Citation :
Attaching files to your w3 JMail emails requires that the file you wish to attach resides on the webserver. However, using w3 Upload, you can let the user upload the file to the webserver and attach it on the fly. Check out the samples below to find out more...
First of all we a form where the user can enter his email message and select which file to attach.
<font face="verdana, arial" size="2"><b>
<form method="post" action="JmailUploadProcess.asp" ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data">
Complete this form and click the submit-button. We will answer your
questions as soon as possible.
Your name <br>
<input type="text" size="25" name="name"><br>
Your email <br>
<input type="text" size= "25" name= "email"><br>< /FONT>
Recipient email <br>
<input type= "text" size= "25" name= "recipient"><br>< /FONT>
State your business <br>
<select name="subject" size="1">
<option value="help">help
<option value="tips">tips
<option value="other">other
Enter your question <br>
<textarea name="body" cols="40" rows="15" wrap="PHYSICAL"></textarea>
Attachments <br>
<input type="file" name="attachment">
<input type="submit" value=" Submit ">
Okay, Now lets put all that info into our email. Again, notice how we use the Upload object instead of the Request object.
' Create the JMail message Object
set msg = Server.CreateOBject( "JMail.Message" )
Set upload = Server.CreateObject( "w3.Upload" )
' Check for attachments and add them to the email
set attachment = upload.Form( "attachment" )
if attachment.IsFile then
msg.AddCustomAttachment attachment.filename, attachment.item, false
end if
' Set logging to true to ease any potential debugging
' And set silent to true as we wish to handle our errors ourself
msg.Logging = true
msg.silent = true
' Get the form variables, using the upload object
Name = upload.Form("name" )
SenderEmail = upload.Form("email" )
Subject = "Regarding " & upload.Form ("subject" )
Recipient = upload.Form("recipient" )
Body = upload.Form("body" )
' And apply them to the message
msg.From = SenderEmail
msg.FromName = Name
msg.AddRecipient Recipient
msg.Subject = Subject
msg.Body = Body
' To capture any errors which might occur, we wrap the call in an IF statement
if not msg.Send( "" ) then
Response.write "<pre>" & msg.log & "</pre>"
Response.write "Message sent succesfully!"
end if
' And we're done! the message has been sent. %>
There you go! Notice how w3 Upload never actually saves the file to your disc, but rather just attaches the file to the email. Quite nifty as your webserver wont get cluttered with files.