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  Problème d'uc à 100% par process system


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Problème d'uc à 100% par process system

Posté le 02-06-2006 à 22:40:10  profilanswer

j'ai le process system qui prend 100% de l'uc. ce n'est pas le idle process.
J'ai essayé nd32, les anti spy ware, rien n'y fait. Ce qui est marrant c'est que dès que je tue le process je ne peux plus imprimer sur une imprimante réseau.
qe faire à part reinstaller ?

Posté le 02-06-2006 à 22:40:10  profilanswer

Posté le 02-06-2006 à 23:37:36  profilanswer

des infos dans le journal d'évènements ?

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 12:44:03  profilanswer

bonjour dans systeme j'ai ça:
Type de l'événement : Erreur
Source de l'événement : Service Control Manager
Catégorie de l'événement : Aucun
ID de l'événement : 7000
Date :  03/06/2006
Heure :  12:08:09
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : IBM-5A1DCA1A09F
Description :
Le service General Purpose USB Driver (adildr.sys) n'a pas pu démarrer en raison de l'erreur :  
Le service ne peut pas être démarré parce qu'il est désactivé ou qu'aucun périphérique activé ne lui est associé.  
Pour plus d'informations, consultez le centre Aide et support à l'adresse
Type de l'événement : Erreur
Source de l'événement : Service Control Manager
Catégorie de l'événement : Aucun
ID de l'événement : 7000
Date :  03/06/2006
Heure :  12:08:09
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : IBM-5A1DCA1A09F
Description :
Le service VMONI Protocol Analyzer n'a pas pu démarrer en raison de l'erreur :  
Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.  
Pour plus d'informations, consultez le centre Aide et support à l'adresse
Type de l'événement : Erreur
Source de l'événement : Service Control Manager
Catégorie de l'événement : Aucun
ID de l'événement : 7000
Date :  03/06/2006
Heure :  12:08:09
Utilisateur : N/A
Ordinateur : IBM-5A1DCA1A09F
Description :
Le service Aspi32 n'a pas pu démarrer en raison de l'erreur :  
Le fichier spécifié est introuvable.  
Pour plus d'informations, consultez le centre Aide et support à l'adresse
Donc trois erreurs

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 13:52:53  profilanswer

bizarre. Tu peux déposer un rapport HijackThis ? juste pour voir ce qui troune sur ton pc [...] ackthi.htm

