Q23. I've heard about something called component. What's that?
Component is kind of like the US and Japanese equivalent of RGB Scart. In fact, it is different to RGB, but the picture quality is virtually identical.
Although the Gamecube and X-Box can not currently be connected to RGB Scart, they can be connected to component.
Q24. I thought component was supposed to be rubbish?
No, that's composite. The two are often confused with one another.
Q25. Can you get TVs with component connections in the UK?
Some do, usually the more expensive Toshibas. This will be expanded in our FAQ about televisions due shortly. If your telly does support component, you can simply plug a PS2, Gamecube or X-Box straight into the telly. Older consoles like the SNES don't support component out of the box.
Q26. My TV hasn't got component. Can you get a component to Scart converter?
Yes, but only proper studio equipment which is very, very expensive. You'd be better off buying a new TV.
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