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  Comment installer un scripts "php-event-calendar"


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Comment installer un scripts "php-event-calendar"

Posté le 15-04-2008 à 23:01:39  profilanswer

Je dois être à coté de la plaque la !
Sa fait longtemps que j'ai pas crée de site web et tout et je ne sais plus trop comment
mettre en place ce type de script !
Merci beaucoup  
Pour info : le script est dispo ici

Posté le 15-04-2008 à 23:01:39  profilanswer

Posté le 16-04-2008 à 11:42:20  profilanswer


Posté le 16-04-2008 à 11:53:03  profilanswer

Et si tu lisais le fichier INSTALL qui est fourni avec le script ?

Feedback : [...] 2666_1.htm
Aigloun foutougrafe
Posté le 16-04-2008 à 11:57:06  profilanswer

Y a pas de technique universel, tu dois avoir un fichier a lire ou un site web qui explique l'installation.

Posté le 16-04-2008 à 13:24:41  profilanswer

Merci de vos messages
Oui j'ai ouvert le fichier d'install avec le bloc note mais je ne comprends pas beaucoup.

Citation :

Installation shouldn't be too difficult, but it may take some tweaking to
get it to work.  The only outside requirements are postgresql, a web
server, php, and preferably SSL.  Authentication is done using user
accounts on the local system (/etc/shadow).  If you're reading this, then
you've probably untarred the source already, so starting from there:
1. Move the calendar and auth directories to some web-accessible place,
preferably with SSL access too.  Don't forget to change the uid of the  
files so your web server can read them.
$ mv calendar /var/www/
$ mv auth /var/www/
$ chown -R root:www-data /var/www/auth /var/www/calendar
2. Create two postgresql databases (I use srccalendar and auth) and input
the table schema (and some sample data) from the included sql-dumps.
$ createdb auth
$ createdb srccalendar
$ psql -f sql-dumps/auth.sql auth
$ psql -f sql-dumps/srccalendar.sql srccalendar
3. If you don't already have a postgres user, you'll need to create one,
possibly two, for calendar access.  (These are users in the postgresql
database, not unix users.)  Grant the appropriate access to the tables. I
give read-only access to guest and read-write to another user.  Nobody
needs to write to the location, category, weekday, or audience tables,
although the associated lists should be writeable for event creation.  No
one should be able to write to the permissions table in the auth db
either, that's not necessary.  
$ createuser guest
$ createuser foo
$ psql auth
auth=> grant select on last_login,permissions,session to guest;
auth=> grant select,insert,update,delete on last_login,session to foo;
auth=> grant select on permissions to foo;
auth=> \connect srccalendar
srccalendar=> grant select on srcaudience,srcaudiencelist,srccategory,
srccalendar-> srccategorylist,srcevent,srclocation,srcweekday,
srccalendar-> srcweekdaylist,srcindex to guest;
srccalendar=> grant select on srcaudience,srccategory,srcweekday,
srccalendar-> srclocation to foo;
srccalendar=> grant select,insert,update,delete on srcevent,srcindex,
srccalendar-> srcweekdaylist,srccategorylist,srcaudiencelist to foo;
4.  Edit calendar/sql/sql.php3 so the functions connect as the appropriate
5.  Edit calendar/includes/ to meet your needs.  You may also
want to edit and to match your site's layout,  
although I would appreciate some sort of recognition to remain at the
6.  Install the appropriate authentication utilities from the php-utils
directory.  There's a Makefile in php-utils to help with this.  By
default it installs things in /usr/local/php3/, but you can change this in
php-utils/auth-whatever/Makefile.  Current options for authentication are
shadow, PAM, and NIS.  shadow gets its information directly from
/etc/shadow.  PAM passes a username and password to PAM.  NIS currently
works the same as shadow, but contacts an NIS server for information.
Some of these things need to be setuid root, so you should su before
installing.  The Makefile also makes them executable only by root and
whatever group is specified in the Makefile (which should be the group of
your web server).
$ cd php-utils
$ su
# make auth-shadow - OR -
# make auth-pam  - OR -
# make auth-nis
# make shadow-install - OR -
# make pam-install - OR -
# make nis-install
7.  Set up access for users to approve, modify, etc events in the
calendar.  This is done in the permissions table in the auth database.  A
given row in permissions will contain some user's unix user ID, a number
signifying permissions, and a location ID to which the given permissions
apply (or -1 if they apply to all locations).  For instance, to grant
access for user spaz (with unix user ID 42) to approve and modify his own
events, use the following statement in psql:
auth=>  insert into permissions ( user_id, location_id, permissions )
auth=>  values ( 42, -1, 17 );
A list of permissions is found in auth/permissions.php3.  Permissions are
combined using a bitwise OR.
If I'm leaving anything out, or if you need help, e-mail, and I'll see what I can do.  You can also check
the accompanying file "DESIGN" for some more information on how the
calendar works.

le 1), il faut mettre tous le dossier dans son ftp donc sa va bien
Apres je pense qu'il faut attribuer des autorisations à quelques fichiers si j'ai bien compris mais la je bloque.
Ensuite, 2) il faut crée des tables SQL mais moi j'en crée souvent avec des fichiers txt qui contenaient deja le code et tout (info : j'utilise free comme hebergeur donc sql chez free)
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider, Merci d'avance et bonne journée à tous

Message édité par Manu27 le 16-04-2008 à 13:27:24
Open your mind
Posté le 16-04-2008 à 18:09:27  profilanswer

fait une bête importation de "sql-dumps/auth.sql" et "sql-dumps/srccalendar.sql" avec PHPMyAdmin par exemple :)


y a un truc que je ne comprends pas, le site parle pour une utilisation avec MySQL et le fichier INSTALL avec PostGreSQL :??:

Message édité par Gavrinis le 16-04-2008 à 18:12:47

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  Comment installer un scripts "php-event-calendar"


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