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 14:59:15  profilanswer

salut, merci pour ta réponse voilà :  
Logfile of HijackThis v1.99.1
Scan saved at 14:58:02, on 03/06/2006
Platform: Windows XP SP2 (WinNT 5.01.2600)
MSIE: Internet Explorer v7.00 (7.00.5296.0000)
Running processes:
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MsMpEng.exe
c:\program files\fichiers communs\logitech\lvmvfm\LVPrcSrv.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\AcPrfMgrSvc.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software\bin\btwdins.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM\Security\uvmserv.exe
C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\VS7DEBUG\MDM.EXE
C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32krn.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM\Security\TssCore.exe
C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\sdhelp.exe
C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\SMAgent.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\Rescue and Recovery\rrservice.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities\TpKmapMn.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities\TpKmapMn.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\Common\Scheduler\tvtsched.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\AcSvc.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\Common\Logger\logmon.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\SvcGuiHlpr.exe
C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\SMax4PNP.exe
C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\Smax4.exe
C:\Program Files\Utimaco\SafeGuard PrivateDisk\pdservice.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\PkgMgr\HOTKEY\TPONSCR.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\PkgMgr\HOTKEY_1\TpScrex.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM\Password Manager\pwmgr.exe
C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32kui.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
C:\Program Files\Logitech\Video\CameraAssistant.exe
C:\Program Files\IBM\Security\certtool.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\ACTray.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\ACWLIcon.exe
C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe
C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\jusched.exe
C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Distillr\Acrotray.exe
C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe
C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities\TpKmapMn.exe
C:\Program Files\Racing-Live\ Toolbar\launcher.exe
C:\Program Files\Racing-Live\ Toolbar\ Toolbar.exe
C:\Program Files\palmOne\Hotsync.exe
C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Nosibay\RunningObjectRegistry.exe
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE11\WINWORD.EXE
C:\Program Files\FileZilla\FileZilla.exe
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe
C:\Program Files\Mozilla Thunderbird\thunderbird.exe
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Bar =
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page =
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Page_URL =
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Default_Search_URL =
R1 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Search Page =
R0 - HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main,Start Page = [...] SUB_CLCID}
R1 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings,ProxyServer =
R0 - HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Toolbar,LinksFolderName = Liens
R3 - URLSearchHook: (no name) - {83B79436-C1A7-427B-B40D-689E9CC71FAE} - C:\PROGRA~1\COPERN~2\COPERN~3.DLL
O2 - BHO: Adobe PDF Reader Link Helper - {06849E9F-C8D7-4D59-B87D-784B7D6BE0B3} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\ActiveX\AcroIEHelper.dll
O2 - BHO: e-Carte Bleue Browser Helper Object - {2E03C0FD-4C48-43A7-9A54-00240C70FF16} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\BhoECart.dll
O2 - BHO: PCTools Site Guard - {5C8B2A36-3DB1-42A4-A3CB-D426709BBFEB} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYWAR~2\tools\iesdsg.dll
O2 - BHO: SSVHelper Class - {761497BB-D6F0-462C-B6EB-D4DAF1D92D43} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\ssv.dll
O2 - BHO: Adobe PDF Conversion Toolbar Helper - {AE7CD045-E861-484f-8273-0445EE161910} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll
O2 - BHO: PCTools Browser Monitor - {B56A7D7D-6927-48C8-A975-17DF180C71AC} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYWAR~2\tools\iesdpb.dll
O2 - BHO: EpsonToolBandKicker Class - {E99421FB-68DD-40F0-B4AC-B7027CAE2F1A} - C:\Program Files\EPSON\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll
O3 - Toolbar: EPSON Web-To-Page - {EE5D279F-081B-4404-994D-C6B60AAEBA6D} - C:\Program Files\EPSON\EPSON Web-To-Page\EPSON Web-To-Page.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Adobe PDF - {47833539-D0C5-4125-9FA8-0819E2EAAC93} - C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll
O3 - Toolbar: Copernic Desktop Search - {C5F7A735-70F1-477F-8C36-6FF3C736017B} - C:\Program Files\Copernic Desktop Search\CopernicDesktopSearchIntegration976.dll
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TrackPointSrv] tp4serv.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TpShocks] TpShocks.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TPKMAPHELPER] C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities\TpKmapAp.exe -helper
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TP4EX] tp4ex.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SoundMAXPnP] C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\SMax4PNP.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SoundMAX] "C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\Smax4.exe" /tray
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [QuickTime Task] "C:\Program Files\QuickTime\qttask.exe" -atboottime
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PDService.exe] C:\Program Files\Utimaco\SafeGuard PrivateDisk\pdservice.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [PDIBM.exe] C:\Program Files\Utimaco\Safeguard Privatedisk\pdibm.exe /startup
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [IBM_PWMGR] C:\Program Files\IBM\Password Manager\pwmgr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [EZEJMNAP] C:\PROGRA~1\ThinkPad\UTILIT~1\EzEjMnAp.Exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [BMMLREF] C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities\BMMLREF.EXE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ATIPTA] atiptaxx.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [cssauthe] "C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\Client Security Solution\cssauthe.exe" silent
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [nod32kui] "C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32kui.exe" /WAITSERVICE
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPLpr] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPLpr.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SynTPEnh] C:\Program Files\Synaptics\SynTP\SynTPEnh.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [LogitechCameraAssistant] C:\Program Files\Logitech\Video\CameraAssistant.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [LogitechVideo[inspector]] C:\Program Files\Logitech\Video\InstallHelper.exe /inspect
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [LogitechCameraService(E)] C:\WINDOWS\system32\ElkCtrl.exe /automation
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [UniPrint] C:\PROGRA~1\UniPrint\Client\SetDfltSettings.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISS_Certtool] C:\Program Files\IBM\Security\certtool.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ACTray] C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\ACTray.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ACWLIcon] C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\ACWLIcon.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSPM Startup] C:\PROGRA~1\FICHIE~1\INSTAL~1\UPDATE~1\ISUSPM.exe -startup
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [ISUSScheduler] "C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\InstallShield\UpdateService\issch.exe" -start
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [SunJavaUpdateSched] C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\jusched.exe
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Windows Defender] "C:\Program Files\Windows Defender\MSASCui.exe" -hide
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [DWPersistentQueuedReporting] C:\PROGRA~1\FICHIE~1\MICROS~1\DW\DWTRIG20.EXE -a
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [Acrobat Assistant 7.0] "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Distillr\Acrotray.exe"
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [TkBellExe] "C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Real\Update_OB\realsched.exe"  -osboot
O4 - HKLM\..\Run: [BMMGAG] RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\ThinkPad\UTILIT~1\pwrmonit.dll,StartPwrMonitor
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [TPKMAPMN] C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\Utilities\TpKmapMn.exe
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [LogitechSoftwareUpdate] "C:\Program Files\Logitech\Video\ManifestEngine.exe" boot
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [ Toolbar] "C:\Program Files\Racing-Live\ Toolbar\launcher.exe"
O4 - HKCU\..\Run: [Uniblue Registry Booster] C:\Program Files\Uniblue\Registry Booster\RegistryBooster.exe /S
O4 - Startup: BOINC Manager.lnk.disabled
O4 - Startup: HDD temperature.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: Adobe Gamma Loader.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: Assistant d'Acrobat.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: Dataviz Messenger.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: DSLMON.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: HOTSYNCSHORTCUTNAME.lnk = C:\Program Files\palmOne\Hotsync.exe
O4 - Global Startup: InterVideo WinCinema Manager.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: Lancement rapide d'Adobe Acrobat.lnk.disabled
O4 - Global Startup: Lancement rapide d'Adobe Reader.lnk = C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Reader\reader_sl.exe
O6 - HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Restrictions present
O6 - HKCU\Software\Policies\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Control Panel present
O8 - Extra context menu item: Analyser avec LeechGet - file://C:\Program Files\LeechGet 2004\\Parser.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir en Adobe PDF - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIECapture.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir en un fichier PDF existant - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIEAppend.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir la cible du lien en Adobe PDF - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIECapture.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir la cible du lien en un fichier PDF existant - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIEAppend.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir la sélection en Adobe PDF - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIECapture.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir la sélection en un fichier PDF existant - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIEAppend.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir les liens sélectionnés en fichier Adobe PDF - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIECaptureSelLinks.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Convertir les liens sélectionnés en un fichier PDF existant - res://C:\Program Files\Adobe\Acrobat 7.0\Acrobat\AcroIEFavClient.dll/AcroIEAppendSelLinks.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: E&xporter vers Microsoft Excel - res://C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\EXCEL.EXE/3000
O8 - Extra context menu item: Envoyer à &Bluetooth - C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software\btsendto_ie_ctx.htm
O8 - Extra context menu item: Télécharger en utilisant l'assistant LeechGet - file://C:\Program Files\LeechGet 2004\\Wizard.html
O8 - Extra context menu item: Télécharger en utilisant LeechGet - file://C:\Program Files\LeechGet 2004\\AddUrl.html
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Console Java (Sun) - {08B0E5C0-4FCB-11CF-AAA5-00401C608501} - C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_06\bin\ssv.dll
O9 - Extra button: Spyware Doctor - {2D663D1A-8670-49D9-A1A5-4C56B4E14E84} - C:\PROGRA~1\SPYWAR~2\tools\iesdpb.dll
O9 - Extra button: @C:\Program Files\Messenger2\im2_ie_plugin.dll,-4 - {410C30C7-098A-4090-928E-F1D356D34C7F} - C:\Program Files\Messenger2\im2_ie_plugin.dll
