout neuf avec tout identique à avant !
Great !!!!

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  Windows & Software

  Probleme boot apres clone avec Ghost 9.0


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