tu te fais la bonne diskette de boot
4. Other installation methods If for any reason the previous methods do not fit your needs (you want
to perform a network install, an install from pcmcia devices or...),
you will need to make a boot floppy: * Under Linux (or other modern UNIX systems) type at prompt:
$ dd if=xxxxx.img of=/dev/fd0
* Under Windows, follow the method described in point 3, but using
xxxxx.img (see below) instead of cdrom.img.
* Under DOS, assuming your CD is drive D:, type:
D:\> dosutils\rawrite.exe -f images\xxxxx.img -d A where "xxxxx.img" is one of the available boot images:
| cdrom.img | install from CD-ROM |
| hd.img | install from hard-disk |
| network.img | install from ftp/nfs/http |
| usbnet.img | id, but using USB network adapter |
| other.img | install using seldom used hardware drivers |
| pcmcia.img | install from pcmcia devices |
| blank.img | install using your own Linux kernel |
+-----------------+--------------------------------------------+ blank.img is a minimal image to customize kernel installation.
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