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Run IM2 Messenger - {410C30C7-098A-4090-928E-F1D356D34C7F} - C:\Program Files\Messenger2\im2_ie_plugin.dll
O9 - Extra button: Microsoft AntiSpyware helper - {7908C096-BAD5-4966-A4B7-5D78EEF1161B} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldr.dll (file missing)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Microsoft AntiSpyware helper - {7908C096-BAD5-4966-A4B7-5D78EEF1161B} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldr.dll (file missing)
O9 - Extra button: Traduction - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE574} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\promtie5.htm
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Traduire - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE574} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\promtie5.htm
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE575} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\options.htm
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Personnaliser les options de traduction - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE575} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\options.htm
O9 - Extra button: Recherche - {92780B25-18CC-41C8-B9BE-3C9C571A8263} - C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2\OFFICE11\REFIEBAR.DLL
O9 - Extra button: @btrez.dll,-4015 - {CCA281CA-C863-46ef-9331-5C8D4460577F} - C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software\btsendto_ie.htm
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: @btrez.dll,-4017 - {CCA281CA-C863-46ef-9331-5C8D4460577F} - C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software\btsendto_ie.htm
O9 - Extra button: Mise à jour de logiciels ThinkPad - {D1A4DEBD-C2EE-449f-B9FB-E8409F9A0BC5} - C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\PkgMgr\PkgMgr.exe
O9 - Extra button: Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Windows Messenger - {FB5F1910-F110-11d2-BB9E-00C04F795683} - C:\Program Files\Messenger\msmsgs.exe
O9 - Extra button: Microsoft AntiSpyware helper - {7908C096-BAD5-4966-A4B7-5D78EEF1161B} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldr.dll (file missing) (HKCU)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Microsoft AntiSpyware helper - {7908C096-BAD5-4966-A4B7-5D78EEF1161B} - C:\WINDOWS\system32\wldr.dll (file missing) (HKCU)
O9 - Extra button: Traduction - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE574} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\promtie5.htm (HKCU)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Traduire - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE574} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\promtie5.htm (HKCU)
O9 - Extra button: (no name) - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE575} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\options.htm (HKCU)
O9 - Extra 'Tools' menuitem: Personnaliser les options de traduction - {7A2EFD41-E6B3-11D2-89E3-00E0292EE575} - C:\Program Files\PROMT5\PROMTIE4\options.htm (HKCU)
O11 - Options group: [INTERNATIONAL] International*
O11 - Options group: [JAVA_IBM] Java (IBM)
O15 - Trusted Zone:
O16 - DPF: {09C21411-B9A2-4DE6-8416-4E3B58577BE0} (France Telecom MDM ActiveX Control) -
O16 - DPF: {17492023-C23A-453E-A040-C7C580BBF700} (Windows Genuine Advantage Validation Tool) -
O16 - DPF: {238F6F83-B8B4-11CF-8771-00A024541EE3} (Citrix ICA Client) - [...]
O16 - DPF: {31B7EB4E-8B4B-11D1-A789-00A0CC6651A8} (Cult3D ActiveX Player) -
O16 - DPF: {3637C046-4008-11D5-ADF6-0050DA74F67C} (UniPrintCab Control) - [...]
O16 - DPF: {9A9307A0-7DA4-4DAF-B042-5009F29E09E1} (ActiveScan Installer Class) - [...]
O17 - HKLM\System\CCS\Services\Tcpip\..\{A292B083-9774-44A7-AF05-4F9C1E0D36DB}: Domain = 5
O18 - Protocol: bw+0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw+0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw-0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw-0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw00 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw00s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw10 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw10s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw20 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw20s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw30 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw30s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw40 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw40s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw50 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw50s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw60 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw60s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw70 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw70s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw80 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw80s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw90 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bw90s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwa0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwa0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwb0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwb0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwc0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwc0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwd0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwd0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwe0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwe0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwf0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwf0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwfile-8876480 - {9462A756-7B47-47BC-8C80-C34B9B80B32B} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\GAPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwg0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwg0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwh0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwh0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwi0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwi0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwj0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwj0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwk0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwk0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwl0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwl0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwm0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwm0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwn0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwn0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwo0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwo0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwp0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwp0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwq0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwq0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwr0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwr0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bws0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bws0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwt0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwt0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwu0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwu0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwv0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwv0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bww0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bww0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwx0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwx0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwy0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwy0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwz0 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: bwz0s - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: ms-help - {314111C7-A502-11D2-BBCA-00C04F8EC294} - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Microsoft Shared\Help\hxds.dll
O18 - Protocol: offline-8876480 - {ACFE7654-BDB8-435C-B408-67BB9B8E3B55} - C:\Program Files\Logitech\Desktop Messenger\8876480\Program\BWPlugProtocol-8876480.dll
O18 - Protocol: x-excid - {9D6CC632-1337-4A33-9214-2DA092E776F4} - C:\WINDOWS\Downloaded Program Files\mimectl.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: ACNotify - ACNotify.dll (file missing)
O20 - Winlogon Notify: tpfnf2 - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\notifyf2.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: tphotkey - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\tphklock.dll
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll
O23 - Service: Ac Profile Manager Service (AcPrfMgrSvc) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\AcPrfMgrSvc.exe
O23 - Service: ACU Configuration Service (ACS) - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\acs.exe
O23 - Service: Access Connections Main Service (AcSvc) - Lenovo - C:\Program Files\ThinkPad\ConnectUtilities\AcSvc.exe
O23 - Service: Adobe LM Service - Adobe Systems - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\Adobe Systems Shared\Service\Adobelmsvc.exe
O23 - Service: Ati HotKey Poller - ATI Technologies Inc. - C:\WINDOWS\system32\Ati2evxx.exe
O23 - Service: ATI Smart - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ati2sgag.exe
O23 - Service: Bluetooth Service (btwdins) - WIDCOMM, Inc. - C:\Program Files\IBM\Bluetooth Software\bin\btwdins.exe
O23 - Service: C-DillaSrv - C-Dilla Ltd - C:\WINDOWS\system32\DRIVERS\CDANTSRV.EXE
O23 - Service: IBM User Verification Manager - IBM - C:\Program Files\IBM\Security\uvmserv.exe
O23 - Service: ThinkPad PM Service (IBMPMSVC) - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ibmpmsvc.exe
O23 - Service: SMBus Upgrade Service for Windows 2000 and above (ibmsmbus) - International Business Machines Corp. - C:\WINDOWS\System32\ibmsmbus.exe
O23 - Service: InstallDriver Table Manager (IDriverT) - Macrovision Corporation - C:\Program Files\Fichiers communs\InstallShield\Driver\11\Intel 32\IDriverT.exe
O23 - Service: Logitech Process Monitor (LVPrcSrv) - Logitech Inc. - c:\program files\fichiers communs\logitech\lvmvfm\LVPrcSrv.exe
O23 - Service: SQL Server (SQLEXPRESS) (MSSQL$SQLEXPRESS) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\Binn\sqlservr.exe" -sSQLEXPRESS (file missing)
O23 - Service: Intel NCS NetService (NetSvc) - Intel(R) Corporation - C:\Program Files\Intel\PROSetWired\NCS\Sync\NetSvc.exe
O23 - Service: NOD32 Kernel Service (NOD32krn) - Eset  - C:\Program Files\Eset\nod32krn.exe
O23 - Service: Panda Antispam Server Service (PASSRV) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PaSSrv.exe
O23 - Service: Panda Function Service (PAVFNSVR) - Panda Software - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PavFnSvr.exe
O23 - Service: Panda Pavkre (Pavkre) - Panda Software - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\Pavkre.exe
O23 - Service: Panda PavProt (PavProt) - Panda Software - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PavProt.exe
O23 - Service: Panda anti-virus service (PAVSRV) - Panda Software - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\pavsrv51.exe
O23 - Service: Panda Preventium+ Service (PREVSRV) - Panda Software - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\prevsrv.exe
O23 - Service: IBM PSA Access Driver Control (PsaSrv) - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\PsaSrv.exe (file missing)
O23 - Service: Panda IManager Service (PSIMSVC) - Panda Software Internacional - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PsImSvc.exe
O23 - Service: PC Tools Spyware Doctor (SDhelper) - PC Tools Research Pty Ltd - C:\Program Files\Spyware Doctor\sdhelp.exe
O23 - Service: SoundMAX Agent Service (SoundMAX Agent Service (default)) - Analog Devices, Inc. - C:\Program Files\Analog Devices\SoundMAX\SMAgent.exe
O23 - Service: Thread Master (ThreadMaster) -  - - C:\WINDOWS\system32\ThreadMaster\ThreadMast.exe
O23 - Service: ThinkPad HDD APS Logging Service (TPHDEXLGSVC) - Lenovo. - C:\WINDOWS\System32\TPHDEXLG.EXE
O23 - Service: IBM KCU Service (TpKmpSVC) - Unknown owner - C:\WINDOWS\system32\TpKmpSVC.exe
O23 - Service: TVT Backup Service - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\Rescue and Recovery\rrservice.exe
O23 - Service: TVT Scheduler - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\IBM ThinkVantage\Common\Scheduler\tvtsched.exe
O23 - Service: Assistance Virtual Machine (vmh) - Unknown owner - C:\Program Files\Microsoft Virtual Server\vmh.exe" -service (file missing)

