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Sujet : [PHP] Quelqu'un utilise le script BIFF ici? | |
nicmic | <?php /****************************************************************************** * Script : class BiffWriter * Author : Christian Novak - cnovak@gmx.net * Copyright : (c) 2001 Christian Novak * History : rev 1.5 bugfix byte order on non Intel cpu's submitted by * : John O'Donnel - johno@innismaggiore.com * * Documentation : http://home.arcor.de/cnovak * * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it * and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser * General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the * implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A * PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * *******************************************************************************/ class BiffWriter { var $picture = array ('', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ); var $parse_order = array ( ID_BOF_REC, ID_BACKUP_REC, ID_PRINTROWHEADERS_REC, ID_PRINTGRIDLINES_REC, ID_FONT_REC, ID_HEADER_REC, ID_FOOTER_REC, ID_LEFT_MARGIN_REC, ID_RIGHT_MARGIN_REC, ID_TOP_MARGIN_REC, ID_BOTTOM_MARGIN_REC, ID_COL_WIDTH, ID_FORMAT_COUNT, ID_FORMAT_REC, ID_CELL_TEXT, ID_CELL_NUMBER, ID_IS_PROTECT_REC, ID_IS_PASSWORD_REC, ID_EOF_REC ); var $eof = array(0x26, 0x41, 0x28, 0xa9, 0x29, 0x20, 0x62, 0x79, 0x20, 0x63, 0x6e, 0x6f, 0x76, 0x61, 0x6b, 0x40, 0x67, 0x6d, 0x78, 0x2e, 0x6e, 0x65, 0x74); var $stream = array(); var $outfile = string; var $maxcolwidth = array(); var $err_level = int; var $fonts = int; // ***** constructor ***** function BiffWriter() { define('FONT_0', 0); define('FONT_1', 0x40); define('FONT_2', 0x80); define('FONT_3', 0xC0); // ***** cell alignment properties & border properties, bit 0 & 1 is exclusive, bit 2..7 added ***** define('ALIGN_GENERAL', 0x0); define('ALIGN_LEFT', 0x1); define('ALIGN_CENTER', 0x2); define('ALIGN_RIGHT', 0x3); define('CELL_FILL', 0x4); define('CELL_LEFT_BORDER', 0x8); define('CELL_RIGHT_BORDER', 0x10); define('CELL_TOP_BORDER', 0x20); define('CELL_BOTTOM_BORDER',0x40); define('CELL_BOX_BORDER', 0x78); define('CELL_SHADED', 0x80); // cell font index, maximum 4 fonts per worksheet define('FONT_NORMAL', 0x0); define('FONT_BOLD', 0x1); define('FONT_ITALIC', 0x2); define('FONT_UNDERLINE', 0x4); define('FONT_STRIKEOUT', 0x8); // ***** cell hidden/locked attributes ***** define('CELL_LOCKED', 0x40); define('CELL_HIDDEN', 0x80); define('XLS_DATE', 2415033); // ***** BIFF stream record definitions ***** define('ID_BOF_REC', 9); define('LEN_BOF_REC', 4); define('VERSION', 2); define('TYPE', 10); define('ID_BACKUP_REC', 64); define('LEN_BACKUP_REC', 2); define('ID_PRINTROWHEADERS_REC', 42); define('LEN_PRINTROWHEADERS_REC', 2); define('ID_PRINTGRIDLINES_REC', 43); define('LEN_PRINTGRIDLINES_REC', 2); define('ID_HEADER_REC', 20); define('LEN_HEADER_REC', 1); define('ID_FOOTER_REC', 21); define('LEN_FOOTER_REC', 1); define('ID_LEFT_MARGIN_REC', 38); define('ID_RIGHT_MARGIN_REC', 39); define('ID_TOP_MARGIN_REC', 40); define('ID_BOTTOM_MARGIN_REC', 41); define('LEN_MARGIN_REC', 8); define('ID_IS_PASSWORD_REC' , 19); define('LEN_PASSWORD_REC', 2); define('ID_IS_PROTECT_REC', 18); define('ID_FONT_REC', 49); define('LEN_FONT_REC', 5); define('ID_FORMAT_COUNT', 0x1F); define('LEN_FORMAT_COUNT', 2); define('ID_FORMAT_REC', 30); define('LEN_FORMAT_REC', 1); define('ID_EOF_REC', 0xA); define('ID_CELL_TEXT', 4); define('LEN_CELL_TEXT', 8); define('ID_CELL_NUMBER', 3); define('LEN_CELL_NUMBER', 0xF); define('ID_COL_WIDTH', 36); define('LEN_COL_WIDTH', 4); define('MAX_ROWS', 65535); define('MAX_COLS', 255); define('MAX_FONTS', 4); $this->outfile = 'sample.xls'; $this->err_level = 1; // turn warnings