C Library
The elements of the C language library are also included as a subset of the C++ Standard library.
These cover many aspects, from general utility functions and macros to input/output functions and dynamic memory management functions:
<cassert> | assert.h | C Diagnostics Library
<cctype> | ctype.h | Character handling functions
<cerrno> | errno.h | C Errors
<cfloat> | float.h | Characteristics of floating-point types
<ciso646> | iso646.h | ISO 646 Alternative operator spellings
<climits> | limits.h | Sizes of integral types
<clocale> | locale.h | C localization library
<cmath> | math.h | C numerics library
<csetjmp> | setjmp.h | Non local jumps
<csignal> | signal.h | C library to handle signals
<cstdarg> | stdarg.h | Variable arguments handling
<cstdbool> | stdbool.h | Boolean type
<cstddef> | stddef.h | C Standard definitions
<cstdint> | stdint.h | Integer types
<cstdio> | stdio.h | C library to perform Input/Output operations
<cstdlib> | stdlib.h | C Standard General Utilities Library
<cstring> | string.h | C Strings
<ctime> | time.h | C Time Library
<cuchar> | uchar.h | Unicode characters
<cwchar> | wchar.h | Wide characters
<cwctype> | wctype.h | Wide character type
on a une correspondance de nommage header C <toto.h> <----------> header C++ <ctoto>
Message édité par gilou le 02-02-2013 à 00:06:58
There's more than what can be linked! -- Le capitaine qui ne veut pas obéir à la carte finira par obéir aux récifs. -- No jab ? No job ! -- (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