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 15:14:45  profilanswer

tu as désinstallé Panda ? car il y a plein de services lancés et rien de correspondant dans les processus... je vois de plus que tu as un autre antivirus (nod32)
peux-tu faire scanner ce fichier C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\notifyf2.dll sur ce site
poste le résultat

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 20:09:11  profilanswer

En ce qui concerne panda, il ne doit pas tourner, je n'ai pas réussi à la desinstaller totalement.

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 20:09:32  profilanswer

Voici le résultat du scan
Complete scanning result of "notifyf2.dll", received in VirusTotal at 06.03.2006, 20:08:25 (CET).
Antivirus Version Update Result
AntiVir 06.03.2006 no virus found
Authentium 4.93.8 06.02.2006 no virus found
Avast 4.7.844.0 06.02.2006 no virus found
AVG 386 06.02.2006 no virus found
BitDefender 7.2 06.03.2006 no virus found
CAT-QuickHeal 8.00 06.03.2006 no virus found
ClamAV devel-20060426 06.03.2006 no virus found
DrWeb 4.33 06.03.2006 no virus found
eTrust-InoculateIT 23.72.26 06.03.2006 no virus found
eTrust-Vet 12.6.2240 06.02.2006 no virus found
Ewido 3.5 06.03.2006 no virus found
Fortinet 06.03.2006 no virus found
F-Prot 3.16f 06.02.2006 no virus found
Ikarus 06.02.2006 no virus found
Kaspersky 06.03.2006 no virus found
McAfee 4776 06.02.2006 no virus found
Microsoft 1.1441 06.03.2006 no virus found
NOD32v2 1.1576 06.02.2006 no virus found
Norman 5.90.17 06.02.2006 no virus found
Panda 06.03.2006 no virus found
Sophos 4.05.0 06.03.2006 no virus found
Symantec 8.0 06.03.2006 no virus found
TheHacker 06.01.2006 no virus found
UNA 1.83 06.02.2006 no virus found
VBA32 3.11.0 06.03.2006 no virus found
Aditional Information
File size: 28672 bytes
MD5: 3c21a62642bea691b588f69e8d11b374
SHA1: b1d5a7de24dc9a99222b779ebe009bc72ac7061d
VirusTotal is a free service offered by Hispasec Sistemas. There are no guarantees about the availability and continuity of this service. Although the detection rate afforded by the use of multiple antivirus engines is far superior to that offered by just one product, these results DO NOT guarantee the harmlessness of a file. Currently, there is not any solution that offers a 100% effectiveness rate for detecting viruses and malware.

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 20:41:55  profilanswer

Citation :

En ce qui concerne panda, il ne doit pas tourner, je n'ai pas réussi à la desinstaller totalement.

On peut au moins désactiver tous ces services qui ne servent à rien puisque tu cherches à désinstaller Panda  
Désactive le service suivant :
vas dans démarrer, clique sur "exécuter", tapes :  
Dans la liste des services, cherche et double-clique sur la ligne :
Panda Antispam Server Service (PASSRV)
vérifie dans "Chemin d'accès des fichiers exécutables" qu'il s'agit bien de
 "C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PaSSrv.exe"  
dans "Type de démarrage",
clique sur "désactiver" et règle-le sur "arrêté"
recommence avec ces 6 services :
- Panda Function Service (PAVFNSVR) // C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PavFnSvr.exe
- Panda Pavkre (Pavkre) // C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\Pavkre.exe
- Panda PavProt (PavProt) - Panda Software - C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PavProt.exe
- Panda anti-virus service (PAVSRV)  // C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\pavsrv51.exe
- Panda Preventium+ Service (PREVSRV) // C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\prevsrv.exe
- Panda IManager Service (PSIMSVC) // C:\Program Files\Panda Software\Panda Platinum 2005 Internet Security\PsImSvc.exe
Redémarre l'ordinateur.
Supprime le dossier C:\Program Files\Panda Software
et dis si ça change qquechose.