on $this->fonts = 0; $this->BOF(); } // end constructor function xlsAddFormat($picstring) { array_push($this->picture, $picstring); return(count($this->picture) -1); } // end func function xlsPrintMargins($left = .5, $right = .5, $top = .5, $bottom = .5) { array_push($this->stream, ID_LEFT_MARGIN_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_LEFT_MARGIN_REC) . pack('v', LEN_MARGIN_REC) . pack('d', $left)); array_push($this->stream, ID_RIGHT_MARGIN_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_RIGHT_MARGIN_REC) . pack('v', LEN_MARGIN_REC) . pack('d', $right)); array_push($this->stream, ID_TOP_MARGIN_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_TOP_MARGIN_REC) . pack('v', LEN_MARGIN_REC) . pack('d', $top)); array_push($this->stream, ID_BOTTOM_MARGIN_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_BOTTOM_MARGIN_REC) . pack('v', LEN_MARGIN_REC) . pack('d', $bottom)); } // end func // ***** print FOOTER ***** function xlsFooter($foot) { array_push($this->stream, ID_FOOTER_REC); foreach($this->eof as $x) {$foot .= chr($x); } $len = strlen($foot); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_FOOTER_REC) . pack('v', LEN_FOOTER_REC + $len) . pack('C', $len) . $foot); } // end func // ***** print header ***** function xlsHeader($head) { array_push($this->stream, ID_HEADER_REC); $len = strlen($head); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_HEADER_REC) . pack('v', LEN_HEADER_REC + $len) . pack('C', $len) . $head); } // end func // ***** set print grid lines flag ***** function xlsSetPrintGridLines() { array_push($this->stream, ID_PRINTGRIDLINES_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_PRINTGRIDLINES_REC) . pack('v', LEN_PRINTGRIDLINES_REC) . pack('v', 1)); } // end func // ***** set print row headers flag ***** function xlsSetPrintHeaders() { array_push($this->stream, ID_PRINTROWHEADERS_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_PRINTROWHEADERS_REC) . pack('v', LEN_PRINTROWHEADERS_REC) . pack('v', 1)); } // end func // ***** set backup file flag ***** function xlsSetBackup() { array_push($this->stream, ID_BACKUP_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_BACKUP_REC) . pack('v', LEN_BACKUP_REC) . pack('v', 1)); } // end func // ***** set file and cell protection ***** function xlsProtectSheet($fpass = FALSE, $fprot = FALSE) { if ($fpass) { array_push($this->stream, ID_IS_PASSWORD_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_IS_PASSWORD_REC) . pack('v', LEN_PASSWORD_REC) . pack('v', 1)); } if ($fprot) { array_push($this->stream, ID_IS_PROTECT_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('vvv', ID_IS_PROTECT_REC, 0x2, 1)); } } // end func // ***** create 4 generic fonts ***** function xlsSetDefFonts() { $this->xlsSetFont('Arial', 10, FONT_NORMAL); $this->xlsSetFont('Courier New', 10, FONT_NORMAL); $this->xlsSetFont('Times New Roman', 10, FONT_NORMAL); $this->xlsSetFont('System', 10, FONT_NORMAL); } function xlsSetColWidth($row1, $row2, $width) { for ($x = $row1; $x <= $row2; $x++) { $this->maxcolwidth[$x] = $width; } } // end func function SetColWidth($firstrow, $lastrow, $width) { $width++; array_push($this->stream, ID_COL_WIDTH); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_COL_WIDTH). pack('v', LEN_COL_WIDTH). pack('C', $firstrow). pack('C', $lastrow). pack('v', $width * 256)); } // end func function BOF() { array_push($this->stream, ID_BOF_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('vvvv', ID_BOF_REC, LEN_BOF_REC, VERSION, TYPE)); } function EOF() { array_push($this->stream, ID_EOF_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_EOF_REC)); } function xlsParse() { // ***** set column width's ***** foreach($this->maxcolwidth as $key => $value) { $this->SetcolWidth($key, $key, $value); } $this->EOF(); $this->SetDefFormat(); header("Expires: Mon, 1 Apr 1974 05:00:00 GMT" ); header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D,d M YH:i:s" ) . " GMT" ); header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate" ); header("Pragma: no-cache" ); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$this->outfile\r\n\r\n" ); header("Content-Type: application/octet-stream" ); $len = count($this->parse_order); for ($x = 0 ; $x < $len; $x++) { $code = array_shift($this->parse_order); $key = constant($code); $match = array_keys($this->stream, $key); foreach($match as $value) { print $this->stream[$value + 1]; } } } // end func function xlsWriteText($row, $col, $value, $col_width = 0, $cell_picture = 0, $cell_font = 0, $cell_alignment = ALIGN_GENERAL, $cell_status = 0) { $len = strlen($value); if ($row > MAX_ROWS AND $this->err_level > 0) { trigger_error('xlsWriteText: MAX_ROWS exceeded', E_USER_ERROR); } if ($col > MAX_COLS AND $this->err_level > 0) { trigger_error('xlsWriteText: MAX_COLS exceeded', E_USER_ERROR); } if ($len > 256 AND $this->err_level > 0 ) { trigger_error('xlsWriteText: too many chars', E_USER_ERROR); } if ($col_width > 0) { $this->maxcolwidth[$col] = $col_width; } if ($col_width == 0) { if ($this->maxcolwidth[$col] < $len) { $this->maxcolwidth[$col] = $len; } } array_push($this->stream, ID_CELL_TEXT); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_CELL_TEXT). pack('v', LEN_CELL_TEXT + $len). pack('v', $row). pack('v', $col). pack('C', $cell_status). pack('C', $$cell_picture + $cell_font). pack('C', $cell_alignment). pack('C', $len). $value); } function xlsWriteNumber($row, $col, $value, $col_width = 0, $cell_picture = 0, $cell_font = 0, $cell_alignment = ALIGN_RIGHT, $cell_status = 0) { if ($row > MAX_ROWS AND $this->err_level > 0) { trigger_error('xlsWriteText: MAX_ROWS exceeded', E_USER_ERROR); } if ($col > MAX_COLS AND $this->err_level > 0) { trigger_error('xlsWriteText: MAX_COLS exceeded', E_USER_ERROR); } $len = strlen(strval($value)); if ($col_width > 0) { $this->maxcolwidth[$col] = $col_width; } if ($col_width == 0) { if ($this->maxcolwidth[$col] < $len) { $this->maxcolwidth[$col] = $len; } } array_push($this->stream, ID_CELL_NUMBER); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_CELL_NUMBER). pack('v', LEN_CELL_NUMBER). pack('v', $row). pack('v', $col). pack('C', $cell_status). pack('C', $cell_picture + $cell_font). pack('C', $cell_alignment). pack('d', $value)); } // end func function SetDefFormat() { $y = count($this->picture); array_push($this->stream, ID_FORMAT_COUNT); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_FORMAT_COUNT). pack('v', LEN_FORMAT_COUNT). pack('v', 0x15)); for ($x = 0; $x < $y; $x++) { $len_format_str = strlen($this->picture[$x]); array_push($this->stream, ID_FORMAT_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_FORMAT_REC). pack('v', LEN_FORMAT_REC + $len_format_str). pack('C', $len_format_str). $this->picture[$x]); } } function xlsSetFont($font_name, $font_size = 10, $font_format = FONT_NORMAL) { if ($this->fonts > 3 AND $this->err_level > 0) { trigger_error('BIFFWRITER ERROR: too many fonts', E_USER_ERROR); } $len = strlen($font_name); array_push($this->stream, ID_FONT_REC); array_push($this->stream, pack('v', ID_FONT_REC). pack('v', LEN_FONT_REC + $len). pack('v', $font_size * 20). pack('C', $font_format). pack('C', 0x0). pack('C', $len). $font_name); $this->fonts++; } // end func // return date integer based on 1.1.1900 count not on Unix timestamp function xlsDate($month, $day, $year) { return(juliantojd($month, $day, $year) - XLS_DATE + 1); } // end func } // end class ?> Voilà tout le code de biff.php... |
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