That's a case just for fun
« Posted 2001-12-16 17:23:11 ·· Author: MadOverclocker »
This case is just for people who are ready to pay that damn expensive price, that's something like 4 times the price I paid a while back for my AMK OCD-810 24"!!!! And for people who'll like to have an outstanding case. I've modded my OCD-810, first cuz the 810 CFM statement was wrong, it came with 4 120mm ADDA 108.4CFM instead of 120CFM Sunons on the left side of the case, at bottom front a 120mm ADDA instead of a Sunon, on top of the case one 120mm ADDA instead of a Sunon and a 80mm 30CFM Sunon, and finally 2 Sunons 80mm 30CFM on the top rear ; so the airflow was something like 200 CFM less than the total airflow stated by AMK. So I've ordered more powerfull fans to replace some of the fans, more grills, filters, and a lot of other things (I won't detail here all the mods I've done, I'll post a thread about that in the forums). But that's not important, what I wanted to say is that the noise generated by such cases is unstandable, the first days you think you'll get used to that jet engine sound, but finally you won't. And if ypu think it will allow you to overclock your CPU very high, you are wrong, the drop in temps is not that high. That's why I bought a DigitalDoc 3 and DigitalDoc 5 both 8 Channels and turned to WaterCooling, now the fans are just used to maintain the case temp and to help to down the temp a bit. I also want to say that the way AMK organize the airflow is not the best, I'm not going to explain that statement, zedri has already done it, but just say that ideal airflow organization is cold air blowed in on the bottom of the case and hot air blowed out at the top of the case, in pair with an equilibrated amount of air going in and air going out, which is not always easy to do, cuz you have to take in consideration what needs to be cooled and fans localisation. I can give an advice to people who'd like to have a such case : buy the case you'd like to have, buy the fans, grills, filters,....take a hole saw and do it yourself, it isn't too hard, and will save you a LOT of money!!!!
G trop la flemme de traduire