l3eleg cosmik connection | bonjour à tous,
je cherche à obtenir le spectre d'un fichier wav ouvert sous mathlab, afin d'effectuer une analyse spectrale visant à identifier les notes. J'ai besoin de quelqu'un ayant déjà utiliser FMODex auparavant.
Je me base sur l'exemple d'fmodex s'intitulant "pitchdetection", cet exemple permet d'effectuer une FFT sur le signal et d'en déduire le spectre.
Code :
- /*===============================================================================================
- Pitch detection example.
- Copyright (c), Firelight Technologies Pty, Ltd 2004-2005.
- This example combines recording with spectrum analysis to determine the pitch of the sound
- being recorded.
- ===============================================================================================*/
- #include "inc/fmod.hpp"
- #include "inc/fmod_errors.h"
- #include <windows.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <conio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- void ERRCHECK(FMOD_RESULT result, int i)
- {
- if (result != FMOD_OK)
- {
- printf("(l:%i) FMOD error! (%d) %s\n", i, result, FMOD_ErrorString(result));
- exit(-1);
- }
- }
- static const char *note[120] =
- {
- "C 0", "C#0", "D 0", "D#0", "E 0", "F 0", "F#0", "G 0", "G#0", "A 0", "A#0", "B 0",
- "C 1", "C#1", "D 1", "D#1", "E 1", "F 1", "F#1", "G 1", "G#1", "A 1", "A#1", "B 1",
- "C 2", "C#2", "D 2", "D#2", "E 2", "F 2", "F#2", "G 2", "G#2", "A 2", "A#2", "B 2",
- "C 3", "C#3", "D 3", "D#3", "E 3", "F 3", "F#3", "G 3", "G#3", "A 3", "A#3", "B 3",
- "C 4", "C#4", "D 4", "D#4", "E 4", "F 4", "F#4", "G 4", "G#4", "A 4", "A#4", "B 4",
- "C 5", "C#5", "D 5", "D#5", "E 5", "F 5", "F#5", "G 5", "G#5", "A 5", "A#5", "B 5",
- "C 6", "C#6", "D 6", "D#6", "E 6", "F 6", "F#6", "G 6", "G#6", "A 6", "A#6", "B 6",
- "C 7", "C#7", "D 7", "D#7", "E 7", "F 7", "F#7", "G 7", "G#7", "A 7", "A#7", "B 7",
- "C 8", "C#8", "D 8", "D#8", "E 8", "F 8", "F#8", "G 8", "G#8", "A 8", "A#8", "B 8",
- "C 9", "C#9", "D 9", "D#9", "E 9", "F 9", "F#9", "G 9", "G#9", "A 9", "A#9", "B 9"
- };
- static const float notefreq[120] =
- {
- 16.35f, 17.32f, 18.35f, 19.45f, 20.60f, 21.83f, 23.12f, 24.50f, 25.96f, 27.50f, 29.14f, 30.87f,
- 32.70f, 34.65f, 36.71f, 38.89f, 41.20f, 43.65f, 46.25f, 49.00f, 51.91f, 55.00f, 58.27f, 61.74f,
- 65.41f, 69.30f, 73.42f, 77.78f, 82.41f, 87.31f, 92.50f, 98.00f, 103.83f, 110.00f, 116.54f, 123.47f,
- 130.81f, 138.59f, 146.83f, 155.56f, 164.81f, 174.61f, 185.00f, 196.00f, 207.65f, 220.00f, 233.08f, 246.94f,
- 261.63f, 277.18f, 293.66f, 311.13f, 329.63f, 349.23f, 369.99f, 392.00f, 415.30f, 440.00f, 466.16f, 493.88f,
- 523.25f, 554.37f, 587.33f, 622.25f, 659.26f, 698.46f, 739.99f, 783.99f, 830.61f, 880.00f, 932.33f, 987.77f,
- 1046.50f, 1108.73f, 1174.66f, 1244.51f, 1318.51f, 1396.91f, 1479.98f, 1567.98f, 1661.22f, 1760.00f, 1864.66f, 1975.53f,
- 2093.00f, 2217.46f, 2349.32f, 2489.02f, 2637.02f, 2793.83f, 2959.96f, 3135.96f, 3322.44f, 3520.00f, 3729.31f, 3951.07f,
- 4186.01f, 4434.92f, 4698.64f, 4978.03f, 5274.04f, 5587.65f, 5919.91f, 6271.92f, 6644.87f, 7040.00f, 7458.62f, 7902.13f,
- 8372.01f, 8869.84f, 9397.27f, 9956.06f, 10548.08f, 11175.30f, 11839.82f, 12543.85f, 13289.75f, 14080.00f, 14917.24f, 15804.26f
- };
- #define OUTPUTRATE 44100
- #define SPECTRUMSIZE 8192
- #define SPECTRUMRANGE ((float)OUTPUTRATE / 2.0f) /* 0 to nyquist */
- int main(int argc, char *argv[])
- {
- FMOD::System *system = 0;
- FMOD::Sound *sound = 0;
- FMOD::Sound *sound2 = 0;
- FMOD::Channel *channel = 0;
- FMOD::Channel *channel2 = 0;
- FMOD_RESULT result;
- int key, driver, numdrivers, count, bin;
- unsigned int version;
- int i=0;
- /*
- Create a System object and initialize.
