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  Comment accepter signaux telecommande avec un port infrarouge fastIR


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Comment accepter signaux telecommande avec un port infrarouge fastIR

Posté le 02-03-2006 à 20:05:05  profilanswer

Hello tout le monde,
Je suis depuis quelques temps heureux pocesseur d'un pc portable Acer Aspire 1694 doté d'un port infrarouge FastIR
J'ai commandé sur le net une mini télécommande se glissant dans le port pcmcia (livré avec son propre recepteur infrarouge en usb)
Mais mon but en achetant cette telecommande etait de le faire fonctionner avec le port inclus dans le pc
Mais malgrès mes nombreuses tentatives (installation d'un driver différent, d'un driver ircom, tentative avec le soft serial watcher)
je n'y arrive pas. Pourtant je suis sur que cela est possible.  
J'en ai la casi certitude car un copain a acheté le Acer 5512 doté d'une carte TV intégrée et livré avec une télécommande
elle meme mini et se glissant dans le port pcmcia (elle ressemble assez a la mienne mais celle ci est de marque acer)
Elle fonctionne avec le port infrarouge d'origine. J'ai récupéré le soft mais les signaux sont différents et je ne sait quoi faire
De meme le soft fournis avec la mienne est tres succint et ne comporte pas beaucoup de fichiers
il est desactiver tant que je ne branche pas le recepteur infrarouge livré avec. Le recepteur est reconnu dans le gestionnaire de périphériques
comme étant un "peripherique d'interface utilisateur usb" (HID)
Mon port infrarouge est de type FastIR de marque National Semiconductor.
Ma télécommande est celle ci : RC104
Mon recepteur USB fourni avec est : IR 507
Le logiciel utilisé fourni avec la télécommande est : Remote Master
Help me please :sweat:  
Toute info sera la bienvenue

Posté le 02-03-2006 à 20:05:05  profilanswer

Posté le 02-03-2006 à 20:06:29  profilanswer

Voici le contenu du drivers inf pour mon port infrarouge intégré :

