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  télécommande pour ta carte tv


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télécommande pour ta carte tv

Posté le 10-09-2004 à 20:28:25  profilanswer

voilà je suis ss debian sid et g une imprimante hp deskjet 570cxi, j'aimerai l'installer : j'ai essayé le port parallèle et le port usb mais dans les 2 cas g la même erreur (à noter que j'ai aussi la même erreur avec une imprimante hp deskjet 5652...). Voilà le log de cups (mode debug2) qd je vx imprimer un document :  

Citation :

d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AcceptClient(lis=0x808c458) 0 NumClients = 0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AcceptClient: 5 from localhost:631.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AcceptClient: Adding fd 5 to InputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 5, used=0, file=-1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 5 GET /printers/hp970cxi?op=print-test-page HTTP/1.0
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] decode_auth(0x4058d008): Authorization string = "Basic cm9vdDpwbHV0b24="
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] decode_auth: 5 username="root"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] IsAuthorized: con->uri = "/printers/hp970cxi?op=print-test-page"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: uri = "/printers/hp970cxi?op=print-test-page"...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: Location / Limit 7f
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: Location /jobs Limit 7f
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: Location /admin Limit 7f
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: best = "/"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] argv[0] = "hp970cxi"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[0] = "PATH=/bin:/usr/bin"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[1] = "SERVER_SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[2] = "GATEWAY_INTERFACE=CGI/1.1"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[3] = "SERVER_PROTOCOL=HTTP/1.0"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[4] = "REDIRECT_STATUS=1"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[5] = "CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[6] = "IPP_PORT=631"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[7] = "SERVER_NAME=localhost"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[8] = "SERVER_PORT=631"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[9] = "REMOTE_ADDR="
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[10] = "REMOTE_HOST=localhost"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[11] = "REMOTE_USER=root"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[12] = "LANG=en.ISO8859-15"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[13] = "TZ=Europe/Paris"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[14] = "TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[15] = "CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[16] = "CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[17] = "HTTP_USER_AGENT=Lynx/2.8.5rel.1 libwww-FM/2.14 SSL-MM/1.4.1 GNUTLS/0.8.12"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[18] = "SCRIPT_NAME=/printers/hp970cxi"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[19] = "REQUEST_METHOD=GET"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] envp[20] = "QUERY_STRING=op=print-test-page"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AddCert: adding certificate for pid 8899
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] CGI /usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi started - PID = 8899
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Started "/usr/lib/cups/cgi-bin/printers.cgi" (pid=8899)
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] SendCommand: 5 file=7
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] SendCommand: Adding fd 7 to InputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] SendCommand: Adding fd 5 to OutputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AcceptClient(lis=0x808c458) 0 NumClients = 1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AcceptClient: 8 from localhost:631.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] AcceptClient: Adding fd 8 to InputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: 5 Content-Type: text/html;charset=iso-8859-15
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: 5  
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: 5 1176 bytes
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8 POST /printers/hp970cxi HTTP/1.1
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] decode_auth(0x4058fc3c): Authorization string = ""
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] decode_auth: 8 username=""
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] IsAuthorized: con->uri = "/printers/hp970cxi"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: uri = "/printers/hp970cxi"...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: Location / Limit 7f
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: Location /jobs Limit 7f
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: Location /admin Limit 7f
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] FindBest: best = "/"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] IsAuthorized: auth = 0, satisfy=0...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] POST /printers/hp970cxi
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] CONTENT_TYPE = application/ipp
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8 con->data_encoding = length, con->data_remaining = 14774, con->file = -1
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8 REQUEST /var/spool/cups/00000000=9
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8 writing 14553 bytes to 9
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8 Closing data file 9, size = 14553.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest(0x4058fc3c[8]): operation_id = 0002
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] print_job(0x4058fc3c[8], ipp://localhost/printers/hp970cxi)
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] print_job: request file type is application/postscript.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] check_quotas(0x4058fc3c[8], 0x80b76b8[hp970cxi])
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] check_quotas: requesting-user-name = 'root'
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] print_job: requesting-user-name = 'root'
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Adding default job-sheets values "none,none"...
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Adding start banner page "none" to job 4.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] copy_banner(0x4058fc3c[8], 0x80deab0[4], none)
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] add_file(con=0x4058fc3c[8], job=4, filetype=application/postscript, compression=0)
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Adding end banner page "none" to job 4.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] copy_banner(0x4058fc3c[8], 0x80deab0[4], none)
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Job 4 queued on 'hp970cxi' by 'root'.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Job 4 hold_until = 0
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] SaveJob: Closing file 9...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob(4, 0x80b76b8)
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob() id = 4, file = 0/1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] job-sheets=none,none