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 22:13:25  profilanswer

Je l'avais déjà fait, par contre je n'avais pas tout desactivé, je supprime le dossier.
Par contre je passe un antivirus en ligne, panda justement.
Je vous tiens au courant, mais je crois pas que ça change quelque chose.

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 22:13:25  profilanswer

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 23:01:21  profilanswer

J'ai supprimé le rep, par contre il reste trois dll, que je n'arrive pas à supprimer.
Je n'arrive pas non plus à les deseregistrer du registre. elles ne contiennent pas de virus d'après nod32.
J'ai toujours system à 100% au démarrage.

Posté le 03-06-2006 à 23:13:57  profilanswer

les dll sont dans C:\Program Files\Panda Software ?
sinon ou en est le scan Panda que tu as lancé ?

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 12:15:37  profilanswer

Il a trouvé des spyware, mais rien de méchant...j'ai pas pu nettoyer.
J'ai passé un coup de anti spy ware via trois autres logiciels.
Enfin tout continue.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:17:16  profilanswer

Plusieurs pistes à regarder.
# Des spywares, càd ? des cookies ? essaye de préciser si c'est autre chose.
# C'est toi qui as installé le minitel ?  
=> télécharge F-Secure Blacklight (777ko)
Place-le dans C:\
démarrer/exécuter et tape C:\blbeta.exe /expert et valide par "Ok"
Accepte la licence, et clique enfin sur "Scan"
Si Blacklight détecte des éléments invisibles, il en affiche la liste et permet de les renommer
Ne renomme rien du tout. Copie le contenu du log qui sera généré dans le même dossier que blbeta, avec un nom qui ressemblera à fsbl-20060316011845.log
Ne ferme pas blbeta.  
# Regarde dans ton gestionnaire de périphériques si tu n'as pas des croix rouges ou points d'exclamation
# Regarde également si tu as le même souci en mode sans échec
# depuis quand et quoi tu as ce problème (pense aux mises à jour, install d'un logiciel, etc.)
=> Merci de répondre à toutes ces questions.

Message édité par eZula le 04-06-2006 à 13:17:43
Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:36:52  profilanswer

1 Des cookies effectivement et clès de registres rien de bien méchant. Car cela ne change rien après correction.
2 Minitel, je ne crois pas à moins qu'un logiciel l'ait installé sans que je le vois. Je suis en train de le passe le blbeta.
3 Il y avait le trackpoint avec un point d'exclamation jaune, je l'ai desinstallé il le reinstallera si besoin.
4 je vais voire une fois le scan passé, je le ferai sans prise en charge du réseau.
5 Quelques semaines, j'utilisais pas mal emule et à un moment je devais avoir un troyan qui me pompait de l'espace disk avec des fichiers de 256ko dans c:\windows\temp, ce qui faisait 500mo, j'ai supprimé et nettoyer mais je pense que mon sys à 100% vient de ce genre de problème.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:47:04  profilanswer

j'ai environ 7000 items de trouvé pour le moment

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:49:50  profilanswer

quoi ??
poste le maximum possible, en évitant les fichiers similaires, c'est juste pour avoir une idée parceque 7000 ça ne passera pas évidemment

