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  terminal entièrement transparant (sans cadre)


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terminal entièrement transparant (sans cadre)

Posté le 30-08-2006 à 23:21:19  profilanswer

Je suis sous mac OS 10.4.4
comment régler le terminal entièrement transparant (sans cadre de la fenetre)
ibook:/Applications/Utilities/ user$ ls
Add.tiff                        da.lproj
Dutch.lproj                     fi.lproj
English.lproj                   icon.icns
French.lproj                    ko.lproj
German.lproj                    no.lproj
Italian.lproj                   pt.lproj
Japanese.lproj                  split-close.tiff
Remove.tiff                     split-open.tiff
Spanish.lproj                   split.gif
TIbeam.tiff                     sv.lproj
Terminal.rsrc                   term_icon.icns
Terminal.scriptSuite            zh_CN.lproj
Terminal.scriptTerminology      zh_TW.lproj
terminal.scriptTerminology ??????????
    Name = "Terminal Suite";  
    Description = "Terms and Events for controlling the Terminal application";
    Commands = {
        doScript = {
            Description = "Run a UNIX shell script or command";  
            Name = "do script";  
            Arguments = {
                withCommand = {
                    Name = "with command";
                    Description = "data to be passed to the Terminal application as the command line, deprecated, use direct parameter";
                inSomething = {
                    Name = "in";
                    Description = "the window in which to execute the command";
  GetURL = {
            Name = "GetURL";
            Description = "Opens a telnet: URL";
    Classes = {
        TerminalApp = {
            Name = "application";
            PluralName = "applications";  
            Description = "The Terminal program";  
            Attributes = {
                properties = {
      Name = "properties";
                    Description = "every property of the Terminal program";
        NSWindow = {
            Name = "window";
            PluralName = "windows";  
            Description = "A Terminal window";  
            Attributes = {
                position = {
                    Description = "the upper left coordinates of the window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen";  
                    Name = "position";  
#                bounds = {
#                    Description = "the boundary rectangle for the window, relative to the upper left corner of the screen";  
#                    Name = "bounds";  
#                };
                aeOrigin = {
                    Description = "the lower left coordinates of the window, relative to the lower left corner of the screen";  
                    Name = "origin";  
                aeSize = {
                    Description = "the width and height of the window";  
                    Name = "size";  
                aeFrame = {
                    Description = "the origin and size of the window";  
                    Name = "frame";  
                titleDisplaysDeviceName = {
                    Description = "Does the title for the window contain the device name?";  
                    Name = "title displays device name";  
                titleDisplaysShellPath = {
                    Description = "Does the title for the window contain the shell path?";  
                    Name = "title displays shell path";  
                titleDisplaysWindowSize = {
                    Description = "Does the title for the window contain the window size?";  
                    Name = "title displays window size";  
                titleDisplaysFileName = {
                    Description = "Does the title for the window contain the file name?";  
                    Name = "title displays file name";  
                titleDisplaysCustomTitle = {
                    Description = "Does the title for the window contain a custom title?";  
                    Name = "title displays custom title";  
                customTitle = {
                    Description = "the custom title for the window";  
                    Name = "custom title";  
                contents = {
                    Description = "the currently visible contents of the window";  
                    Name = "contents";  
                history = {
                    Description = "the contents of the entire scrolling buffer of the window";  
                    Name = "history";  
                numberOfRows = {
                    Description = "the number of rows in the window";  
                    Name = "number of rows";  
                numberOfColumns = {
                    Description = "the number of columns in the window";  
                    Name = "number of columns";  
                cursorColor = {
                    Description = "the cursor color for the window";  
                    Name = "cursor color";  
                terminalBackgroundColor = {
                    Description = "the background color for the window";  
                    Name = "background color";  
                normalTextColor = {
                    Description = "the normal text color for the window";  
                    Name = "normal text color";  
                boldTextColor = {
                    Description = "the bold text color for the window";  
                    Name = "bold text color";  
                busy = {
                    Description = "Is the window busy running a process?";  
                    Name = "busy";  
                processes = {
                    Description = "a list of the currently running processes";  
                    Name = "processes";  
                frontmost = {
                    Description = "Is the window in front of the other Terminal windows?";  
                    Name = "frontmost";  
                properties = {
      Name = "properties";
                    Description = "every property of the window";

Posté le 30-08-2006 à 23:21:19  profilanswer

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  terminal entièrement transparant (sans cadre)


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