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] banner_page = 0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: argv = "hp970cxi","4","root","Test Page","1","","/var/spool/cups/d00004-001"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[0]="PATH=/usr/lib/cups/filter:/bin:/usr/bin"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[1]="SOFTWARE=CUPS/1.1"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[2]="USER=root"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[3]="CHARSET=iso-8859-15"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[4]="LANG=en"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[5]="TZ=Europe/Paris"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[6]="PPD=/etc/cups/ppd/hp970cxi.ppd"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[7]="CUPS_SERVERROOT=/etc/cups"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[8]="RIP_MAX_CACHE=8m"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[9]="TMPDIR=/var/spool/cups/tmp"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[10]="CONTENT_TYPE=application/postscript"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[11]="DEVICE_URI=parallel:/dev/lp0"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[12]="PRINTER=hp970cxi"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[13]="CUPS_DATADIR=/usr/share/cups"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[14]="CUPS_FONTPATH=/usr/share/cups/fonts"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[15]="CUPS_SERVER=localhost"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: envp[16]="IPP_PORT=631"
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: Allocating status buffer...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: statusfds = [ 9 10 ]
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 11 -1 ]
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ 12 13 ]
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops", 0xbfff0090, 0xbffef400, 11, 13, 10)
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/pstops (PID 8900) for job 4.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: filter = "/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[1] = [ 11 14 ]
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip", 0xbfff0090, 0xbffef400, 12, 14, 10)
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Started filter /usr/lib/cups/filter/foomatic-rip (PID 8901) for job 4.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: backend = "/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: filterfds[0] = [ -1 12 ]
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] start_process("/usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel", 0xbfff0090, 0xbffef400, 11, 12, 10)
I [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] Started backend /usr/lib/cups/backend/parallel (PID 8902) for job 4.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] StartJob: Adding fd 9 to InputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] add_job_state_reasons(0x4058fc3c[8], 4)
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: 8 status_code=0
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ProcessIPPRequest: Adding fd 8 to OutputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: Removing fd 8 from OutputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] PID 8899 exited with no errors.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] DeleteCert: removing certificate for pid 8899
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: 8, used=0, file=-1
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] ReadClient: httpGets returned EOF...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] CloseClient: 8
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] CloseClient: Removing fd 8 from InputSet and OutputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: Removing fd 5 from OutputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: Removing fd 7 from InputSet...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] WriteClient: 5 Closing data file 7.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] CloseClient: 5
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] CloseClient: Removing fd 5 from InputSet and OutputSet...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] Page = 595x842; 10,36 to 585,833
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] slowcollate=0, slowduplex=0, sloworder=0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%BoundingBox: 0 0 612 792
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%Pages: 1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%LanguageLevel: 1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%DocumentSuppliedResources: procset testprint/1.0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%DocumentNeededResources: font Helvetica Helvetica-Bold Times-Roman
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%Creator: Michael Sweet, Easy Software Products
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%CreationDate: May 11, 1999
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%Title: Test Page
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%EndComments
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%BeginProlog
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%BeginResource procset testprint 1.1 0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%EndResource
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%EndProlog
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%Page: 1 1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] pw = 575.6, pl = 797.0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] PageLeft = 9.7, PageRight = 585.3
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] PageTop = 833.0, PageBottom = 36.0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] PageWidth = 595.0, PageLength = 842.0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] LANG = "en"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] are supported and installed on your system.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:12 +0200] [Job 4] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C" ).
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] select_timeout: 11 seconds to process active jobs
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] foomatic-rip version $Revision: $ running...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Parsing PPD file ...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] *cupsFilter: "application/vnd.cups-postscript 0 foomatic-rip"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option ColorSpace
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option Resolution
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option PageSize
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option PageRegion
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option Model
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option PrintoutMode
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option ImageableArea
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option PaperDimension
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option Duplex
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option Quality
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Added option Font
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Parameter Summary
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] -----------------
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Spooler: cups
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Printer: hp970cxi
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] PPD file: /etc/cups/ppd/hp970cxi.ppd
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Printer model: HP DeskJet 970C Foomatic/hpijs (recommended)
