Je viens de tester, sa ne marche toujours pas, d'ailleurs, sa ne prend meme plus en compte ma variable {path}, voici le message d'erreur pourtant tres clair :
We couldn't find configuration defaults, this probably means your include_path is wrong. Your current include path is .;C:\PROGRA~1\EASYPH~1.0B1\\php5\pear\;${path}\www\sit-3.40\
SiT! Requires its libraries to be in the include path which is specified in your php.ini file, modify your php.ini and set the new include path to be .;C:\PROGRA~1\EASYPH~1.0B1\\php5\pear\;${path}\www\sit-3.40\:/includes |
Message édité par freepopo le 01-12-2008 à 20:16:09