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  GB Lib , probleme.......... (MRTG)


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GB Lib , probleme.......... (MRTG)

Posté le 11-05-2004 à 21:44:31  profilanswer

j'essaye depuis 3 jours dinstaller MRTG.. mais sans succes !!!
même en installant les package debian (apt-get install mrtg) rien ne marche : /
a cause de ca >>>

Citation :

** Ooops, one of many bad things happened:
   a)  You don't have the GD library installed.
       Get it from, compile it and
       use either --with-gd-lib=DIR and --with-gd-inc=DIR to specify
       its location. You might also have to use --with-z-inc,
             --with-z-lib and --with-png-inc, --with-png-lib for gd
             versions 1.6 and higher.  Check config.log for more
       information on the problem.
   b)  You have the GD library installed, but not the gd.h
       header file.  Download the source (see above) and use
       --with-gd-inc=DIR to specify where the file can be found.
   c)  You have the library and the header file installed, but
       you also have a shared GD library in the same directory.
       Remove the shared library files and/or links (e.g., and  This is especially
             likely if you're using a recent (post 1.8.4) version of GD
       and didn't configure it with --disable-shared.
   Consider following the instructions in doc/unix-guide.txt

alors en voyant ca j'ai bien sur installer les lib GD qui sont presente dans /usr/local/gd ... et même en lui specifiant a linstall il me remet ce message :/
ce le genre de truc qui a le dont de m'enerver :'(
si vous avez une idée... je suis preneur ;)
marchi davance!!
folkN !

Posté le 11-05-2004 à 21:44:31  profilanswer

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  Linux et OS Alternatifs

  GB Lib , probleme.......... (MRTG)


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