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Job title: Test Page
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] File(s) to be printed:  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] <STDIN>
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] ================================================
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] File: <STDIN>
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] ================================================
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Reading PostScript input ...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] --> This document is DSC-conforming!
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] -----------
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%BeginProlog
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] 0 %%EOF
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Saw EOF!
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%EndProlog
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] -----------
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%BeginSetup
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Inserting PostScript code for CUPS' page accounting
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PrintoutMode Normal
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: PrintoutMode=Normal --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PrintoutMode=Normal
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: PrintoutMode=Normal --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Quality FromPrintoutMode
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: Quality=FromPrintoutMode --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Quality=@PrintoutMode
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: Quality=FromPrintoutMode --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%BeginFeature: *PageSize A4
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: PageSize=A4 --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: PageSize=A4
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: PageSize=A4 --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%BeginFeature: *Duplex None
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %% FoomaticRIPOptionSetting: Duplex=None
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Option: Duplex=None --> Setting option
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found: %%EndSetup
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] -----------
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] New page:  1 1
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Inserting option code into "PageSetup" section.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] No page header or page header not DSC-conforming
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] PID 8900 exited with no errors.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Stopping search for page header options
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Found:
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] pageHeight sub   % Move down...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] --> Output goes directly to the renderer now.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] Starting renderer
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] JCL: <job data>  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] renderer PID kid4=8904
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:13 +0200] [Job 4] renderer command: gs -q -dBATCH -dPARANOIDSAFER -dQUIET -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=ijs -sIjsServer=hpijs -sDeviceManufacturer="HEWLETT-PACKARD" -sDeviceModel="DESKJET 970" -dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595 -dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842 -dDuplex=false -r300 -sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=2 -dIjsUseOutputFD -sOutputFile=- -
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] LANGUAGE = (unset),
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] LC_ALL = (unset),
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] LANG = "en"
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] are supported and installed on your system.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] perl: warning: Falling back to the standard locale ("C" ).
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:14 +0200] [Job 4] foomatic-gswrapper: gs '-dBATCH' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dQUIET' '-dNOPAUSE' '-sDEVICE=ijs' '-sIjsServer=hpijs' '-sDeviceManufacturer=HEWLETT-PACKARD' '-sDeviceModel=DESKJET 970' '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595' '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842' '-dDuplex=false' '-r300' '-sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=2' '-dIjsUseOutputFD' '-sOutputFile=| cat >&3' '/dev/fd/0' 3>&1 1>&2
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] select_timeout: 11 seconds to process active jobs
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] sh: line 1:  8906 Segmentation fault      gs '-dBATCH' '-dPARANOIDSAFER' '-dQUIET' '-dNOPAUSE' '-sDEVICE=ijs' '-sIjsServer=hpijs' '-sDeviceManufacturer=HEWLETT-PACKARD' '-sDeviceModel=DESKJET 970' '-dDEVICEWIDTHPOINTS=595' '-dDEVICEHEIGHTPOINTS=842' '-dDuplex=false' '-r300' '-sIjsParams=Quality:Quality=0,Quality:ColorMode=2,Quality:MediaType=0,Quality:PenSet=2' '-dIjsUseOutputFD' '-sOutputFile=| cat >&3' '/dev/fd/0' 3>&1 1>&2
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] renderer return value: 139
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] renderer received signal: 139
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Process dying with "The renderer may have dumped core.", exit stat: 3
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] The renderer may have dumped core.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] tail process done writing data to STDOUT
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4]  
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Closing renderer
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] KID4 finished
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] KID3 exited with status 3
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Renderer exit stat: 3
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Renderer process finished
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Killing process 8903 (KID3)
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Process dying with "Error closing renderer", exit stat: 3
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] [Job 4] Error closing renderer

E [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] PID 8901 stopped with status 3!
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] PID 8902 exited with no errors.
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] UpdateJob: job 4, file 0 is complete.
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] UpdateJob: Removing fd 9 from InputSet...
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] CancelJob: id = 4
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] StopJob: id = 4, force = 0
D [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] StopJob: printer state is 3
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] StopJob: Freeing status buffer...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] SaveJob: Closing file 5...
d [06/Sep/2004:23:29:15 +0200] SaveJob: Closing file 5...

Message édité par chaos0007 le 11-09-2004 à 14:43:14
Posté le 10-09-2004 à 20:28:25  profilanswer

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