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  créer son propre tracker bittorent


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créer son propre tracker bittorent

Posté le 27-03-2004 à 13:28:54  profilanswer

on fait comment ? les seuls tutoriels que je trouve sur le net sont pour la version clickodrome windows :/

Posté le 27-03-2004 à 13:28:54  profilanswer

datoune's revival
Posté le 27-03-2004 à 14:22:26  profilanswer


Souviens toi du 5 Novembre...
Posté le 27-03-2004 à 14:25:06  profilanswer

tu veux faire un tracker ? ou juste créer un .torrent ?
dans le premier cas c'est *simple*

Citation :

mikala@andrea ~ $
--port <arg>
          Port to listen on. (defaults to 80)
--dfile <arg>
          file to store recent downloader info in
--bind <arg>
          comma-separated list of ips/hostnames to bind to locally (defaults to
--ipv6_enabled <arg>
          allow the client to connect to peers via IPv6 (defaults to 0)
--ipv6_binds_v4 <arg>
          set if an IPv6 server socket will also field IPv4 connections
          (defaults to 1)
--socket_timeout <arg>
          timeout for closing connections (defaults to 15)
--save_dfile_interval <arg>
          seconds between saving dfile (defaults to 300)
--timeout_downloaders_interval <arg>
          seconds between expiring downloaders (defaults to 2700)
--reannounce_interval <arg>
          seconds downloaders should wait between reannouncements (defaults to
--response_size <arg>
          number of peers to send in an info message (defaults to 50)
--timeout_check_interval <arg>
          time to wait between checking if any connections have timed out
          (defaults to 5)
--nat_check <arg>
          how many times to check if a downloader is behind a NAT (0 = don't
          check) (defaults to 3)
--min_time_between_log_flushes <arg>
          minimum time it must have been since the last flush to do another one
          (defaults to 3.0)
--allowed_dir <arg>
          only allow downloads for .torrents in this dir (defaults to '')
--allowed_controls <arg>
          allow special keys in torrents in the allowed_dir to affect tracker
          access (defaults to 0)
--multitracker_enabled <arg>
          whether to enable multitracker operation (defaults to 0)
--multitracker_allowed <arg>
          whether to allow incoming tracker announces (can be none, autodetect
          or all) (defaults to 'autodetect')
--multitracker_reannounce_interval <arg>
          seconds between outgoing tracker announces (defaults to 120)
--multitracker_maxpeers <arg>
          number of peers to get in a tracker announce (defaults to 20)
--aggregate_forward <arg>
          format: <url>[,<password>] - if set, forwards all non-multitracker to
          this url with this optional password (defaults to '')
--aggregator <arg>
          whether to act as a data aggregator rather than a tracker. If
          enabled, may be 1, or <password>; if password is set, then an
          incoming password is required for access (defaults to '0')
--http_timeout <arg>
          number of seconds to wait before assuming that an http connection has
          timed out (defaults to 60)
--parse_allowed_interval <arg>
          minutes between reloading of allowed_dir (defaults to 1)
--show_infopage <arg>
          whether to display an info page when the tracker's root dir is loaded
          (defaults to 1)
--infopage_redirect <arg>
          a URL to redirect the info page to (defaults to '')
--show_names <arg>
          whether to display names from allowed dir (defaults to 1)
--favicon <arg>
          file containing x-icon data to return when browser requests
          favicon.ico (defaults to '')
--allowed_ips <arg>
          only allow connections from IPs specified in the given file; file
          contains subnet data in the format: (defaults to '')
--only_local_override_ip <arg>
          ignore the ip GET parameter from machines which aren't on local
          network IPs (defaults to 1)
--logfile <arg>
          file to write the tracker logs, use - for stdout (default) (defaults
          to '')
--allow_get <arg>
          use with allowed_dir; adds a /file?hash={hash} url that allows users
          to download the torrent file (defaults to 0)
--keep_dead <arg>
          keep dead torrents after they expire (so they still show up on your
          /scrape and web page) (defaults to 0)
--scrape_allowed <arg>
          scrape access allowed (can be none, specific or full) (defaults to

dans le second cas aussi d'ailleurs :)

Citation :

mikala@andrea ~ $
Usage: <trackerurl> <file> [file...] [params...]
--announce_list <arg>
          a list of announce URLs - explained below (defaults to '')
--piece_size_pow2 <arg>
          which power of 2 to set the piece size to (0 = automatic) (defaults
          to 0)
--comment <arg>
          optional human-readable comment to put in .torrent (defaults to '')
--target <arg>
          optional target file for the torrent (defaults to '')
    announce_list = optional list of redundant/backup tracker URLs, in the format:
                where URLs separated by commas are all tried first
                before the next group of URLs separated by the pipe is checked.
                If none is given, it is assumed you don't want one in the metafile.
                If announce_list is given, clients which support it
                will ignore the <announce> value.
      |http://tracker [...]
                     (tries trackers 1-3 in order)
      ,http://tracker [...]
                     (tries trackers 1-3 in a randomly selected order)
      |http://backup1 [...]
                     (tries tracker 1 first, then tries between the 2 backups randomly)

bref suffit de lire quoi :D
apres si tu veux faire des stats a la con (tm) suffit de regarder sur le site , il y a deux trois scripts qui le font .

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  créer son propre tracker bittorent


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