xunil2003 | Bonjour,
Je voudrai savoir si il est possible de mettre ce script en php afin d'inscrire les données qui en résulte dans une table Mysql.
Code :
- <html>
- <head>
- <!--//
- This page loads the ActiveHome Pro scripting object and
- uses the RecvAction to populate a string that is displayed
- in the TextArea in the middle of the page. It also can be
- used to pop op the PalmPad sample application for sending
- commands throught the ActiveHome Scripting Interface.
- The script for loading the object is at the end of the page.
- //-->
- <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
- <!--//
- //Create the Popup window for the PalmPad App
- function lPalmPad() {
- window.open("./X10/palmpad/palmpad.html","PalmPad","width=280,height=450,status=1" );
- }
- //-->
- </script>
- </head>
- <body>
- <form name="myForm">
- <center>
- <table><tr><td>
- <input type="button" value="Launch PalmPad" onClick="lPalmPad();"><BR>
- <!--//
- This is the area where the text is displayed. When the CM15A recieves data.
- //-->
- <textarea NAME="text1" rows="24" cols="80" style="background-color:#000000;color:#FFFFFF;"></textarea><BR>
- </form>
- </td></tr>
- </table>
- </center>
- <p>
- <!--//
- Load the ActiveHome Scripting Object. Since the CLSID is correct, the codebase doesn't need a full path for the dll
- //-->
- <OBJECT ID="ActiveHomeObj" width=0 height=0 classid="CLSID:001000AF-2DEF-0208-10B6-DC5BA692C858" codebase="ahscript.dll" standby="Loading X10 net components..." type="application/x-oleobject">
- <!--//
- Read incoming events as they come in using the RecvAction function, parameters as follows:
- commandString = type of command coming in: "recplc" is a powerline signal; "recvrf" is a radio-frequency signal
- param1 = the address of the received command, "a1" to "p16"
- param2 = the command received: a string -- see help documentation for complete reference of PLC and RF commands
- param3 = first string of additional data: dim level for a PLC dim, PLC extended code command data, or the KeyUp/KeyDown/Sequence data for an RF command (see the help for more information)
- param4 = second additional data string: if PLC, data for an extended command; for RF commands, the timestamp of the command
- param5 = unused for now
- param6 = unused for now
- //-->
- <!--//
- Here we build a string out of the received parameters and assign the value of our text area to the new string. This is updated automatically as new commands come in.
- //-->
- <SCRIPT FOR="ActiveHomeObj" EVENT="RecvAction( commandString, param1, param2, param3, param4, param5, param6)" LANGUAGE="Jscript">
- myForm.text1.value = commandString+" "+param1+" "+param2+" "+param3+" "+param4+" "+param5+"\n"+myForm.text1.value;