Voilà :
/* S t d I n p u t . j a v a
Author : Granet Vincent vg@unice.fr
Creation date : 02-Oct-1998 17:48
Last file update: 28-Mar-2003 16:46
Part of this code is an adaptation of methods:
- parseInt from Integer.java
- nextToken from StreamToken.java
- readLine from DataInputStream.java
import java.io.*;
* The StdInput class provides methods to read
* basic type data from standard input.
* @author V. Granet
public class StdInput {
// P R I V A T E S T U F F
private static
PushbackReader stdin = new PushbackReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
private static final int LineBufferLength = 10;
private static long readLong(int radix)
throws IOException
if (radix < Character.MIN_RADIX) {
throw new IOException("radix " + radix +
" less than Character.MIN_RADIX" );
if (radix > Character.MAX_RADIX) {
throw new IOException("radix " + radix +
" greater than Character.MAX_RADIX" );
long result = 0;
boolean negative = false;
long limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE;
long multmin;
int digit, c;
// skip spaces
while (Character.isSpaceChar((char) (c=stdin.read())));
// first char of the number to read
if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
if (c == '-') {
negative = true;
limit = Long.MIN_VALUE;
} else
limit = -Long.MAX_VALUE;
c = stdin.read();
multmin = limit / radix;
digit = Character.digit((char) c,radix);
if (digit < 0)
throw new IOException("Bad integer" );
result = -digit;
while (Character.isDigit((char) (c = stdin.read()))) {
// Accumulating negatively avoids surprises near MAX_VALUE
digit = Character.digit((char) c,radix);
if (digit < 0)
throw new IOException("Bad integer" );
if (result < multmin)
throw new IOException("Bad integer" );
result *= radix;
if (result < limit + digit)
throw new IOException("Bad integer" );
result -= digit;
// push back current character to std input
return negative ? result : -result;
private static double readNumber()
throws IOException
int c, peekc;
boolean negative = false;
// skip spaces
while (Character.isSpaceChar((char) (c=stdin.read())));
// first char of the number to read
boolean neg = false;
if (c == '-' || c == '+') {
if (c == '-') negative = true;
c = stdin.read();
double v = 0;
int decexp = 0;
int seendot = 0;
for (;
if (c == '.' && seendot == 0)
seendot = 1;
else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') {
v = v * 10 + (c - '0');
decexp += seendot;
} else
c = stdin.read();
// push back current character to std input
peekc = c;
if (decexp != 0) {
double denom = 10;
while (decexp > 0) {
denom *= 10;
// do one division of a likely-to-be-more-accurate number
v = v / denom;
return negative ? -v : v;
// P U B L I C M E T H O D S
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>short</code>. Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>short</code>
* @exception IOException
public static short readShort()
throws IOException
return (short) StdInput.readLong(10);
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>short</code>, and go to the first character of the next line.
* Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>short</code>
* @exception IOException
public static short readlnShort()
throws IOException
short s = readShort();
return s;
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>int</code>. Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>int</code>
* @exception IOException
public static int readInt()
throws IOException
return (int) StdInput.readLong(10);
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>int</code>, and go to the first character of the next line.
* Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>int</code>
* @exception IOException
public static int readlnInt()
throws IOException
int i = readInt();
return i;
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>long</code>. Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>long</code>
* @exception IOException
public static long readLong()
throws IOException
return StdInput.readLong(10);
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>long</code>, and go to the first character of the next line.
* Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>long</code>
* @exception IOException
public static long readlnLong()
throws IOException
long l = readLong();
return l;
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>double</code>. Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>double</code>
* @exception IOException
public static double readDouble()
throws IOException
return readNumber();
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>double</code>, and go to the first character of the next line.
* Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>double</code>
* @exception IOException
public static double readlnDouble()
throws IOException
double d = readDouble();
return d;
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>float</code>. Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>float</code>
* @exception IOException
public static float readFloat()
throws IOException
return (float) readNumber();
* Reads from standard input characters which represent a
* <code>float</code>, and go to the first character of the next line.
* Leading spaces are skipped.
* @return a <code>float</code>
* @exception IOException
public static float readlnFloat()
throws IOException
float f = readFloat();
return f;
* Reads next character from standard input.
* @return a <code>char</code>
* @exception IOException
public static char readChar()
throws IOException
return (char) stdin.read();
* Reads next character from standard input,
* and go to the first character of next line
* @return a <code>char</code>
* @exception IOException
public static char readlnChar()
throws IOException
char c = readChar();
return c;
* Reads up to n characters from standard input,
* @param n an <code>int</code>.
* @return a <code>String</code>
* @exception IOException
public static String readString(int n)
throws IOException
char b[] = new char[n];
return new String(b);
* Reads up to the end of line characters from standard input,
* @return a <code>String</code>
* @exception IOException
public static String readLine() throws IOException {
char buf[], lineBuffer[];
int room = LineBufferLength;
int offset = 0;
int c;
buf = lineBuffer = new char[LineBufferLength];
for (;
switch (c = stdin.read()) {
case -1: // EOF
case '\n': break Loop;
case '\r':
int c2 = stdin.read();
if (c2 != '\n') stdin.unread(c2);
break Loop;
if (--room < 0) {
buf = new char[offset + LineBufferLength];
room = buf.length - offset - 1;
System.arraycopy(lineBuffer, 0, buf, 0, offset);
lineBuffer = buf;
buf[offset++] = (char) c;
if (c == -1 && offset == 0) return null;
return String.copyValueOf(buf, 0, offset);
* Go to next line from standard input,
* @exception IOException
public static void readln()
throws IOException
while ((stdin.read()) != '\n');