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:50:50  profilanswer

06/04/06 13:32:50 [Info]: BlackLight Engine 1.0.37 initialized
06/04/06 13:32:50 [Info]: OS: 5.1 build 2600 (Service Pack 2)
06/04/06 13:32:51 [Note]: 7019 4
06/04/06 13:32:51 [Note]: 7005 0
06/04/06 13:32:54 [Note]: 7006 0
06/04/06 13:32:54 [Note]: 7022 0
06/04/06 13:32:55 [Note]: 7011 460
06/04/06 13:32:55 [Note]: 7026 0
06/04/06 13:32:55 [Note]: 7026 0
06/04/06 13:32:55 [Note]: FSRAW library version 1.7.1015
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\M
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\RSA\S
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Client Se
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Client Se
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Client Se
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\NetworkService\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Crypto\
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\Microsoft\Protect
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Clie
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Clie
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:34 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Clie
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\Documents and Settings\Olivier Soudée\Application Data\ThinkVantage\Clie
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:35 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:42:36 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\hints.dat
06/04/06 13:42:36 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:36 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:36 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:37 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\pu.dat
06/04/06 13:42:37 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:37 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:37 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:38 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\rr.log
06/04/06 13:42:38 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:38 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:38 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:39 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\SAM
06/04/06 13:42:39 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:39 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:39 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:40 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\system
06/04/06 13:42:40 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:40 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:40 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:41 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\system.dat
06/04/06 13:42:41 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:41 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:41 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:42 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\tvt.txt
06/04/06 13:42:42 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:42 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:42 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:42:44 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\rrubackups\usersids.dat
06/04/06 13:42:44 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:42:44 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:42:44 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:43:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\biosinfo.inf
06/04/06 13:43:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:08 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\bootfix.nib
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 10002 1
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\debug\NetSetup.LOG
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\debug\PASSWD.LOG
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\FBA\FBALOG.TXT
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514fix.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514fixe.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514fixg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514fixr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514fixt.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514oem.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514oeme.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514oemg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514oemr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514oemt.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514sys.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514syse.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514sysg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514sysr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\8514syst.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85855.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85f1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85f874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85s1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85s1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85s874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ahronbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\andlso.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSA.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAU.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAUB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAUI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAUZ.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ANGSAZ.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\app850.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\app852.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\app855.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\app857.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\app866.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\arialbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\arialbi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ariali.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ariblk.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\artrbdo.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\artro.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWA.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAU.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAUB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAUI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAUZ.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\BROWAZ.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40737.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40850.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40852.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40857.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40869.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40woa.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80737.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80850.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80852.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80857.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80866.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80869.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga80woa.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\comic.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\comicbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIA.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAU.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAUB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAUI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAUZ.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\coue1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\coue1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\couf1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\couf1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cour.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courbi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\coure.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\couree.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\coureg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courer.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\couret.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courf.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courfe.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courfg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courfr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\courft.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\couri.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\davidbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\davidtr.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\dos737.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\dosapp.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40737.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40850.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40852.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40857.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40866.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40869.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega40woa.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80737.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80850.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80852.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80857.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80866.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80869.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ega80woa.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\85f1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\arial.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\cga40866.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\CORDIAZ.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\david.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\estre.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\mriam.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serf1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smalle.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sserifer.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\trebucbi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCJBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga865.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\framd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\framdit.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\frank.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\Gautami.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\georgia.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\georgiab.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\georgiai.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\georgiaz.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\impact.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\Kartika.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\latha.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lsans.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lsansd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lsansdi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lsansi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lucon.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lvnm.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\lvnmbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\l_10646.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\mangal.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\marlett.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\micross.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\modern.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\mriamc.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\mriamfx.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\mriamtr.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\msdlg874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\mvboli.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\nrkis.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\pala.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\palab.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\palabi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\palai.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\Raavi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\rod.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\rodtr.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\roman.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\script.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sere1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sere1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serf1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serife.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serifee.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serifeg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serifer.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serifet.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\seriff.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\seriffe.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\seriffg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\seriffr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\serifft.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\Shruti.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\simpbdo.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\simpfxo.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\simpo.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smae1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smae1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smaf1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smaf1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallee.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smalleg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smaller.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallet.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallf.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallfe.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallfg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallfr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\smallft.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ssee1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ssee1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ssee874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ssef1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ssef1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\ssef874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sserife.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sserifee.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sserifeg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sserifet.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sseriff.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sseriffe.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sseriffg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sseriffr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sserifft.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\sylfaen.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\symbol.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\tahoma.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\tahomabd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\times.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\timesbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\timesbi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\timesi.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\tradbdo.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\trado.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\trebuc.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\trebucbd.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\trebucit.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\Tunga.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCDB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCDBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCDI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCDL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCEB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCEBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCEI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCEL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCFB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCFBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCFI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCFL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCIB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCIBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCII.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCIL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCJB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCJI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCJL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCKB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCKBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCKI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCKL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCLB.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCLBI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCLI.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\UPCLL.TTF
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\verdana.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\verdanab.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\verdanai.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\verdanaz.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga737.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga850.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga852.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga855.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga857.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga860.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga863.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga866.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vga869.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgaf1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgaf1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgaf874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgafix.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgafixe.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgafixg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgafixr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgafixt.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgaoem.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgas1255.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgas1256.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgas874.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgasys.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgasyse.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgasysg.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgasysr.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\vgasyst.fon
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\Vrinda.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\webdings.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\Fonts\wingding.ttf
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0401.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0405.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0406.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0407.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0408.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt040b.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt040c.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt040d.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt040e.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0410.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0413.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0414.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0415.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0416.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0419.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt041d.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt041f.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\minint\help\agt0816.hlp
06/04/06 13:43:12 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:43:

