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  Ma souris deconne en mode console.


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Ma souris deconne en mode console.

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 22-02-2004 à 14:10:45  profilanswer

Ma souris (logitech Cordless mouseman optical USB) merdouille en mode console:
GDM est lancé et le curseur bouge bien à l'ecran.
Mais quand je clique sur le bouton gauche ca m'affiche des "A"
Bouton Droit: "Z"  
Milieu: "E"
Le quatrieme bouton sur le coté : "R"
Le fait de bouger la molette ne fait rien...
Bilan, c pas très commode: pas moyen de faire un copier coller  ....
Avez vous une idee de ce qu'il faudrais améliorer ?

Posté le 22-02-2004 à 14:10:45  profilanswer

Light is right !
Posté le 22-02-2004 à 14:11:30  profilanswer

Avec ou sans GPM ?

-~- Libérez Datoune ! -~- Camarade, toi aussi rejoins le FLD pour que la flamme de la Révolution ne s'éteigne pas ! -~- A VENDRE
Posté le 22-02-2004 à 14:12:50  profilanswer

Ecrire avec sa souris c'est la classe :D

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 22-02-2004 à 14:13:07  profilanswer

oui, gpm que je voulais dire pas gdm ... j'ai confondu !

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 09:21:43  profilanswer

Y a pas une bonne ame pour m'aider ?

Light is right !
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 09:59:44  profilanswer

Flingue GPM et on en parle plus.

-~- Libérez Datoune ! -~- Camarade, toi aussi rejoins le FLD pour que la flamme de la Révolution ne s'éteigne pas ! -~- A VENDRE
trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 10:26:29  profilanswer

GPM est pas là pour gérer la souris justement ?

Light is right !
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 12:29:59  profilanswer

Juste en console.

-~- Libérez Datoune ! -~- Camarade, toi aussi rejoins le FLD pour que la flamme de la Révolution ne s'éteigne pas ! -~- A VENDRE
trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 12:44:39  profilanswer

Ben oui, mas j'aimerai justement pouvoir m'en servir en mode console.
EDIT: et la souris ne déconne que en mode console

Message édité par sorg le 23-02-2004 à 12:45:02
Light is right !
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 12:49:12  profilanswer

Fais voir la conf de gpm alors.

-~- Libérez Datoune ! -~- Camarade, toi aussi rejoins le FLD pour que la flamme de la Révolution ne s'éteigne pas ! -~- A VENDRE
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 12:49:12  profilanswer

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 12:51:16  profilanswer

Ok, je te fais voir ca ce soir car là je suis au boulot.

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 22:58:15  profilanswer

alors allons y:

# sample configuration file for gpm-root
# edit it to please your taste....
button 1 {
  name "ttys"
  ""        f.nop
  "login on a new tty" f.mktty
  ""        f.nop
  "tty  1"  f.jptty  "1"
  "tty  2"  f.jptty  "2"
  "tty  3"  f.jptty  "3"
  "tty  4"  f.jptty  "4"
  ""         f.nop
  "tty  5"  f.jptty   "5"
  "tty  6"  f.jptty   "6"
  "tty  7"  f.jptty   "7"
  "tty  8"  f.jptty   "8"
  ""        f.nop
  "more of them..." {
    "tty  9"  f.jptty  "9"
    "tty 10"  f.jptty  "10"
    "tty 11"  f.jptty  "11"
    "tty 12"  f.jptty  "12"
    ""         f.nop
    "tty 13"  f.jptty   "13"
    "tty 14"  f.jptty   "14"
    "tty 15"  f.jptty   "15"
    "tty 16"  f.jptty   "16"
    ""        f.nop
    "more of them..." {
          "tty 17" f.jptty  "17"
button 2 {
  name "system status"
  foreground red
  background black
  border yellow
  head bright yellow
  ""          f.nop
  "%b %d %Y"  f.time
  "%H:%M"     f.time
  ""          f.nop
  "load: "    f.load
  "" f.nop
  "report disk usage to ~/du" f.bgcmd  "du ~ | sort -rn > ~/du"
  "print mail headers to tty" f.bgcmd
         "grep '^From ' /var/spool/mail/$USER | tail"
button 3 {
  name "far ttys"
  foreground black
  background red
  border bright yellow
  head bright yellow
  "tty  9"  f.jptty   "9"
  "tty 10"  f.jptty  "10"
  "tty 11"  f.jptty  "11"
  "tty 12"  f.jptty "12"
  ""         f.nop
  "tty 13" f.jptty "13"
  "tty 14" f.jptty "14"
  "tty 15" f.jptty "15"
  "tty 16" f.jptty "16"
  ""         f.nop
# I use this to halt and reboot the system, but it isn't wise to put it
# in widely accessible boxes.
#  "----"     f.nop
#  ""         f.nop
#  "halt"   f.bgcmd "/sbin/shutdown -h now"
#  "reboot" f.bgcmd "/sbin/shutdown -r now"


