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  jQueryLog new debugging extension for jQuery (feedback request)


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jQueryLog new debugging extension for jQuery (feedback request)

Posté le 13-12-2011 à 21:35:26  profilanswer

I've just released this yesterday and I'm looking for reviews.
It's an edit to jQuery to allow chain logs for faster and simpler debugging.
Pretty much it allows to log both the selectors and return values when doing function chains on jQuery.
This project is pretty new so if you want to blog or tweet about it I would apreciate it as, with more ppl using it and more feedback flowing in I'll be able to get it much better.
One of the functionalities I wish to add in the future is throwing the logs via AJAX so you can debug stuff running on your users interface.
The project's site is hope this can be usefull for many big jquery engineers such as myself. If you feel the examples on the page are not good enought please tell me so I can improve them (both here or as a comment on
My idea is when having a bug in jquery I ended up doing the following
$("#foo" ).parents(".t1" ).find(".t2:last ."+someString+":last" ).text("test" ); // chain with a bug
console.log("#foo" );
console.log($("#foo" ));
console.log(".t1" );
console.log("$("#foo" ).parents(".t1" )" );
console.log(".t2:last ."+someString+":last" );
console.log($("#foo" ).parents(".t1" ).find(".t2:last ."+someString+":last" ));
Writing this was very frustrating, as I guess many already went through it, I've edited jQuery and now released it so others can also use it.
The project's site is hope this can be usefull for many big jquery engineers such as myself. If you feel the examples on the page are not good enought please tell me so I can improve them (both here or as a comment on )

Posté le 13-12-2011 à 21:35:26  profilanswer

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  jQueryLog new debugging extension for jQuery (feedback request)


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