Code :
  1. ; Portions Copyright (c) 1996-1999 National Semiconductor Corp.
  2. ; Copyright (c) 1996-1999 Microsoft Corporation.
  3. ; This INF is designed for installation as part of the NT CD.  To change it to
  4. ; floppy based install, comment out any lines ending with "; CD only"
  5. ; and uncomment all lines ending with "; floppy only"
  6. [Version]
  7. LayoutFile  = layout.inf ; CD only
  8. Signature   = "$Windows NT$"
  9. Provider    = %NSC%
  10. Class       = Infrared
  11. ClassGUID   = {6bdd1fc5-810f-11d0-BEC7-08002BE2092F}
  12. DriverVer   = 03/17/2001,1.11s
  13. ;[SourceDisksNames]  ; floppy only
  14. ;1 = "",,   ; floppy only
  15. ;[SourceDisksFiles]  ; floppy only
  16. ;nscirda.sys = 1   ; floppy only
  17. ;irnsc.inf = 1   ; floppy only
  18. [DestinationDirs]
  19. ;
  20. ;  Specify destination directories for groups of files.
  21. ;  '12' indicates the Windows drivers directory.
  22. ;  '17' indicates the Windows Inf directory.
  23. ;
  24. DefaultDestDir=12
  25. NSC_CopySys=12
  26. NSC_CopyInf=17   ; floppy only
  27. [NSC_CopySys]
  28. ;
  29. ;  This section lists the source and destination names of files that need
  30. ;  to be copied to the user's drive.  The destination directory is given
  31. ;  in the [DestinationDirs] section above.
  32. ;
  33. nscirda.sys,,,2 ; Do not Skip File
  34. [NSC_CopyInf]
  35. ;irnsc.inf,,,2   ; floppy only
  36. [Manufacturer]
  37. ;
  38. ;  Specify a name and devices section for each supported manufacturer that
  39. ;  makes products of this class.
  40. ;
  41. %NSC% = NSC_Devices
  42. %IBM% = IBM_Devices
  43. %NEC% = NEC_Devices
  44. %PUMA% = PUMA_Devices
  45. %ACER% = ACER_Devices
  46. %SONY% = SONY_Devices
  47. %HP% = HP_Devices
  48. [ControlFlags]
  49. ExcludeFromSelect=*IBM0071,*NEC90A1,*NEC90D1,*NEC9141,*NSC6001,*IBM37A0,*CHE0002,*SNY7001,*HWPC224
  50. [NSC_Devices]
  51. ;
  52. ;  This section describes the devices of this class made by a particular
  53. ;  manufacturer.
  54. ;  The first descriptor, delimited by '%', is a symbolic string whose actual
  55. ;  value is given in the [Strings] section below.
  56. ;
  57. ; If you have an eval board from NSC you wish to install, uncomment the line
  58. ; below which matches it, to make it available for install in the Wizard.
  59. ; By default, only hardware which is generally available to users will be shown.
  60. ;
  61. %PC87108.DeviceDesc%  =  PC87108.ndi, PC87108  ; Basic UIR.
  62. %PC87308.DeviceDesc%  =  PC87308.ndi, PC87308  ; PnP SuperI/O with UIR.
  63. %PC87338.DeviceDesc%  =  PC87338.ndi, PC87338  ; SuperI/0 with UIR.
  64. %PC87560.DeviceDesc%  =  PC87560.ndi, PC87560  ; SuperI/0 with UIR.
  65. ;%OEM87338.DeviceDesc% =  OEM.ndi,       OEM87338    ; IBM laptop with UIR.
  66. %*NSC6001.DeviceDesc% = *NSC6001.ndi,   *NSC6001    ; Generic NSC driver
  67. [HP_Devices]
  68. %*HWPC224.DeviceDesc% = *HWPC224.ndi,   *HWPC224    ; Generic NSC driver
  69. [SONY_Devices]
  70. %*SNY7001.DeviceDesc% = *SNY7001.ndi,   *SNY7001    ; Generic NSC driver
  71. [IBM_Devices]
  72. %*IBM0071.DeviceDesc% = *IBM0071.ndi,   *IBM0071    ; ThinkPads
  73. %*IBM37A0.DeviceDesc% = *IBM37A0.ndi,   *IBM37A0    ; Desktop system
  74. [NEC_Devices]
  75. %*NEC90A1.DeviceDesc% = *NEC90A1.ndi,   *NEC90A1
  76. %*NEC90D1.DeviceDesc% = *NEC90D1.ndi,   *NEC90D1
  77. %*NEC9141.DeviceDesc% = *NEC9141.ndi,   *NEC9141
  78. [PUMA_Devices]
  79. %*AEI0205.DeviceDesc%  =  PUMA108.ndi, *AEI0205 ; Basic UIR.
  80. [ACER_Devices]
  81. %*CHE0002.DeviceDesc%  =  *CHE0002.ndi, *CHE0002 ; Basic UIR.
  82. [PC87108.ndi]
  83. ;
  84. ;  This section describes how to install a particular device.
  85. ;  It names other sections which detail the registry changes
  86. ;  that need to be made and the files that need to be copied.
  87. ;
  88. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  89. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg, PC87108_AddReg, Dongle_Addreg, Speed_Addreg, Help_AddReg
  90. LogConfig   = PC87108_LogConfig
  91. BusType     = 1
  92. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  93. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  94. ; SyssetupPnPFlags is a workaround for a problem fairly unique to IrDA devices.
  95. ; It should not be used for other devices unless they have the identical problem,
  96. ; which is unlikely.
  97. ; IrDA devices often resemble a UART, which NT searches for as part of legacy
  98. ; device detection.  When the UART is found by legacy detection, the resources
  99. ; are compared against known PnP devices, and if they match, the devnode for
  100. ; the UART as a serial device is not created.
  101. ; On ACPI systems, the resources may change at the time the device is started.
  102. ; This can cause legacy detection to 'miss' the duplication between the UART
  103. ; and the PnP IrDA device, and NT will create a false serial port which will
  104. ; appear in the device manager as not working.
  105. ; SyssetupPnPFlags works around this by preventing the IrDA driver from starting
  106. ; during GUI mode setup, which prevents the resources from changing, and
  107. ; legacy detection will proceed as normal.
  108. ; This problem should be fixed in future releases of NT, and the SyssetupPnPFlags
  109. ; value should go away at that time.
  110. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  111. [PC87108.ndi.Services]
  112. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  113. [PC87108.ndi.Coinstallers]
  114. ; This device doesn't have a coinstaller, but other compatible devices do.
  115. ; This ensures that a coinstaller is NOT used with this device.
  116. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  117. [PUMA108.ndi]
  118. ;
  119. ;  This section describes how to install a particular device.
  120. ;  It names other sections which detail the registry changes
  121. ;  that need to be made and the files that need to be copied.
  122. ;
  123. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  124. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg, PUMA108_AddReg, Speed_Addreg, Help_AddReg
  125. BusType     = 14
