J'ai eu le même problème. Finalement c'est du au logiciel Intellipoint fourni avec certaines souris Microsoft. Pas vraiment de solution mise à part supprimer le fichier ipoint.exe situé dans le dossier d'installation du programme.
J'ai trouvé la réponse ici http://www.microsoft.com/communiti [...] &sloc=&p=1
I have discovered a MAJOR bug in Microsoft Intellipoint. The application
(I'm using version, which is the latest), causes severe display
problems of menus and windows, with windows and menus failing to paint
(display) properly, in a variety of applications under Windows XP SP2 as well
as XP SP3 (Windows XP Service Pack 2 and Service Pack 3). Also, the severity
of the problems vary from application to application; among the worst
affected are Adobe Soundbooth CS3, Adobe After Effects CS3, and Adobe
Premiere Pro CS3. There are other side effects as well, such as various
Windows OS windows, as well as icons such as user desktop icons, being
repainted (redrawn or refreshed) seemingly at random and when entirely
unnecessary. When I first encountered these problems, I thought surely it
was a graphics driver compatibility issue with XP SP3, and that was after
many hours of trying to track the issue down. Well, boys and girls, it turns
out the problem is Microsoft's own Intellipoint. Killing the ipoint.exe
application under Windows Tasks resolves all the display issues mentioned.
Je peux toujours utiliser la souris comme avant donc tout bénef