- */
- result = FMOD::System_Create(&system);
- ERRCHECK(result,1);
- result = system->getVersion(&version);
- ERRCHECK(result,2);
- if (version < FMOD_VERSION)
- {
- printf("Error! You are using an old version of FMOD %08x. This program requires %08x\n", version, FMOD_VERSION);
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- System initialization
- */
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("Select OUTPUT type\n" );
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("1 : DirectSound\n" );
- printf("2 : Windows Multimedia WaveOut\n" );
- printf("3 : ASIO\n" );
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("Press a corresponding number or ESC to quit\n" );
- do
- {
- key = getch();
- } while (key != 27 && key < '1' && key > '5');
- switch (key)
- {
- case '1' : result = system->setOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_DSOUND);
- break;
- case '2' : result = system->setOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_WINMM);
- break;
- case '3' : result = system->setOutput(FMOD_OUTPUTTYPE_ASIO);
- break;
- default : return 1;
- }
- ERRCHECK(result,3);
- /*
- Enumerate playback devices
- */
- result = system->getNumDrivers(&numdrivers);
- ERRCHECK(result,4);
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("Choose a PLAYBACK driver\n" );
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- for (count=0; count < numdrivers; count++)
- {
- char name[256];
- result = system->getDriverName(count, name, 256);
- ERRCHECK(result,5);
- printf("%d : %s\n", count + 1, name);
- }
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("Press a corresponding number or ESC to quit\n" );
- do
- {
- key = getch();
- if (key == 27)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- driver = key - '1';
- } while (driver < 0 || driver >= numdrivers);
- result = system->setDriver(driver);
- ERRCHECK(result,6);
- /*
- Enumerate record devices
- */
- result = system->getRecordNumDrivers(&numdrivers);
- ERRCHECK(result,7);
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("Choose a RECORD driver\n" );
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- for (count=0; count < numdrivers; count++)
- {
- char name[256];
- result = system->getRecordDriverName(count, name, 256);
- ERRCHECK(result,8);
- printf("%d : %s\n", count + 1, name);
- }
- printf("---------------------------------------------------------\n" );
- printf("Press a corresponding number or ESC to quit\n" );
- do
- {
- key = getch();
- if (key == 27)
- {
- return 0;
- }
- driver = key - '1';
- } while (driver < 0 || driver >= numdrivers);
- printf("\n" );
- result = system->setRecordDriver(driver);
- ERRCHECK(result,9);
- result = system->setSoftwareFormat(OUTPUTRATE, FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16, 1, 0, FMOD_DSP_RESAMPLER_LINEAR);
- ERRCHECK(result,10);
- result = system->init(32, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0);
- ERRCHECK(result,11);
- /*
- Create a sound to record to.
