clem85 | Bonjour, je reviens cete fois-ci ave un peu plus d'informations. je suis le posteur de ce message: [...] 7678-1.htm
que un certains nombre de personnes ont vu mais sans réponse.
je reviens cete fois-ci avec le log de debug d'un seul démarage de mon squid.
Code :
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE9 for i386-debian-linux-gnu...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Process ID 1729
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| With 1024 file descriptors available
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Performing DNS Tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| DNS Socket created at, port 32768, FD 6
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'squidGuard' processes
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1730] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292926.571)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1730] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292926.577)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1731] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292926.583)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1731] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292926.589)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1732] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292926.594)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1732] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292926.601)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1733] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292926.606)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1733] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292926.612)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1734] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292926.618)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1734] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292926.624)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'pam_auth' processes
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| User-Agent logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Referer logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 23
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Target number of buckets: 393
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Using 8192 Store buckets
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Using Least Load store dir selection
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Loaded Icons.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 24.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 25.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| HTCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| WCCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Ready to serve requests.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| WARNING: basicauthenticator #1 (FD 15) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| WARNING: basicauthenticator #2 (FD 16) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| WARNING: basicauthenticator #3 (FD 17) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:26| Too few basicauthenticator processes are running
- FATAL: The basicauthenticator helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!
- Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE9): Terminated abnormally.
- CPU Usage: 0.020 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.000 sys
- Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
- Page faults with physical i/o: 476
- Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
- total space in arena: 2125 KB
- Ordinary blocks: 2094 KB 3 blks
- Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
- Holding blocks: 204 KB 1 blks
- Free Small blocks: 0 KB
- Free Ordinary blocks: 31 KB
- Total in use: 2298 KB 108%
- Total free: 31 KB 1%
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1730] squidGuard stopped (1148292926.928)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1731] squidGuard stopped (1148292926.928)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1732] squidGuard stopped (1148292926.929)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1733] squidGuard stopped (1148292926.929)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:26 [1734] squidGuard stopped (1148292926.929)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE9 for i386-debian-linux-gnu...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| Process ID 1742
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| With 1024 file descriptors available
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| Performing DNS Tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| DNS Socket created at, port 32768, FD 6
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:29| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'squidGuard' processes
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1743] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292930.008)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1743] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292930.016)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1744] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292930.021)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1744] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292930.028)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1745] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292930.033)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1745] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292930.040)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1746] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292930.045)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1746] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292930.051)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1747] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292930.056)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1747] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292930.063)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'pam_auth' processes
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| User-Agent logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Referer logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 23
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Target number of buckets: 393
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Using 8192 Store buckets
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Using Least Load store dir selection
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Loaded Icons.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 24.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 25.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| HTCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| WCCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Ready to serve requests.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| WARNING: basicauthenticator #1 (FD 15) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| WARNING: basicauthenticator #2 (FD 16) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| WARNING: basicauthenticator #3 (FD 17) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:30| Too few basicauthenticator processes are running
- FATAL: The basicauthenticator helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!
- Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE9): Terminated abnormally.
- CPU Usage: 0.020 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.000 sys
- Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
- Page faults with physical i/o: 476
- Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
- total space in arena: 2125 KB
- Ordinary blocks: 2094 KB 3 blks
- Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
- Holding blocks: 204 KB 1 blks
- Free Small blocks: 0 KB
- Free Ordinary blocks: 31 KB
- Total in use: 2298 KB 108%
- Total free: 31 KB 1%
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1743] squidGuard stopped (1148292930.368)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1744] squidGuard stopped (1148292930.368)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1745] squidGuard stopped (1148292930.369)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1746] squidGuard stopped (1148292930.369)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:30 [1747] squidGuard stopped (1148292930.369)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE9 for i386-debian-linux-gnu...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Process ID 1762
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| With 1024 file descriptors available
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Performing DNS Tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| DNS Socket created at, port 32768, FD 6
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'squidGuard' processes
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1763] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292933.448)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1763] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292933.455)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1764] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292933.460)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1764] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292933.467)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1765] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292933.472)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1765] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292933.478)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1766] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292933.484)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1766] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292933.490)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'pam_auth' processes
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1767] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292933.496)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1767] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292933.503)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| User-Agent logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Referer logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 23
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Target number of buckets: 393
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Using 8192 Store buckets
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Using Least Load store dir selection
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Loaded Icons.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 24.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 25.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| HTCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| WCCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Ready to serve requests.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| WARNING: basicauthenticator #1 (FD 15) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| WARNING: basicauthenticator #2 (FD 16) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| WARNING: basicauthenticator #3 (FD 17) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:33| Too few basicauthenticator processes are running
- FATAL: The basicauthenticator helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!
- Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE9): Terminated abnormally.
