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  Flash 11.2 et firefox 22 sur vielle machine


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Flash 11.2 et firefox 22 sur vielle machine

Posté le 21-07-2013 à 11:07:47  profilanswer

J ai l impression que la combinaison Firefox 22 + flash 11.2 sur une machine avec vieux proc (AMD Barton) pose probleme.
Je m explique avec une distrib anciennement installée Firefox 13 + flash 11.1 , pas de prob.  
Par contre avec la derniere Lubuntu = Firefox 22 + flash 11.2 carré noir sur youtube et aucun jeu flash qui marche sur Facebook
Des experiences similaires ?

Tout le monde se bat , personne se barre
Posté le 21-07-2013 à 11:07:47  profilanswer

Posté le 21-07-2013 à 11:11:23  profilanswer

J ai trouvé ca comme explication qui semble correspondre a mon probleme :
There is a problem with some older CPU's that updating the flash player plugin doesn't fix, (for people using the Linux operating system). The problem Affects all those having older CPU chips not having SSE2 .
For example AMD Athlon XP, (this one I am writing this on), and  Intel Celeron Coppermine-128, Sempron Intel Pentium III Coppermine, Intel Pentium III Tualatin, Intel Celeron Mendocino, Intel Celeron Tualatin-256, Intel Pentium M and probably many others  are all affected.
This computer I am on NOW has No flash At All after today's Firefox update.
To see your CPU specifics, and whether or not yours has the sse2 flag,
(sse will not do).
in a Linux terminal run:
cat /proc/cpuinfo
It will show you your PCU info. But please Google " cat /proc/cpuinfo " first,
as I always advise everyone to Never run a command which they do not understand).
With Firefox, simply highlight it, right click, and select Search google ... (or YOUR search provider).
After todays' update my music players and All flash, Dead, Again.
I had fixed this by copying an older version of libflashplayer  (Linux's equivelant of flashplayer.exe) into the  appropriate directory which has worked for the past 2 years or so.
But since the new update today, (Firefox 22) that fix has stopped working, I may can fix it yet again, but I haven't checked, I have grown weary of doing that so often. And of ALL the wasted hours I have spent doing that rather than something needful.
Like right Now, I need to be listening to music an artist just sent me a link to, but I cannot.
Edited 07/02/2103 Addendum: I later discovered that when Firefox updated it re-installed flash player and actually had 2 installed in the Addons/Plugins section, So after experimenting, Finally got flash working again by uninstalling both and re-installing flash, then replacing the libflashplayer dot so file with older version , again.

Tout le monde se bat , personne se barre
Posté le 21-07-2013 à 15:13:21  profilanswer

Effectivement ca  marche , donc avis au possesseur de "vieille" machine

Tout le monde se bat , personne se barre
Posté le 03-09-2013 à 11:50:26  profilanswer

J'ai exactement le même problème sur ma machine (athlon xp-m 2600), impossible d'utiliser flash pour lire une vidéo youtube par exemple.
Si j'ai bien compris la solution est de réinstaller une version plus ancienne de libflashplayer?
laquelle as-tu utilisé? quelle est la marche à suivre?

Posté le 04-07-2014 à 15:46:11  profilanswer

Solution ici [...] 175420481/

Tout le monde se bat , personne se barre

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  Flash 11.2 et firefox 22 sur vielle machine


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