korben31 | Me reste juste un truc maintenant, j'ai un treeview en asp et j'ai recuperer une fonction qui permet de check tout les sous noeud
Le truk c'est que j'aimerai l'adapter pour faire un lien onclick qui me permette de faire une fonction qui me selectionne toute les checkboxes de mon treeview:
Code :
- function OnTreeClick(evt)
- {
- var src = window.event != window.undefined ? window.event.srcElement : evt.target;
- var isChkBoxClick = (src.tagName.toLowerCase() == "input" && src.type == "checkbox" );
- if(isChkBoxClick)
- {
- var parentTable = GetParentByTagName("table", src);
- var nxtSibling = parentTable.nextSibling;
- //check if nxt sibling is not null & is an element node
- if(nxtSibling && nxtSibling.nodeType == 1)
- {
- if(nxtSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == "div" ) //if node has children
- {
- //check or uncheck children at all levels
- CheckUncheckChildren(parentTable.nextSibling, src.checked);
- }
- }
- //check or uncheck parents at all levels
- CheckUncheckParents(src, src.checked);
- }
- }
- function CheckUncheckChildren(childContainer, check)
- {
- var childChkBoxes = childContainer.getElementsByTagName("input" );
- var childChkBoxCount = childChkBoxes.length;
- for(var i=0;i<childChkBoxCount;i++)
- {
- childChkBoxes[i].checked = check;
- }
- }
- function CheckUncheckParents(srcChild, check)
- {
- var parentDiv = GetParentByTagName("div", srcChild);
- var parentNodeTable = parentDiv.previousSibling;
- if(parentNodeTable)
- {
- var checkUncheckSwitch;
- if(check) //checkbox checked
- {
- var isAllSiblingsChecked = AreAllSiblingsChecked(srcChild);
- if(isAllSiblingsChecked)
- checkUncheckSwitch = true;
- else
- return; //do not need to check parent if any(one or more) child not checked
- }
- else //checkbox unchecked
- {
- checkUncheckSwitch = false;
- }
- var inpElemsInParentTable = parentNodeTable.getElementsByTagName("input" );
- if(inpElemsInParentTable.length > 0)
- {
- var parentNodeChkBox = inpElemsInParentTable[0];
- parentNodeChkBox.checked = checkUncheckSwitch;
- //do the same recursively
- CheckUncheckParents(parentNodeChkBox, checkUncheckSwitch);
- }
- }
- }
- function AreAllSiblingsChecked(chkBox)
- {
- var parentDiv = GetParentByTagName("div", chkBox);
- var childCount = parentDiv.childNodes.length;
- for(var i=0;i<childCount;i++)
- {
- if(parentDiv.childNodes[i].nodeType == 1)
- {
- //check if the child node is an element node
- if(parentDiv.childNodes[i].tagName.toLowerCase() == "table" )
- {
- var prevChkBox = parentDiv.childNodes[i].getElementsByTagName("input" )[0];
- //if any of sibling nodes are not checked, return false
- if(!prevChkBox.checked)
- {
- return false;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- //utility function to get the container of an element by tagname
- function GetParentByTagName(parentTagName, childElementObj)
- {
- var parent = childElementObj.parentNode;
- while(parent.tagName.toLowerCase() != parentTagName.toLowerCase())
- {
- parent = parent.parentNode;
- }
- return parent;
- }