- CPU Usage: 0.020 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.000 sys
- Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
- Page faults with physical i/o: 476
- Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
- total space in arena: 2125 KB
- Ordinary blocks: 2094 KB 3 blks
- Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
- Holding blocks: 204 KB 1 blks
- Free Small blocks: 0 KB
- Free Ordinary blocks: 31 KB
- Total in use: 2298 KB 108%
- Total free: 31 KB 1%
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1763] squidGuard stopped (1148292933.808)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1764] squidGuard stopped (1148292933.808)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1765] squidGuard stopped (1148292933.809)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1766] squidGuard stopped (1148292933.809)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:33 [1767] squidGuard stopped (1148292933.809)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE9 for i386-debian-linux-gnu...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Process ID 1778
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| With 1024 file descriptors available
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Performing DNS Tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| DNS Socket created at, port 32768, FD 6
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'squidGuard' processes
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1779] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292936.888)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1779] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292936.894)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1780] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292936.900)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1780] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292936.906)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1781] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292936.912)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1781] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292936.918)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1782] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292936.923)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1782] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292936.930)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1783] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292936.935)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1783] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292936.942)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'pam_auth' processes
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| User-Agent logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Referer logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 23
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Target number of buckets: 393
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Using 8192 Store buckets
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Using Least Load store dir selection
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Loaded Icons.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 24.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 25.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| HTCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| WCCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Ready to serve requests.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| WARNING: basicauthenticator #1 (FD 15) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| WARNING: basicauthenticator #2 (FD 16) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| WARNING: basicauthenticator #3 (FD 17) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:36| Too few basicauthenticator processes are running
- FATAL: The basicauthenticator helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!
- Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE9): Terminated abnormally.
- CPU Usage: 0.030 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.010 sys
- Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
- Page faults with physical i/o: 476
- Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
- total space in arena: 2125 KB
- Ordinary blocks: 2094 KB 3 blks
- Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
- Holding blocks: 204 KB 1 blks
- Free Small blocks: 0 KB
- Free Ordinary blocks: 31 KB
- Total in use: 2298 KB 108%
- Total free: 31 KB 1%
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1779] squidGuard stopped (1148292936.998)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1780] squidGuard stopped (1148292936.998)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1781] squidGuard stopped (1148292936.999)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1782] squidGuard stopped (1148292936.999)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:36 [1783] squidGuard stopped (1148292936.999)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Starting Squid Cache version 2.5.STABLE9 for i386-debian-linux-gnu...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Process ID 1791
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| With 1024 file descriptors available
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Performing DNS Tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Successful DNS name lookup tests...
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| DNS Socket created at, port 32768, FD 6
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Adding nameserver from /etc/resolv.conf
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'squidGuard' processes
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1792] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292940.078)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1792] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292940.084)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1793] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292940.089)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1793] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292940.096)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1794] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292940.101)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1794] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292940.108)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1795] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292940.113)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1795] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292940.120)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1796] squidGuard 1.2.0 started (1148292940.125)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1796] squidGuard ready for requests (1148292940.131)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| helperOpenServers: Starting 5 'pam_auth' processes
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| User-Agent logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Referer logging is disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| ipcCreate: /usr/lib/squid/pam_auth: (13) Permission denied
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Unlinkd pipe opened on FD 23
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Swap maxSize 102400 KB, estimated 7876 objects
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Target number of buckets: 393
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Using 8192 Store buckets
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Max Mem size: 8192 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Max Swap size: 102400 KB
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Local cache digest enabled; rebuild/rewrite every 3600/3600 sec
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Rebuilding storage in /var/spool/squid (DIRTY)
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Using Least Load store dir selection
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Set Current Directory to /var/spool/squid
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Loaded Icons.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Accepting HTTP connections at, port 3128, FD 24.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Accepting ICP messages at, port 3130, FD 25.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| HTCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| WCCP Disabled.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Ready to serve requests.
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| WARNING: basicauthenticator #1 (FD 15) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| WARNING: basicauthenticator #2 (FD 16) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| WARNING: basicauthenticator #3 (FD 17) exited
- 2006/05/22 12:15:40| Too few basicauthenticator processes are running
- FATAL: The basicauthenticator helpers are crashing too rapidly, need help!
- Squid Cache (Version 2.5.STABLE9): Terminated abnormally.
- CPU Usage: 0.050 seconds = 0.020 user + 0.030 sys
- Maximum Resident Size: 0 KB
- Page faults with physical i/o: 476
- Memory usage for squid via mallinfo():
- total space in arena: 2125 KB
- Ordinary blocks: 2094 KB 3 blks
- Small blocks: 0 KB 0 blks
- Holding blocks: 204 KB 1 blks
- Free Small blocks: 0 KB
- Free Ordinary blocks: 31 KB
- Total in use: 2298 KB 108%
- Total free: 31 KB 1%
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1792] squidGuard stopped (1148292940.438)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1793] squidGuard stopped (1148292940.439)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1794] squidGuard stopped (1148292940.439)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1795] squidGuard stopped (1148292940.439)
- 2006-05-22 12:15:40 [1796] squidGuard stopped (1148292940.439)
J'espere que cela pourra vous guider dans l'approche de ma situation ...
merci d'avance encore
PS: j'ai essayé de lire et relire ces logs et de les interpreter mais je n'arive pas a trouver le problème (surement faute d'interpretation)... Message édité par clem85 le 22-05-2006 à 12:03:23