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:51:31  profilanswer

06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Jpn.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Jpnw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Kor.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Koro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Korw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\LeftFrSt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\legal.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\loginfo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\mapdrive.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\mapwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\migback.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\MINUS.gif
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\modpass.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\multwndw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\m_configpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\m_diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\m_netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\contwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\c_logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\ftrloc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\ILA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Jpno.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\m_recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\s_configpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\m_recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\m_welcome.htm
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:06 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Note2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\nwerror.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\dwnfiles.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILABRA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILACzh.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILAENG.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILAFRA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILAGER.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILAITA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILAPol.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILASPA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\ILATur.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\Jpn.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\Kor.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\Prc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\Tai.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\vewinfo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_FULL\WPEeula.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_RRU\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_RRU\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_RRU\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_RRU\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\OEM_RRU\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\open.gif
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\partrec.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\PLUS.gif
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Prc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Prco.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Prcw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\pwcwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\pwmwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\pwnwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\recback.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\recovcd2.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\recpass.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_NOPCDR\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_NOPCDR\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_NOPCDR\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_NOPCDR\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_NOPCDR\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_PCDR\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_PCDR\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_PCDR\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_PCDR\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_PCDR\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_UINST\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_UINST\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\RRU_UINST\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsbck.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rscon.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsfac.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsfac.htm.bak
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsfile.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsmiglo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsmigpa.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsmigst.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsopt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\rsstr.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\spacer.gif
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\startdiag.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\startpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\syswin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:07 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\s_diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\s_netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\s_recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\s_recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\s_welcome.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Tai.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Taio.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\Taiw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\testctab.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\testitab.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\TOC.CSS
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\toc1.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\toc2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\trobtik.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\usebrow.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\vewfav.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\vewfru.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\vewinfo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\vewsyin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\webhelp3.js
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\welcome.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\WPEeula.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\WPEeula.html
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\GR\wrklogs.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HB\2NDLEVEL.css
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HB\bb99g464.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HB\bb99g483.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HB\Note2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HB\nwerror.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\hddfiles.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HK\2NDLEVEL.css
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HK\bb99g464.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HK\bb99g483.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HK\Note2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HK\nwerror.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HU\2NDLEVEL.css
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HU\bb99g464.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HU\bb99g483.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HU\Note2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\HU\nwerror.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILABRA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILABRAw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILACzh.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILACzhw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAENG.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAENGw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAFRA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAFRAw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAGER.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAITA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAITAw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAPol.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILAPolw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILASPA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILASPAw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILATur.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\ILATurw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\2NDLEVEL.css
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\accbios.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\accmail.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\asterisk.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\attention2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Back.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\backwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\bb99g464.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\bb99g483.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\bssctoc1.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\bssctoc2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\bssctoc3.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\buttonkv4.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\closed.gif
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\configpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:08 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\contwin2.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\credisk.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_backwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_contwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_contwin2.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_filewin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ftrdl.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ftrend.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ftrloc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ftropt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ftrsel.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ftrstr.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_ILA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_mapwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_pwcwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_pwnwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsbck.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rscon.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsfac.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsfile.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsmiglo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsmigpa.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsmigst.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsopt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_rsstr.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_syswin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\dwnfiles.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\encryptp.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\EXPTXT.js
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\filewin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Forward.gif
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftrdl.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftrend.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftropt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftrsel.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftrsel.htm.bak
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftrstr.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\FUL_NOPCDR\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\FUL_NOPCDR\diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\FUL_NOPCDR\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\FUL_NOPCDR\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\FUL_NOPCDR\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\FUL_NOPCDR\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\f_configpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\f_diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\f_netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\f_recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\f_recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\f_welcome.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\hddfiles.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILABRA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILABRAo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILABRAw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILACzh.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILACzho.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILACzhw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAENG.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAENGo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAENGw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAFRA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAFRAo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAFRAw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAGER.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAGERo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAGERw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAITA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAITAo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAITAw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAPol.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAPolo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILAPolw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILASPA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILASPAo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILASPAw.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILATur.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILATuro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:09 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILATurw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\indexxold.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Jpn.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Jpnw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Kor.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Koro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Korw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\LeftFrSt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\legal.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\loginfo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\mapdrive.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\mapwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\migback.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\MINUS.gif
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\modpass.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\multwndw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\m_configpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\m_diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\m_netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\contwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\c_logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ftrloc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\ILA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Jpno.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\m_recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\s_configpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\m_recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\m_welcome.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Note2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\nwerror.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\dwnfiles.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILABRA.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILACzh.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILAENG.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILAFRA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILAGER.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILAITA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILAPol.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILASPA.HTM
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\ILATur.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\Jpn.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\Kor.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\Prc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\Tai.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\vewinfo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_FULL\WPEeula.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_RRU\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_RRU\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_RRU\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_RRU\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\OEM_RRU\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\open.gif
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\partrec.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\PLUS.gif
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Prc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Prco.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Prcw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\pwcwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\pwmwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\pwnwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\recback.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\recovcd2.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\recpass.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_NOPCDR\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_NOPCDR\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_NOPCDR\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_NOPCDR\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_NOPCDR\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_PCDR\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_PCDR\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_PCDR\logwin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_PCDR\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_PCDR\recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_UINST\contentx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_UINST\indexx.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\RRU_UINST\recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsbck.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rscon.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsfac.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsfac.htm.bak
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsfile.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsmiglo.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsmigpa.htm
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:10 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsmigst.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsopt.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\rsstr.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\spacer.gif
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\startdiag.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\startpc.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\syswin.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\s_diagpro.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\s_netcomm.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\s_recovew.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\s_recovop.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\s_welcome.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Tai.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Taio.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\Taiw.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\testctab.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\testitab.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\TOC.CSS
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\toc1.gif
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\toc2.gif
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\trobtik.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\usebrow.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\vewfav.htm
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7002 0
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 7003 1
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Note]: 10002 3
06/04/06 13:44:11 [Info]: Hidden file: c:\preboot\helps\IT\

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 13:51:57  profilanswer

voila apparamment il a identifié le process system pid 4

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 14:01:04  profilanswer

Qu'en penses tu ?

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 14:04:27  profilanswer

c'est quand même très rare d'obtenir des rapports aussi longs. Et ce n'est pas parce que blbeta trouve des éléments masqués qu'ils sont nécessairement nuisibles. En regardant leurs emplacements, je n'en ai pas l'impression en tout cas.
Donc regarde si en mode sans échec tu as toujours ce processus à 100%
tant que tu es dans c e,mode, profites-en pour supprimer le maximum de fichiers dans ces répertoires

Citation :

Ouvrir un dossier, n'importe lequel. Aller dans :
Outils/Options des dossiers/Affichage et
- cocher "afficher les dossiers et fichiers cachés",  
- décocher "masquer les extensions des fichiers dont le type est connu".
- décocher masquer les fichiers protégés du système d'exploitation (recommandé)"
"appliquer" et "ok"

* C:\Temp <- tout ce qu'il y a dedans, et pas le dossier "Temp"
* C:\Windows (ou WinNT)\Temp<- tout ce qu'il y a dedans, et pas le dossier "Temp"
* C:\Documents and Settings\tous les comptes\Local Settings\Temp <- tout ce qu'il y a dedans, et pas le dossier "Temp"
* C:\Documents and Settings\tous les comptes\Local Settings\Temporary Internet Files <- tout ce qu'il y a dedans, et pas le dossier "Temporary Internet Files"
* C:\Documents and Settings\tous les comptes\Cookies <- tout ce qu'il y a dedans, et pas le dossier "Cookies"
*C:\Documents and Settings\Nom\Application Data\Sun\Java\Deployment\cache\javapi\v1.0\jar <- tout ce qu'il y a dedans, et pas le dossier "jar"
* vider la corbeille

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 14:33:59  profilanswer

je n'ai pas le pb en mode sans echec avec prise en charge du réseau

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 14:48:36  profilanswer

J'ai encore le problème en mode normal.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 15:00:39  profilanswer

fais quand même ce scan en ligne
s'il ne trouve rien, tu pourrais peut etre regarder au niveau des programmes lancés au démarrage (msconfig/démarrage), il y en a beaucoup et peut-etre que l'un d'eux est responsable de ton problème. L'astuce consiste alors à tous les décocher, redémarrer et vérifier si tout est redevenu normal. Si c'est le cas, recocher les programmes, un par un , en redémarrant et vérifiant à chaque fois, cela permet d'isoler l'éventuel coupable.
Ceci parcequ'en mode sans échec, tu n'as pas de pb

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 15:04:40  profilanswer

C'est exactement ce que je pensais.
ce que je trouve incroyable c'est qu'aucun anti spy ou anti virus n'ait trouvé le pb.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 15:07:49  profilanswer

dans l'hypothèse de msconfig, je ne pensais pas à un malware, mais plutot à une sorte de conflit logiciel.
S'il s'agit d'un malware par contre, il faudra fouiller un peu plus, bien qu'on ait déjà pas mal entamé cette démarche. On va voir ce que trouve Kapersky, déjà.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 16:28:17  profilanswer