  126. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  127. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  128. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  129. [PUMA108.ndi.Services]
  130. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  131. [PUMA108.ndi.Coinstallers]
  132. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  133. [PC87308.ndi]
  134. ;
  135. ;  This section describes how to install a particular device.
  136. ;  It names other sections which detail the registry changes
  137. ;  that need to be made and the files that need to be copied.
  138. ;
  139. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  140. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,PC87308_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  141. LogConfig   = PC87308_LogConfig
  142. BusType     = 1
  143. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  144. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  145. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  146. [PC87308.ndi.Services]
  147. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  148. [PC87308.ndi.Coinstallers]
  149. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  150. [PC87338.ndi]
  151. ;
  152. ;  This section describes how to install a particular device.
  153. ;  It names other sections which detail the registry changes
  154. ;  that need to be made and the files that need to be copied.
  155. ;
  156. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  157. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,PC87338_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_Addreg
  158. LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig
  159. BusType     = 1
  160. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  161. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  162. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  163. [PC87338.ndi.Services]
  164. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  165. [PC87338.ndi.Coinstallers]
  166. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  167. [PC87560.ndi]
  168. ;
  169. ;  This section describes how to install a particular device.
  170. ;  It names other sections which detail the registry changes
  171. ;  that need to be made and the files that need to be copied.
  172. ;
  173. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  174. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,PC87560_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_Addreg
  175. ; LogConfig = PC87560_LogConfig
  176. BusType     = 1
  177. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  178. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  179. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  180. [PC87560.ndi.Services]
  181. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  182. [PC87560.ndi.Coinstallers]
  183. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  184. [OEM.ndi]
  185. ;
  186. ;  This section describes how to install a particular device.
  187. ;  It names other sections which detail the registry changes
  188. ;  that need to be made and the files that need to be copied.
  189. ;
  190. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  191. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,OEM87338_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_Addreg
  192. LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig
  193. BusType     = 1
  194. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  195. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  196. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  197. [OEM.ndi.Services]
  198. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  199. [OEM.ndi.Coinstallers]
  200. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  201. [*NSC6001.ndi]
  202. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  203. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*NSC6001_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  204. LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig
  205. BusType     = 1
  206. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  207. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  208. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  209. [*NSC6001.ndi.Services]
  210. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  211. [*NSC6001.ndi.Coinstallers]
  212. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  213. [*HWPC224.ndi]
  214. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  215. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*HWPC224_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  216. LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig
  217. BusType     = 1
  218. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  219. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  220. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  221. [*HWPC224.ndi.Services]
  222. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  223. [*HWPC224.ndi.Coinstallers]
  224. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  225. [*SNY7001.ndi]
  226. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  227. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*SNY7001_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  228. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig
  229. BusType     = 14
  230. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  231. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  232. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  233. [*SNY7001.ndi.Services]
  234. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  235. [*SNY7001.ndi.Coinstallers]
  236. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  237. [*IBM0071.ndi]
  238. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  239. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*IBM0071_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  240. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig     ; No logconfig needed for pnp
  241. BusType     = 14  ; PNP
  242. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  243. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  244. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  245. [*IBM0071.ndi.Services]
