JohnStark | Bonjour,
J'ai un script et je voudrais afficher une bannière après les 3 posts sur l'index.
Avez vous une idée sur comment modifier mon php pour le permettre ?
Merci d’avance pour votre aide.
Code :
- <?php
- include("include/config.php" );
- include("include/functions/import.php" );
- $thebaseurl = $config['baseurl'];
- $page = intval($_REQUEST[page]);
- $s = stripslashes(strip_tags($_REQUEST['s']));
- STemplate::assign('s',$s);
- if($s == "t" )
- {
- $ftime = time() - (24 * 60 * 60);
- $addsql .= " AND time_added>='$ftime'";
- $addsql2 .= " AND A.time_added>='$ftime'";
- }
- elseif($s == "w" )
- {
- $ftime = time() - (7 * 24 * 60 * 60);
- $addsql .= " AND time_added>='$ftime'";
- $addsql2 .= " AND A.time_added>='$ftime'";
- }
- elseif($s == "m" )
- {
- $ftime = firstDayOfMonth2();
- $addsql .= " AND time_added>='$ftime'";
- $addsql2 .= " AND A.time_added>='$ftime'";
- }
- elseif($s == "y" )
- {
- $ftime = firstDayOfYear2();
- $addsql .= " AND time_added>='$ftime'";
- $addsql2 .= " AND A.time_added>='$ftime'";
- }
- if($page=="" )
- {
- $page = "1";
- }
- $currentpage = $page;
- if ($page >=2)
- {
- $pagingstart = ($page-1)*$config[items_per_page];
- }
- else
- {
- $pagingstart = "0";
- }
- $query1 = "SELECT count(*) as total from posts where active='1' $addsql order by time_added desc limit $config[maximum_results]";
- $query2 = "SELECT * from posts A, categories B where'1' $addsql2 AND A.category=B.CATID order by A.time_added desc limit $pagingstart, $config[items_per_page]";
- $executequery1 = $conn->Execute($query1);
- $totalvideos = $executequery1->fields['total'];
- if ($totalvideos > 0)
- {
- if($executequery1->fields['total']<=$config[maximum_results])
- {
- $total = $executequery1->fields['total'];
- }
- else
- {
- $total = $config[maximum_results];
- }
- $toppage = ceil($total/$config[items_per_page]);
- if($toppage==0)
- {
- $xpage=$toppage+1;
- }
- else
- {
- $xpage = $toppage;
- }
- $executequery2 = $conn->Execute($query2);
- $posts = $executequery2->getrows();
- $beginning=$pagingstart+1;
- $ending=$pagingstart+$executequery2->recordcount();
- $pagelinks="";
- $k=1;
- $theprevpage=$currentpage-1;
- $thenextpage=$currentpage+1;
- if($s != "" )
- {
- $adds = "&s=$s";
- }
- if ($currentpage > 0)
- {
- if($currentpage > 1)
- {
- $pagelinks.="<a href='$thebaseurl/?page=1$adds'>$lang[64]</a> ";
- $pagelinks.="... ";
- $pagelinks.="<a href='$thebaseurl/?page=$theprevpage$adds'>« $lang[65]</a> ";
- STemplate::assign('tpp',$theprevpage);
- }
- $counter=0;
- $lowercount = $currentpage-5;
- if ($lowercount <= 0) $lowercount = 1;
- while ($lowercount < $currentpage)
- {
- $pagelinks.="<a href='$thebaseurl/?page=$lowercount$adds'>$lowercount</a> ";
- $lowercount++;
- $counter++;
- }
- $pagelinks.="<strong>$currentpage</strong> ";
- $uppercounter = $currentpage+1;
- while (($uppercounter < $currentpage+10-$counter) && ($uppercounter<=$toppage))
- {
- $pagelinks.="<a href='$thebaseurl/?page=$uppercounter$adds'>$uppercounter</a> ";
- $uppercounter++;
- }
- if($currentpage < $toppage)
- {
- $pagelinks.="<a href='$thebaseurl/?page=$thenextpage$adds'>$lang[66] »</a> ";
- STemplate::assign('tnp',$thenextpage);
- $pagelinks.="... ";
- $pagelinks.="<a href='$thebaseurl/?page=$toppage$adds'>$lang[67]</a> ";
- }
- }
- }
- $templateselect = "index.tpl";
- STemplate::assign('beginning',$beginning);
- STemplate::assign('ending',$ending);
- STemplate::assign('pagelinks',$pagelinks);
- STemplate::assign('total',$total);
- STemplate::assign('posts',$posts);
- STemplate::display('header.tpl');
- STemplate::display($templateselect);
- STemplate::display('footer.tpl');
- ?>