stef57 |
Correction du code mais tjr pareil...
Private Sub About_Click()
MsgBox "Copyright © 2001 Stéphane Ludwig E-mail:", 64, "About"
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim a, b, c, d, n, x, y, z As Integer
a = Text1(0).Text
b = Text1(1).Text
c = Text1(2).Text
d = Text1(3).Text
For n = 3 To d
For x = 2 To a
For y = 2 To b
For z = 2 To c
If (z ^ n) = ((x ^ n) + (y ^ n)) Then GoTo fin
Next z
Next y
Next x
Next n
MsgBox "Rien n'a été trouvé", 16, "Fin de la recherche"
fin: Text1(4).Text = x
Text1(5).Text = y
Text1(6).Text = z
Text1(7).Text = n
End Sub
D idées de correction ??? |