Salut à toi,
Je te suggère d'essayer Testor qui pourrait te sauver dans ce genre de cas :
1-2-3)Télécharge-le ->  
4) Choisis "Enregistrer" et mets-le à un endroit où tu vas le retrouver  
5) Clique-droit sur "", puis sur "Extraire tout" (Si Winzip ou Winrar est installé sur ton ordi, ça peut être "Extract To Folder" ou "Décompresser vers le dossier..." )  
6) Ouvre le dossier décompressé et double-clique sur "Lisez-moi.txt"  
7) Ferme "Lisez-moi" après l'avoir lu et double-clique sur "Testor.bat"  
8) Clique sur "Exécuter" --> Une fenêtre noire s'ouvre  
9) Appuie sur "Enter" et tape ton prénom, puis "Enter"  
10) Sauvegarde de la base des registres, accepte (ça prend quelques secondes...)  
11) Continue (il enregistre tes paramètres dans le dossier "r4c10" )  
12) Accepte l'optimisation  
13) Accélérer XP --> Appuie sur "O"  
14) Supprimer les BHO --> "N"  
15) Réparer un desktop Hijacking --> "O"  ---> Tu devras remettre ton fond d'écran  
16) Désinfecter Winlogon --> "O" ---> Tu devras ré-installer ton antivirus (TRES PEU probable), le système de vérification Microsoft (WGA -> de toutes façons inutile pour toi) et peut-être les pilotes de ton clavier...
17) Réparer le fichier "Host" --> "O"  
18) Supprimer CWS --> "O"  
19) Infecté par Haxdoor ? --> "O"
20) Présence de Rootkits ? --> "O"  
19) ... mise à jour --> "N"  
20) Gestionnaire des tâches --> "N"  
20) ... centre de sécurité --> "N"        
21) Processus invisibles avec HijackThis ? --> "O"  
22) Télécharger la dernière version d'HijackThis --> "N"  
23) Télécharger AVG --> "N"  
24) Cleanup --> "O"  
25) Choisis "Enregistrer" et mets-le à un endroit où tu vas le retrouver  
26) Enregistrement des paramètres du réseau, accepte  
27) Chargeur de démarrage, idem  
28) Sauvegarder les exe du system --> "O" et ça défile !  
29) Suppression de l'espion : Ok  
30) Désinstaller Windows Messenger --> "N"  
30) Nettoyage du dossier Prefetch : Ok  
31) Services démarrés : Ok  
32) Désactivation de l'indexation : Ok  
33) Lorsque s'ouvre la fenêtre de MsConfig, désactive tous les services non-signés Microsoft (et qui ne correspondent pas à ton anitivirus) ainsi que tous les programmes présents dans "Démarrage" (sauf l'antivirus et ctfmon si présent)
34) Ferme toutes les fenêtres et redémarre...
35) Qu'en est-il de ton problème ?
*** Comme c'est, dirait-on, un portable, il se peut que ta machine lance automatiquement une vérification du disque au prochain démarrage... laisse-le aller jusqu'au bout !!!!

Message édité par wawaseb le 04-06-2006 à 17:30:09
Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:09:27  profilanswer

salut wawaseb
pourquoi désinfecter winlogon ?

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:12:36  profilanswer

Parce que d'après Google, "notifyf2.dll" est mauvais,
et parce que si le problème de notre ami vient d'un conflit au niveau des DLL de "Notify", il sera résolu...   ;)
O20 - Winlogon Notify: ACNotify - ACNotify.dll (file missing)  
O20 - Winlogon Notify: tpfnf2 - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\notifyf2.dll  
O20 - Winlogon Notify: tphotkey - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\tphklock.dll  
O20 - Winlogon Notify: WgaLogon - C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\WgaLogon.dll  
En effet, il me semble que les deux premières ne correspondent à rien...

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:15:49  profilanswer

notifyf2.dll -> celle-là est louche en effet, mais rien par virustotal...
Testor désenregistre les dll au fait ?

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:19:47  profilanswer

J'ai lu le rapport de virustotal...
Franchement, si un fichier non répertorié nommé notifyf2.dll dans la sous-clé \Winlogon\Notify n'est pas une partie de Malware, appelez-moi "Le Canard"...    ;)
Testor est un programme hyper radical qui remet certaines clés de démarrage par défaut... En fait, il ne laisse d'office que les entrées "normales", accessibles via "msconfig" pour un nettoyage efficace...

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:24:35  profilanswer

je trouve quand même que

Citation :

16) Désinfecter Winlogon --> "O" ---> Tu devras ré-installer ton antivirus, e système de vérification Microsoft (WGA) et peut-être les pilotes de ton clavier...

est une contrainte archi-lourde, mais bon. On aurait pu vérifier ses propriétés/version, etc puis désenregistrer la dll avant de virer la clé.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:28:43  profilanswer

Oui, sauf qu'il ne devra rien ré-installer :
- Microsoft, tout le monde s'en passe très bien, même si la version est légale
- Le clavier continuera probablement à très bien fonctionner
- Son antivirus, contrairement à plein d'autres aujourd'hui, ne semble avoir aucune entrée à cet endroit...
Testor est un batch conçu pour nettoyer VITE et EFFICACEMENT un système, pas pour chipoter en vérifiant des signatures. De toutes façons, tout est réversible...

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:34:15  profilanswer

ok les gars vous battez pas. J'ai passé kaperky sur les zones sensibles et rien.
Je vais faire un coup de testor et on va voir

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:36:43  profilanswer

on ne se bat pas ;)

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:52:54  profilanswer

Bon, j'ai fait tout ça.
A priori il y a un service qui fait deconner system.
Par contre j'ai eu une erreur windows defender au démarrage.

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 17:54:57  profilanswer

Pourrais-tu être plus précis stp ?
Quelle est l'erreur exactement ?
Peux-tu poster une capture d'écran ?
Comment vois-tu que c'est un service ?

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 19:23:31  profilanswer

Ben il y a un service windows defender...

Posté le 04-06-2006 à 19:24:39  profilanswer

j'ai reactivé certains services et j'ai re eu le pb. donc je vais faire encore des tests en desactivant progressivement tout les services jusqu'a que cela ne se fasse plus.

Posté le   profilanswer

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