The term "Alpha" generally refers to systems based on the COMPAQ Alpha processor.
The term "IPF" refers to Intel Processor Family, it is used interchangably with IA64 (Itanium).
AlphaServer, Tru64 and OpenVMS are trademarks of COMPAQ Computer Corporation. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group. IA64 and Intanium are registered trademarks of Intel Coproration. Other names are properties of their respective owners.
Alpha will live on in IPF (Intel Processor Family). Intel and Compaq have agreed to use Alpha EV8 technology to enhance future IPF technology. This allows Compaq to stop competing with industry standards and focus on the higher level of the stack, OS, compilers, and so forth. With the Alpha technology integrated into IPF, the performance curve will leave other RISC at the end of life.
En gros, compaq et intel se sont maqués pour que l'itanium (daube infame) devienne une bête de course grâce a l'architecture de l'alpha (ze best)..
Ou plus simplement, comment faire passer un alpha pour un itanium..
on va le dire comme ca hein
Ps; true64 tourne sur alpha et ia64 sur "itanium" (qui sera un alpha etant donné que l'itanium reprendra 99.9% de l'archi de l'alpha)
[edtdd]--Message édité par _Evangelion_--[/edtdd]
Un clavier azerty en vaut deux.