  246. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  247. [*IBM0071.ndi.Coinstallers]
  248. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  249. [*CHE0002.ndi]
  250. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  251. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*CHE0002_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  252. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig     ; No logconfig needed for pnp
  253. BusType     = 14  ; PNP
  254. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  255. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  256. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  257. [*CHE0002.ndi.Services]
  258. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  259. [*CHE0002.ndi.Coinstallers]
  260. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  261. [*IBM37A0.ndi]
  262. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  263. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*IBM37A0_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  264. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig     ; No logconfig needed for pnp
  265. BusType     = 14  ; PNP
  266. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  267. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  268. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  269. [*IBM37A0.ndi.Services]
  270. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  271. [*IBM37A0.ndi.Coinstallers]
  272. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  273. [*NEC90A1.ndi]
  274. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  275. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*NEC90A1_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  276. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig     ; No logconfig needed for pnp
  277. BusType     = 14  ; PNP
  278. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  279. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  280. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  281. [*NEC90A1.ndi.Services]
  282. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  283. [*NEC90A1.ndi.Coinstallers]
  284. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  285. [*NEC90D1.ndi]
  286. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  287. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*NEC90D1_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  288. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig     ; No logconfig needed for pnp
  289. BusType     = 14  ; PNP
  290. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  291. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  292. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  293. [*NEC90D1.ndi.Services]
  294. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  295. [*NEC90D1.ndi.Coinstallers]
  296. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  297. [*NEC9141.ndi]
  298. DelReg      = NSC_DelReg
  299. AddReg      = NSC_AddReg,*NEC9141_AddReg,Dongle_Addreg,Speed_Addreg,Help_AddReg
  300. ;LogConfig   = PC87338_LogConfig     ; No logconfig needed for pnp
  301. BusType     = 14  ; PNP
  302. Characteristics = 0x4  ; NCF_PHYSICAL
  303. CopyFiles   = NSC_CopySys,NSC_CopyInf
  304. SyssetupPnPFlags=1
  305. [*NEC9141.ndi.Services]
  306. AddService= NSCIRDA, 2, NSCIRDA.AddService, common.EventLog
  307. [*NEC9141.ndi.Coinstallers]
  308. DelReg=NSC_DelCoinstallers
  309. [PC87108_LogConfig]
  310. ConfigPriority  = HARDRECONFIG
  311. IOConfig        = 3F8-3FF(3FF::),2F8-2FF(3FF::),3E8-3EF(3FF::),2E8-2EF(3FF::)
  312. IOConfig = 398-399,150-151,EA-EB
  313. IRQConfig       = 3,4,5,7,9,11
  314. DMAConfig       = 0,1,3
  315. [PC87308_LogConfig]
  316. ConfigPriority  = HARDRECONFIG
  317. IOConfig        = 3F8-3FF(3FF::),2F8-2FF(3FF::),3E8-3EF(3FF::),2E8-2EF(3FF::)
  318. IOConfig = 15C-15D,2E-2F
  319. IRQConfig       = 3,4,5,7,9,11
  320. DMAConfig       = 0,1,3
  321. [PC87338_LogConfig]
  322. ConfigPriority  = HARDRECONFIG
  323. IOConfig        = 3F8-3FF(3FF::),2F8-2FF(3FF::),3E8-3EF(3FF::),2E8-2EF(3FF::)
  324. IOConfig = 398-399,15C-15D,2E-2F
  325. IRQConfig       = 3,4,5,7,9,11
  326. DMAConfig       = 0,1,3
  327. [PC87560_LogConfig]
  328. ConfigPriority  = HARDRECONFIG
  329. IOConfig        = 3F8-3FF(3FF::),2F8-2FF(3FF::),3E8-3EF(3FF::),2E8-2EF(3FF::)
  330. IRQConfig       = 3,4,5,7,9,11
  331. [NSC_AddReg]
  332. ; Interfaces
  333. HKR, Ndi,            Service,       0, "NSCIRDA"
  334. HKR, NDI\Interfaces, DefUpper,      0, ndisirda
  335. HKR, NDI\Interfaces, UpperRange,    0, ndisirda
  336. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, DefLower,      0, nolower
  337. HKR, Ndi\Interfaces, LowerRange,    0, nolower
  338. HKR, Ndi,            RequiredAll,   0, "MS_IrDA"
  339. [PC87108_AddReg]
  340. HKR, , BoardType, 0, "0"
  341. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  342. ;
  343. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  344. ; Base Address that the IR108 driver uses from network properties
  345. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  346. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  347. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  348. ;
  349. ;HKR, NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,    ParamDesc,  0, "ConfigIoBaseAddress"
  350. ;HKR, NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,      default,  0, "398"
  351. ;HKR, NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,         type,  0, "enum"
  352. ;HKR, NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,   "0EA",  0, "0x0EA"
  353. ;HKR, NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,   "150",  0, "0x150"
  354. ;HKR, NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,   "398",  0, "0x398"
  355. [PC87308_AddReg]
  356. HKR,,BoardType,0,"1"
  357. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  358. ;
  359. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  360. ; Base Address that the IR308 driver uses from network properties
  361. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  362. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  363. ; by the ir338.sys driver at boot time.
  364. ;
  365. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,ParamDesc,,"ConfigIoBaseAddress"
