Citation :
24Oct01 - Beginning October 17, 2001, it is permissable to redistribute the "javac" compiler with the Java 2 Runtime Environment (JRE). See the Sun Binary Code License and the JRE README for terms and conditions. Items that have been added to the section in the README entitled "Redistribution of Java 2 SDK files" are: bin/javac.exe (Microsoft Windows)
bin/javac and bin/i386/native_threads/javac (Linux and Solaris IA)
bin/javac and bin/sparc/native_threads/javac (Solaris SPARC)
lib/tools.jar (on all platforms) These files include the Java 2 SDK tools classes, including the classes for the "javac" compiler. Additionally, on Microsoft Windows platforms it is now permissible to redistribute the Java HotSpot Server VM (also known as "C2" ) with the Microsoft Windows version of the JRE. (C2 is already included in the JREs for Linux and the SolarisTM operating environment.) Items that have been added to the README section on "Redistribution of Java 2 SDK files" are: jre/bin/server/jvm.dll