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  comment inserer HTML dans un VBS


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comment inserer HTML dans un VBS

Posté le 26-09-2006 à 08:41:41  profilanswer

Pour la réalisation d'un projet, je voudrais réaliser en vbs une fenetre html pour y inserer un formulaire(cela me permettrais de contourner la lacune de VBS concernant les formulaires).
Mais je ne sais comment coder cela, de l'html dans un vbs et non l'inverse.
Je sais que cela est possible car j'ai trouvé un vbs qui fait une barre de progressionen HTML, je vous fournit sa source.
' ProgressBar.vbs
' VBScript to display a progress bar
' JSWare
' ------------------------------------------------------------------'  
Dim bar, i
Set bar = new IEProgBar
With bar  
.Move -1, -1, 500, -1
.Units = 30
For i = 0 to 28
WScript.Sleep 500
End With  
Set bar = Nothing  
'-------- Start Progress bar Class ----------------------------------
Class IEProgBar
Private FSO, IE, BCol, TCol, ProgCol, ProgNum, ProgCaption, Pic, Q2, sTemp, iProg, ProgTitle
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
On Error Resume Next
Set FSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject" )
sTemp = FSO.GetSpecialFolder(2)
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application" )  
With IE
.AddressBar = False
.menubar = False
.ToolBar = False
.StatusBar = False
.width = 400
.height = 120
.resizable = True
End With  
BCol = "E0E0E4" '--background color.
TCol = "000000" '--caption text color.
ProgCol = "0000A0" '--progress color.
ProgNum = 19 'number of progress units.
ProgCaption = "Progress. . ."
ProgTitle = "Progress"
Q2 = chr(34)
iProg = 0 '--to track progress.
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
On Error Resume Next
Set IE = Nothing  
Set FSO = Nothing  
End Sub
Public Sub Show()
Dim s, i, TS
On Error Resume Next
s = "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>" & ProgTitle & "</TITLE></HEAD>"
s = s & "<BODY SCROLL=" & Q2 & "NO" & Q2 & " BGCOLOR=" & Q2 _
& "#" & BCol & Q2 & " TEXT=" & Q2 & "#" & TCol & Q2 & ">"
If (Pic <> "" ) Then  
s = s & "<IMG SRC=" & Q2 & Pic & Q2 & " ALIGN=" & Q2 & "Left" & Q2 & ">"
End If
If (ProgCaption <> "" ) Then
s = s & "<FONT FACE=" & Q2 & "arial" & Q2 & " SIZE=2>" _
& ProgCaption & "</FONT><BR><BR>"
s = s & "<BR>"
End If
For i = 1 to ProgNum
s = s & "<TD WIDTH=16 HEIGHT=16 ID=" & Q2 & "P" & Q2 & ">"
s = s & "</TR></TABLE></TD></TR></TABLE><BR><BR></BODY></HTML>"  
Set TS = FSO.CreateTextFile(sTemp & "\iebar1.html", True)
TS.Write s
Set TS = Nothing
IE.Navigate "file:///" & sTemp & "\iebar1.html"
IE.visible = True
End Sub
'-- Advance method colors one progress unit.  
' iProg variable tracks how many
'-- units have been colored.
' Each progress unit is a <TD> with ID="P". They can be
'-- accessed in sequence through Document.All.Item.
Public Sub Advance()
On Error Resume Next
If (iProg < ProgNum) and (IE.Visible = True) Then
IE.Document.All.Item("P", (iProg)).bgcolor = Q2 & "#" _
& ProgCol & Q2
iProg = iProg + 1
End If  
End Sub
'--resize and/or position window. Use -1 For any value Not being Set.
Public Sub Move(PixLeft, PixTop, PixWidth, PixHeight)
On Error Resume Next
If (PixLeft > -1) Then IE.Left = PixLeft
If (PixTop > -1) Then IE.Top = PixTop
If (PixWidth > 0) Then IE.Width = PixWidth
If (PixHeight > 0) Then IE.Height = PixHeight
End Sub
'--remove Registry settings that display advertising in the IE title bar.
'-- This change won't show up the first time it's used because the IE
'-- instance has already been created when the method is called.
Public Sub CleanIETitle()
Dim sR1, sR2, SH
On Error Resume Next
sR1 = "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title"
sR2 = "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Window Title"
Set SH = CreateObject("WScript.Shell" )  
SH.RegWrite sR1, "", "REG_SZ"
SH.RegWrite sR2, "", "REG_SZ"
Set SH = Nothing  
End Sub
'------------- Set background color: ---------------------
Public Property Let BackColor(sCol)
If (TestColor(sCol) = True) Then BCol = sCol
End Property
'------------- Set caption color: ---------------------
Public Property Let TextColor(sCol)
If (TestColor(sCol) = True) Then TCol = sCol
End Property
'------------- Set progress color: ---------------------
Public Property Let ProgressColor(sCol)
If (TestColor(sCol) = True) Then ProgCol = sCol
End Property
'------------- Set icon: ---------------------
Public Property Let Icon(sPath)
If (FSO.FileExists(sPath) = True) Then Pic = sPath
End Property
'------------- Set title text: ---------------------
Public Property Let Title(sCap)
ProgTitle = sCap
End Property
'------------- Set caption text: ---------------------
Public Property Let Caption(sCap)
ProgCaption = sCap
End Property
'------------- Set number of progress units: ---------------------
Public Property Let Units(iNum)
ProgNum = iNum
End Property
'--confirm that color variables are valid 6-character hex color codes:
'-- If Not 6 characters Then TestColor = False
'-- If any character is Not 0-9 or A-F Then TestColor = False
Private Function TestColor(Col6)
Dim iB, sB, iB2, Boo1
On Error Resume Next
TestColor = False
If (Len(Col6) <> 6) Then Exit Function
For iB = 1 to 6
sB = Mid(Col6, iB, 1)
iB2 = Asc(UCase(sB))
If ((iB2 > 47) and (iB2 < 58)) or ((iB2 > 64) and (iB2 < 71)) Then
Boo1 = True
Boo1 = False
Exit For
End If
If (Boo1 = True) Then TestColor = True  
End Function
End Class

Posté le 26-09-2006 à 08:41:41  profilanswer

Posté le 26-09-2006 à 14:25:06  profilanswer

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  comment inserer HTML dans un VBS


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