  366. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  367. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,default,,"15C"
  368. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,type,,enum
  369. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,"02E",,"0x02E"
  370. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,"15C",,"0x15C"
  371. [PC87338_AddReg]
  372. HKR,,BoardType,0,"2"
  373. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  374. ;
  375. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  376. ; Base Address that the IR338 driver uses from network properties
  377. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  378. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  379. ; by the ir338.sys driver at boot time.
  380. ;
  381. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,ParamDesc,,"ConfigIoBaseAddress"
  382. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  383. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,default,,"398"
  384. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress,type,,enum
  385. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,"02E",,"0x02E"
  386. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,"15C",,"0x15C"
  387. ;HKR,NDI\params\ConfigIoBaseAddress\enum,"398",,"0x398"
  388. [OEM87338_AddReg]
  389. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  390. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  391. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  392. [*NSC6001_AddReg]
  393. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  394. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  395. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  396. [*HWPC224_AddReg]
  397. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  398. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"2"
  399. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  400. [*SNY7001_AddReg]
  401. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  402. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"2"
  403. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  404. [*IBM0071_AddReg]
  405. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  406. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"10"
  407. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  408. [*IBM37A0_AddReg]
  409. HKR,,BoardType,0,"1"
  410. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"3"
  411. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  412. [*CHE0002_AddReg]
  413. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  414. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"4"
  415. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  416. [*NEC90A1_AddReg]
  417. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  418. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  419. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"115200"
  420. [*NEC90D1_AddReg]
  421. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  422. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  423. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  424. [*NEC9141_AddReg]
  425. HKR,,BoardType,0,"3"
  426. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"2"
  427. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  428. [PUMA108_AddReg]
  429. HKR, , BoardType, 0, "4"
  430. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  431. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  432. [PC87560_AddReg]
  433. HKR,,BoardType,0,"8"
  434. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"1"
  435. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,default,,"4000000"
  436. [Dongle_Addreg]
  437. ;
  438. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  439. ; Base Address that the IR108 driver uses from network properties
  440. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  441. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  442. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  443. ;
  444. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,ParamDesc,,%Dongle_A%
  445. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  446. ;HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,default,,"5"
  447. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type,type,,enum
  448. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"0",,%DongleType_0%
  449. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"1",,%DongleType_1%
  450. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"2",,%DongleType_2%
  451. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"3",,%DongleType_3%
  452. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"4",,%DongleType_4%
  453. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"5",,%DongleType_5%
  454. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"6",,%DongleType_6%
  455. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"7",,%DongleType_7%
  456. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"8",,%DongleType_8%
  457. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"9",,%DongleType_9%
  458. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"10",,%DongleType_10%
  459. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_A_Type\enum,"11",,%DongleType_11%
  460. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,ParamDesc,,%Dongle_B%
  461. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  462. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,default,,"0"
  463. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type,type,,enum
  464. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"0",,%DongleType_0%
  465. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"1",,%DongleType_1%
  466. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"2",,%DongleType_2%
  467. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"3",,%DongleType_3%
  468. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"4",,%DongleType_4%
  469. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"5",,%DongleType_5%
  470. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"6",,%DongleType_6%
  471. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"7",,%DongleType_7%