/* enabling configuration parameters */
[edge_motion_enabled]        TRUE
[edge_motion_speed_enabled]  TRUE
[corner_taps_enabled]        TRUE
[tap_gesture_enabled]        TRUE
[pressure_speed_enabled]     TRUE
[tossing_enabled]            TRUE
[does_toss_use_static_speed] TRUE
/* pressure induced speed related configuration parameters */
[low_pressure]               60
[speed_up_pressure]          60
[pressure_factor]            0.10
[standard_speed_factor]      0.10
/* toss/catch related parameters */
[min_toss_time]              100
[max_toss_time]              300
[prevent_toss_time]          300
[min_toss_dist]              2
[static_toss_speed]          70
[toss_speed_factor]          0.5
/* edge motion related configuration parameters */
[edge_speed]                 20
/* corner tap actions */
[upper_left_action]          0 (none)
[upper_right_action]         2 (middle)
[lower_left_action]          0 (none)
[lower_right_action]         3 (right)
/* wmode parameters */
[wmode_enabled]              TRUE
[drag_lock_enabled]          FALSE
[finger_threshold]           30
[tap_lower_limit]            5
[tap_upper_limit]            200
[tap_range]                  100
[tap_interval]               200
[pads_tap_interval]          8
[multiple_tap_delay]         30
[palm_detect_enabled]        TRUE
[palm_detect_level]          12
[multi_finger_tap_enable]    TRUE
[multi_finger_stop_enabled]  TRUE
[multi_finger_stop_delay]    8
  /* Additional options */
[touch_pad_enabled]          TRUE
[stick_enabled]              TRUE
[scrolling_enabled]          TRUE
[scrolling_edge]             2
[auto_scrolling_enabled]     TRUE


