Sujet : [phpBB]Probleme de connection |
soda27 |
UP :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: :hot: |
soda27 |
mais en fait, j'ai toujours un probleme !!!!!
je peux maintenant me connecter comme je veux avec le lien connection, mais il enregistre pas dans un cookie les parametres !!!!! ;(
Et pourtant, j'ai bien tout channger dans le fichier config.php ... mon fichier config.php
Code :
- <?php
- /***************************************************************************
- config.php - description
- -------------------
- begin : Sat June 17 2000
- copyright : (C) 2001 The phpBB Group
- email :
- $Id: config.php,v 1.66 2001/04/25 04:32:15 thefinn Exp $
- ***************************************************************************/
- /***************************************************************************
- *
- * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, orption) any later version.
- *
- ***************************************************************************/
- // This is the only setting you should need to change in this file.
- // You should set this to the web path to your phpBB installation.
- // For example, if you have phpBB installed in:
- //
- // Leave this setting EXACTLY how it is, you're done.
- // If you have phpBB installed in:
- //
- // Change this to:
- // $url_phpbb = "/forums";
- // Once this is set you should not need to modify anything else in this file.
- $url_phpbb = "/forum";
- // -- Edit the following ONLY if you cannot login and $url_phpbb is set correclty --
- // You shouldn't have to change any of these 5.
- $url_admin = "$url_phpbb/admin";
- $url_images = "$url_phpbb/images";
- $url_smiles = "$url_images/smiles";
- $url_phpbb_index = $url_phpbb . '/index.' . $phpEx;
- $url_admin_index = $url_admin . '/index.' . $phpEx;
- /* -- Cookie settings (lastvisit, userid) -- */
- // Most likely you can leave this be, however if you have problems
- // logging into the forum set this to your domain name, without
- // the http://
- // For example, if your forum is at then
- // set this value to
- // $cookiedomain = "";
- $cookiedomain = "";
- // It should be safe to leave this alone as well. But if you do change it
- // make sure you don't set it to a variable already in use such as 'forum'.
- $cookiename = "phpBB";
- // It should be safe to leave these alone as well.
- $cookiepath = $url_phpbb;
- $cookiesecure = false;
- /* -- Cookie settings (sessions) -- */
- // This is the cookie name for the sessions cookie, you shouldn't have to change it
- $sesscookiename = "phpBBsession";
- // This is the number of seconds that a session lasts for, 3600 == 1 hour.
- // The session will exprire if the user dosan't view a page on the forum within
- // this amount of time.
- $sesscookietime = 3600;
- /**
- * This setting is only for people running Microsoft IIS.
- * If you're running IIS and your users cannot login using
- * the "login" link on the main page, but they CAN login
- * through other pages like preferences, then you should
- * change this setting to 1. Otherwise, leave at set
- * to 0, because this is an ugly hack around some IIS junk.
- */
- // Change to "define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);" if you need to.
- define('USE_IIS_LOGIN_HACK', 1);
- /* Stuff for priv msgs - not in DB yet: */
- // Allow BBCode in private messages?
- $allow_pmsg_bbcode = 1;
- // Allow HTML in private message?
- $allow_pmsg_html = 0;
- /* -- You shouldn't have to change anything after this point */
- /* -- Cosmetic Settings -- */
- $FontColor = "#FFFFFF";
- $textcolorMessage = "#FFFFFF"; // Message Font Text Color
- $FontSizeMessage = "1"; // Message Font Text Size
- $FontFaceMessage = "Arial"; // Message Font Text Face
- /* -- Images -- */
- $reply_wquote_image = "$url_images/quote.gif";
- $folder_image = "$url_images/folder.gif";
- $hot_folder_image = "$url_images/hot_folder.gif";
- $newposts_image = "$url_images/red_folder.gif";
- $hot_newposts_image = "$url_images/hot_red_folder.gif";
- $posticon = "$url_images/posticon.gif";
- $edit_image = "$url_images/edit.gif";
- $profile_image = "$url_images/profile.gif";
- $email_image = "$url_images/email.gif";
- $locked_image = "$url_images/lock.gif";
- $locktopic_image = "$url_images/lock_topic.gif";
- $deltopic_image = "$url_images/del_topic.gif";
- $movetopic_image = "$url_images/move_topic.gif";
- $unlocktopic_image = "$url_images/unlock_topic.gif";
- $ip_image = "$url_images/ip_logged.gif";
- $www_image = "$url_images/www_icon.gif";
- $icq_add_image = "$url_images/icq_add.gif";
- $images_aim = "$url_images/aim.gif";
- $images_yim = "$url_images/yim.gif";
- $images_msnm = "$url_images/msnm.gif";