je t'ai trouvé un site qui l'a testé : rapidement tres bon produit , mais visiblement pour une utilisation intensive ou longue , cela à posé des problèmes :
UK Conclusion
This changing of cooling levels only occurred when my CPU was fully loaded for more than an hour.
It didn't occur for the past 14 days of my "daily-use" testing, not even while playing Far Cry nor when overclocking to 3.4 GHz - and until now I haven't been able to reach more than 3.3 GHz.
So my conclusion must be that it will not occur to the end user, unless the system is totally loaded for a long time - for instance using applications like 3DMax, Maya, benchmark programs or folding@home.
Another factor is that my little apartment has been extremely hot lately - possibly the problem may be caused by that?
All in all I think that Activecool has a really good product here, and I hope that they will fix this level-changing problem under full load, as well as improve the crappy paint job on the front of the control unit.
As it's a beta product I have refrained from listing pros and cons, but if the few bugs I've mentioned are fixed in the final version the product won't really have any disadvantages.