# This is the configuration file for the twiddler keyboard as used under
# the gpm mouse server
# Empty lines and comments are ignored, other lines must follow either
# of the following conventions:
#     chord = value     (e.g.   "L000 = a" )
# mod chord = value     (e.g.   "Shift L000 = a" )
# The "mod" is one of "Shift" "Numeric" "Function" "Control" "Ctrl" "Alt",
# or any abbreviation of those (case independent)
# The special case "Ctrl+Shift" (or "Shift+Ctrl" ) is supported, but note
# that it can't be abbreviated like C+S or anything like that.
# The "chord" value is one of the usual specifications, uppercase only
# Value can be a single byte (also as escape sequence), a string with
# double quotes (with escape sequences) or a special name (one of those
# appearing as "string" in dumpkeys, and Up Down Left Right).
# In addition, the strings "Console" and "Exec" are supported. See the
# sample case below.
# Escape sequences are \n \r \e \t \a \b, octal ("\243" ) or hex ("\xff" )
# numbers. Any other char is returned unchanged, like \" or \\.
######## Lowercase
R000 = a
0R00 = b
00R0 = c
000R = d
M000 = e
0M00 = f
00M0 = g
000M = h
LR00 = i
L0R0 = j
L00R = k
LM00 = l
L0M0 = m
L00M = n
LL00 = o
L0L0 = p
L00L = q
MR00 = r
M0R0 = s
M00R = t
MM00 = u
M0M0 = v
M00M = w
ML00 = x
M0L0 = y
M00L = z
############## Uppercase
Shift R000 = A
Shift 0R00 = B
Shift 00R0 = C
Shift 000R = D
Shift M000 = E
Shift 0M00 = F
Shift 00M0 = G
Shift 000M = H
Shift LR00 = I
Shift L0R0 = J
Shift L00R = K
Shift LM00 = L
Shift L0M0 = M
Shift L00M = N
Shift LL00 = O
Shift L0L0 = P
Shift L00L = Q
Shift MR00 = R
Shift M0R0 = S
Shift M00R = T
Shift MM00 = U
Shift M0M0 = V
Shift M00M = W
Shift ML00 = X
Shift M0L0 = Y
Shift M00L = Z
######## Control
Ctrl  R000 = \x01
Ctrl  0R00 = \x02
Ctrl  00R0 = \x03
Ctrl  000R = \x04
Ctrl  M000 = \x05
Ctrl  0M00 = \x06
Ctrl  00M0 = \x07
Ctrl  000M = \x08
Ctrl  LR00 = \x09
Ctrl  L0R0 = \x0a
Ctrl  L00R = \x0b
Ctrl  LM00 = \x0c
Ctrl  L0M0 = \x0d
Ctrl  L00M = \x0e
Ctrl  LL00 = \x0f
Ctrl  L0L0 = \x10
Ctrl  L00L = \x11
Ctrl  MR00 = \x12
Ctrl  M0R0 = \x13
Ctrl  M00R = \x14
Ctrl  MM00 = \x15
Ctrl  M0M0 = \x16
Ctrl  M00M = \x17
Ctrl  ML00 = \x18
Ctrl  M0L0 = \x19
Ctrl  M00L = \x1a
######## Meta (Alt)
Meta R000 = "\ea"
Meta 0R00 = "\eb"
Meta 00R0 = "\ec"
Meta 000R = "\ed"
Meta M000 = "\ee"
Meta 0M00 = "\ef"
Meta 00M0 = "\eg"
Meta 000M = "\eh"
Meta LR00 = "\ei"
Meta L0R0 = "\ej"
Meta L00R = "\ek"
Meta LM00 = "\el"
Meta L0M0 = "\em"
Meta L00M = "\en"
Meta LL00 = "\eo"
Meta L0L0 = "\ep"
Meta L00L = "\eq"
Meta MR00 = "\er"
Meta M0R0 = "\es"
Meta M00R = "\et"
Meta MM00 = "\eu"
Meta M0M0 = "\ev"
Meta M00M = "\ew"
Meta ML00 = "\ex"
Meta M0L0 = "\ey"
Meta M00L = "\ez"
##### 1b is escape, etc...
      RRR0 = \x1b
############### Numbers and symbols (ascii 0x20 to 0x40)
    L000 = " "
    R0L0 = !
    R0M0 = "
    0M0L = #
    0LR0 = $
    00RM = %
    0L0L = &
    RM00 = '
    0LL0 = (
    0RL0 = )
    00LM = *
    00ML = +
    R0R0 = ,
    R00L = -
    RR00 = .
    MMM0 = /
Num 0L00 = 0
Num R000 = 1
Num 0R00 = 2
Num 00R0 = 3
Num 000R = 4
Num M000 = 5
Num 0M00 = 6
Num 00M0 = 7
Num 000M = 8
Num L000 = 9
    00RL = :
    R00R = ;
Num M00L = <
    00MR = =
Num R0R0 = >
    RL00 = ?
    00LR = @
############## Other symbols (ascii 0x5b to 0x60 and 0x7b to 0x7f)
Num RM00 = [
    LLL0 = \
Num R00M = ]
Num LM00 = ^
    0R0L = _
Num R0L0 = `
Num R00L = {
Num LLR0 = |
Num LL0R = }
Num LLM0 = ~
    0L00 = \x7f
    00L0 = \x08
############## In addition to ascii, here are the special keys
# return, tab
000L = \x0a
MM0M = \x09
# arrows
0MR0 = Up
0ML0 = Down
0MM0 = Left
0M0M = Right
# pageup/down
00RR = Prior
00LL = Next
############## Functions
Fun R000 = F1
Fun 0R00 = F2
Fun 00R0 = F3
Fun 000R = F4
Fun M000 = F5
Fun 0M00 = F6
Fun 00M0 = F7
Fun 000M = F8
Fun L000 = F9
Fun 0L00 = F10
Fun 00L0 = F11
Fun 000L = F12
############## Console switching
Ctrl+Shift R000 = Console 1
Ctrl+Shift 0R00 = Console 2
Ctrl+Shift 00R0 = Console 3
Ctrl+Shift 000R = Console 4
Ctrl+Shift M000 = Console 5
Ctrl+Shift 0M00 = Console 6
Ctrl+Shift 00M0 = Console 7
Ctrl+Shift 000M = Console 8
Ctrl+Shift L000 = Console 9
Ctrl+Shift 0L00 = Console 10
Ctrl+Shift 00L0 = Console 11
Ctrl+Shift 000L = Console 12
############## Executing commands (be careful: this is root)
# This is just an example: t for "time" and s for "space"
# The empty line is  used to align text on console border
F M00R = Exec    echo > /dev/tty0; date > /dev/tty0
F M0R0 = Exec    echo > /dev/tty0; df   > /dev/tty0
# you can put shutdown, reboot or anything here.
############## Macros
0RR0 = "the"
0RM0 = "of"
0R0R = "to"
0M0R = "ed"
R00M = "and"
0R0M = "in"
0L0M = "ion"
00MM = "ing"
############## Add accented letters here below....

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 22:59:17  profilanswer

J'y comprends peau de zob... je vais aller jeter un coup d'oeuil à man

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 23-02-2004 à 23:00:14  profilanswer

J'en ai oublié un !!!

# Config file for /etc/init.d/gpm
# Please uncomment the type of mouse you have and the appropriate MOUSEDEV entry
# Extra settings
# Please uncomment this line if you want gpm to understand charsets used
# in URLs and names with ~ or : in them, etc. This is a good idea to turn on!
APPEND="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\""
# Various other options
#APPEND="-g 1 -A 60"
#APPEND="-l \"a-zA-Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\366\370-\377\" -g 1 -A 60"

trop sur HFR depuis 2001
Posté le 24-02-2004 à 07:43:36  profilanswer

up du matin

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  Ma souris deconne en mode console.


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