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  requete imbriqué complexe


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requete imbriqué complexe

Posté le 04-09-2012 à 02:04:30  profilanswer

bonjour je suis nouveau sur le forum :) et merci pour les gens qui vont me répondre  
voila j'ai fais cette requête en mysql et elle me renvoi pas de résultat :

Code :
  1. SELECT  DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')) as jojo,m.designation,count(*),(select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')) as nomjour,
  2. str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
  3. idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and
  4. str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
  5. str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')) as res
  6. group by nomjour) as go
  7. from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
  8. idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and
  9. str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
  10. str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')
  11. group by m.designation,jojo

j'aimerai savoir si il ya une erreur dans la syntaxe (quand j’exécute chaque requête séparément ça marche )
merci d'avance

Posté le 04-09-2012 à 02:04:30  profilanswer

Laisse pas trainer ton site
Posté le 04-09-2012 à 14:44:52  profilanswer

SELECT  DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')) as jojo,
        (select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')) as nomjour,
                                        str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate  
                                  from identimotif idm,
                                       identification idf,
                                       motif m  
                                 where idf.idclient=idm.idclient  
                                   and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif  
                                   and str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')
                               ) as res
         group by nomjour
         ) as go
 from identimotif idm,
      identification idf,
      motif m  
where idf.idclient=idm.idclient  
  and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif  
  and str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')
group by m.designation,


Code :
  1. group by m.designation,
  2.         jojo

On met pas d'alias dans un group by

Code :
  1. group by m.designation,
  2.         DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T'))

Et on indente une requete :o

Message édité par KLeMiX le 04-09-2012 à 14:48:08

--------------- Faites vos prono sur la ligue de Volley et défiez vos amis. Des cadeaux en fin d'année
Posté le 05-09-2012 à 01:14:51  profilanswer

bonjour j'ai réussi à la réaliser avec case when  :
select DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) as jour,m.designation ,
case DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) when 'Monday' then count(*)/(select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) as nomjour,
str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y'))='Monday' and
 str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
 str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')) as res
group by nomjour) when 'Friday' then count(*)/(select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) as nomjour,
str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y'))='Friday' and
 str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
 str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')) as res
group by nomjour)
when 'Tuesday' then count(*)/(select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) as nomjour,
str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y'))='Tuesday' and
 str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
 str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')) as res
group by nomjour) when 'Wednesday' then count(*)/(select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) as nomjour,
str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y'))='Wednesday' and
 str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
 str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')) as res
group by nomjour) when 'Thursday' then count(*)/(select count(*) from ( SELECT distinct DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')) as nomjour,
str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')as ladate from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y'))='Thursday' and
 str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T')  between
 str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and  str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')) as res
group by nomjour)   end  from identimotif idm,identification idf,motif m where
idf.idclient=idm.idclient and m.idmotif= idm.idmotif and
str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y %T') between
str_to_date('20/03/12 08:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T') and str_to_date('06/07/12 16:30:00', '%d/%m/%y %T')
group by DAYNAME(str_to_date(datevisite, '%d/%m/%y')),m.designation

Posté le 05-09-2012 à 07:59:59  profilanswer

lol :)
Faut revoir le formatage en premier si tu veux que quelqu'un t'aide.
Sinon a vue de nez il y a moyen de faire ca en beaucoup plus court et lisible en utilisant des JOIN et different group by.
Et surtout, eviter les subselect dans le case, ca va plomber les perfs d'une maniere extraordinaire.

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  requete imbriqué complexe


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