- */
- memset(&exinfo, 0, sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO));
- exinfo.cbsize = sizeof(FMOD_CREATESOUNDEXINFO);
- exinfo.numchannels = 1;
- exinfo.format = FMOD_SOUND_FORMAT_PCM16;
- exinfo.defaultfrequency = OUTPUTRATE;
- exinfo.length = exinfo.defaultfrequency * sizeof(short) * exinfo.numchannels * 5;
- result = system->createSound(0, FMOD_2D | FMOD_SOFTWARE | FMOD_LOOP_NORMAL | FMOD_OPENUSER, &exinfo, &sound);
- ERRCHECK(result,12);
- result = system->createSound("do.wav", FMOD_2D | FMOD_SOFTWARE, &exinfo, &sound2);
- ERRCHECK(result,13);
- /*
- Start the interface
- */
- printf("=========================================================================\n" );
- printf("Pitch detection example. Copyright (c) Firelight Technologies 2004-2005.\n" );
- printf("=========================================================================\n" );
- printf("\n" );
- printf("Record something through the selected recording device and FMOD will\n" );
- printf("Determine the pitch. Sustain the tone for at least a second to get an\n" );
- printf("accurate reading.\n" );
- printf("Press 'Esc' to quit\n" );
- printf("\n" );
- result = system->recordStart(sound, true);
- ERRCHECK(result,14);
- Sleep(200); /* Give it some time to record something */
- result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound2, false, &channel2);
- ERRCHECK(result,15);
- result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_REUSE, sound, false, &channel);
- ERRCHECK(result,16);
- /* Dont hear what is being recorded otherwise it will feedback. Spectrum analysis is done before volume scaling in the DSP chain */
- result = channel2->setVolume(0);
- ERRCHECK(result,17);
- bin = 0;
- /*
- Main loop.
- */
- do
- {
- static float spectrum[SPECTRUMSIZE];
- float dominanthz = 0;
- float max;
- int dominantnote = 0;
- float binsize = BINSIZE;
- if (kbhit())
- {
- key = getch();
- }
- result = channel2->getSpectrum(spectrum, SPECTRUMSIZE, 0, FMOD_DSP_FFT_WINDOW_TRIANGLE);
- ERRCHECK(result,18);
- max = 0;
- for (count = 0; count < SPECTRUMSIZE; count++)
- {
- if (spectrum[count] > 0.01f && spectrum[count] > max)
- {
- max = spectrum[count];
- bin = count;
- }
- }
- dominanthz = (float)bin * BINSIZE; /* dominant frequency min */
- dominantnote = 0;
- for (count = 0; count < 120; count++)
- {
- if (dominanthz >= notefreq[count] && dominanthz < notefreq[count + 1])
- {
- /* which is it closer to. This note or the next note */
- if (fabs(dominanthz - notefreq[count]) < fabs(dominanthz - notefreq[count+1]))
- {
- dominantnote = count;
- }
- else
- {
- dominantnote = count + 1;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- printf("Detected rate : %7.1f -> %7.1f hz. Detected musical note. %-3s (%7.1f hz)\r", dominanthz, ((float)bin + 0.99f) * BINSIZE, note[dominantnote], notefreq[dominantnote]);
- system->update();
- Sleep(10);
- } while (key != 27);
- printf("\n" );
- /*
- Shut down
- */
- result = sound->release();
- ERRCHECK(result,17);
- result = system->release();
- ERRCHECK(result,18);
- return 0;
- }
On ouvre donc le fichier do.wav, jusque ici aucun probleme, on le définit en FMOD_SOFTWARE sinon getSpectrum ne fonctionne pas
Code :
- result = system->createSound("do.wav", FMOD_2D | FMOD_SOFTWARE, &exinfo, &sound2);
- ERRCHECK(result,13);
Le problème se situe donc ici :
Code :
- result = channel2->getSpectrum(spectrum, SPECTRUMSIZE, 0, FMOD_DSP_FFT_WINDOW_TRIANGLE);
- ERRCHECK(result,18);
Si je soumet a getSpectrum le channel2 (le fichier wav) le programme plante lors de l'execution (erreur memoire), si je founis channel (l'entrée micro) tout marche parfaitement (mais je ne peux pas analyser le fichier son forcément ... )
Quelqu'un a déjà essayer de faire cela ? |