  472. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"8",,%DongleType_8%
  473. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"9",,%DongleType_9%
  474. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"10",,%DongleType_10%
  475. HKR,NDI\params\Dongle_B_Type\enum,"11",,%DongleType_11%
  476. [Speed_Addreg]
  477. ;
  478. ; These entries allow the user to select the Configuration Register
  479. ; Base Address that the IR108 driver uses from network properties
  480. ; dialog box AFTER INSTALLATION (under the 'Advanced' options).
  481. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  482. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  483. ;
  484. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,ParamDesc,,%MaxConnectRate%
  485. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate,type,,enum
  486. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"4000000",,"4,000,000 bps"
  487. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"1152000",,"1,152,000 bps"
  488. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"115200",, "  115,200 bps"
  489. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"57600",,  "   57,600 bps"
  490. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"38400",,  "   38,400 bps"
  491. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"19200",,  "   19,200 bps"
  492. HKR,NDI\params\MaxConnectRate\enum,"9600",,   "    9,600 bps"
  493. [TurnAroundTime_Addreg]
  494. ; Turnaround time will be used by future version of the driver.
  495. ;
  496. ; These entries allow the user to select the Minimum Turn Around Time.
  497. ; The default value is 1000 microseconds (1 ms)
  498. ; The selection is given using under the 'Advanced' options
  499. ; The user's selection is recorded in the registry and then read out
  500. ; by the nscirda.sys driver at boot time.
  501. ;
  502. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,ParamDesc,,%TurnaroundTime%
  503. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,flag,1,20,00,00,00
  504. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,type,,enum
  505. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime,default,,"1000"    ; 1 ms
  506. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"10000",,"10 ms"
  507. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"5000",," 5 ms"
  508. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"1000",," 1 ms"
  509. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"500",," 0.5 ms"
  510. HKR,NDI\params\MinimumTurnAroundTime\enum,"100",," 0.1 ms"
  511. [Help_Addreg]
  512. HKR,NDI,HelpText,0,%IRMINI_HELP%
  513. [NSC_DelReg]
  514. HKR,,EnumPropPages32
  515. [NSC_DelCoinstallers]
  516. HKR,,CoInstallers32
  517. [NSCIRDA.AddService]
  518. DisplayName     = %NSCIRDA.ServiceDesc%
  519. ServiceType     = 1 ; %SERVICE_KERNEL_DRIVER%
  520. StartType     = 3 ; %SERVICE_DEMAND_START%
  521. ErrorControl = 1 ; %SERVICE_ERROR_NORMAL%
  522. ServiceBinary = %12%\nscirda.sys        ;12=drivers directory
  523. LoadOrderGroup = NDIS
  524. [common.EventLog]
  525. AddReg = common.AddEventLog.reg
  526. [common.AddEventLog.reg]
  527. HKR, , EventMessageFile, 0x00020000, "%%SystemRoot%%\System32\netevent.dll"
  528. HKR, , TypesSupported,   0x00010001, 7
  529. [Strings]
  530. ;
  531. ;  This section defines symbolic string constants for use in the rest
  532. ;  of the .inf script.  You should create and use symbols for all
  533. ;  translatable strings in order to make localization easier.
  534. ;  Also, spaces within strings elsewhere in the script confuse infedit.exe;
  535. ;  so use symbolic constants for any multi-word strings.
  536. ;
  537. IRMINI_HELP="Le port infrarouge IrDA. Il peut être utilisé pour établir des liaisons série et réseau sans fil vers d'autres ordinateurs."
  538. NSCIRDA.ServiceDesc="Pilote de périphérique infrarouge NSC"
  539. PC87108.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared NSC PC87108 EB"
  540. PC87308.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared NSC PC87308 EB"
  541. PC87338.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared NSC PC87338 EB"
  542. PC87560.DeviceDesc="Port infrarouge rapide NSC PC87560 EB"
  543. OEM87338.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared IrDA non Plug-and-Play"
  544. *NSC6001.DeviceDesc="Port infrarouge IrDA Fast"
  545. *SNY7001.DeviceDesc="Port infrarouge IrDA Fast"
  546. *IBM0071.DeviceDesc="Port infrarouge IBM ThinkPad Fast"
  547. *IBM37A0.DeviceDesc="Port IBM Fast Infrared"
  548. *NEC90A1.DeviceDesc="Port infrarouge NEC Fast"
  549. *NEC90D1.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared NEC Versa Notebooks"
  550. *NEC9141.DeviceDesc="Port infrarouge NEC Fast"
  551. *AEI0205.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared PUMA"
  552. *CHE0002.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared Acer pour portable"
  553. *HWPC224.DeviceDesc="Port Fast Infrared HP"
  554. V_CLASSNAME="Cartes infrarouges"
  555. NSC=National Semiconductor
  556. IBM=IBM
  557. NEC=NEC
  558. PUMA=Puma Technologies
  559. ACER=Acer
  560. SONY=Sony
  561. HP=Hewlett-Packard
  562. Dongle_A="Transmetteur infrarouge A"
  563. Dongle_B="Transmetteur infrarouge B"
  564. DongleType_0="Transmetteur SIR"
  565. DongleType_1="HP HSDL-1100/2100"
  566. DongleType_2="HP HSDL-2300/3600"
  567. DongleType_3="IBM 31T1100"
  568. DongleType_4="Sharp RY5HD01/KD01"
  569. DongleType_5="Sharp RY6FD11E"
  570. DongleType_6="Vishay TFDS-6000"
  571. DongleType_7="Vishay TFDS-6500"
  572. DongleType_8="Siemens IRMS/T6400"
  573. DongleType_9="TI TSLM1100"
  574. DongleType_10="IBM SC-20H2987"
  575. DongleType_11="Dell T-97"
  576. MaxConnectRate="Taux de connexion maximal"
  577. TurnaroundTime="Durée minimale de bouclage"

Posté le 03-04-2006 à 22:58:44  profilanswer

comment s'appelle ton fichier .inf ? c'était celui livré dans les drivers de l'ACER ?
J'ai un port infrarouge pour telecommande également, mais je ne trouve pas le fichier inf qui le pilote..

Message édité par serveur le 03-04-2006 à 23:01:15

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  Comment accepter signaux telecommande avec un port infrarouge fastIR


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