voilà ma conf. :
bind uparrow to forward
bind leftarrow to stepleft
bind downarrow to backward
bind rightarrow to stepright
bind space to swap
bind e to drop
bind f to punch
bind c to kick
bind insert to jump
bind mousebutton1 to fire1
bind mousebutton2 to fire2
bind mousebutton3 to fire3
bind mousexaxis to aim_LR
bind mouseyaxis to aim_UD
bind fkey1 to pausescreen
bind v to lookmode
bind x to crouch
bind rightcontrol to crouch
bind capslock to walk
bind enter to action
bind w to action
bind tab to hypo
bind r to reload
bind backslash to profile_toggle
bind fkey13 to screenshot
bind p to forward
bind l to stepleft
bind apostrophe to stepright
bind semicolon to backward
bind o to swap
bind leftbracket to drop
bind k to punch
le seul problème, c que j'arrive pas à sauter... si qqn sait comment s'appelle la touche 0 du pad num ça m'aiderait...
Stompin' & wishin'...