Sujet : [SQL/Oracle] |
ddr555 |
mais ce code là est dans une prod stock ??? si ça retourne rien, c'est normal, il faut passer les arguments en IN OUT dans l'appel de la procédure. |
zejeanmi a écrit a écrit :
En direct de la doc oracle :
(langage PL/SQL - ce n'est pas du SQL) :
Use the RETURNING Clause
Often, applications need information about the row affected by a SQL operation, for example, to generate a report or take a subsequent action. The INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE
statements can include a RETURNING clause, which returns column values from the affected row into PL/SQL variables or host variables. This eliminates the need to SELECT the row after
an insert or update, or before a delete. As a result, fewer network round trips, less server CPU time, fewer cursors, and less server memory are required. In the following example, you update the salary of an employee and at the same time retrieve the employee's name and new salary into PL/SQL variables. PROCEDURE update_salary (emp_id NUMBER) IS
name VARCHAR2(15);
new_sal NUMBER;
UPDATE emp SET sal = sal * 1.1
WHERE empno = emp_id
RETURNING ename, sal INTO name, new_sal;
donc tu dois récupérer 0 et non 1 comme valeur dans :numb
J'ai plutot 489526774135, c'est normal ? |