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  [GBA] Castevania, vos bons plans pour gagner de l'exp et des cartes


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[GBA] Castevania, vos bons plans pour gagner de l'exp et des cartes

Et pas DVD ! Lisez mieux !
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:32:07  profilanswer

histoire de pouvoir finir correctement la battle arena ;)
et aussi d'avoir toute les cartes

Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:32:07  profilanswer

life 's full of suprises
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:51:21  profilanswer

apres avoir battu camilla,va vers le point de sauvegarde  du debut du jeu quand tu tmbe de la salee de dracula,tu va u  peu sur la gauche et tu va descendre dans une salle un peu en forme de tour, tu as des ibiscus  je croiis( espece de dhommes volant ou doiseau  type rapaces) et arrive quasiement en bas ,il ya un passage secret que tu peu ouvrir en faisant une glisade et dedans tu as lenemi ki te donne le plus dxp du jeu, 20 000 ;)
suivant ton nivo ,elle est hard a batre  :( jai commence a partir du nivo 35 ( me restait plus qu a aller battre dracula ) et ej crois qu environ apres  20 h de jeux,je suis arrive o nivo 82  ;)
jusko nivo 40 je la battai une fois,  jallai me regenerer plus haut et apres  50 bin tu la bats des dizaine de fois de suite et tu te fais bcp dxp ;)
voila :) maintenant, jai tj pas vu la fin du jeu car apres avoir passe la cartouche a un pote,son cousin a efface ma sauvegarde...
pr mieux localiser lendroit de lilith,je crois kil faut passer dans le niuvo de la bibliotheque,tu as  pas mal de fire armor et otre ;)
sinon, si tu trouve pas,va sur le forum du jeu castle de jeuvideo . com et demande la carte,lendroit o use trouve lilith y est indique;)
pr les cartes,faut te faire le plus denemi possible;)
nivo 70 ,tu te fait la battle arena en 5 min;)
asur ce bon jeu :)


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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:54:07  profilanswer

ba , fait comme moi, a la barbare, comme dans l'ancien temps.
tu te trouve un enemie baleze, tu le butes, et tu fais des aller-retour :D
moi, je suis au niveau 41 alors que je n'ai fait que 35% du jeu.
old School :)


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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:55:21  profilanswer

en tout cas, c'est vraiment un jeu passionnant  
j'adore !!

life 's full of suprises
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:55:34  profilanswer

bah tico,tu irais bcp plus vite avec lilith ;)
crois mois
esai de trouver lendroit je ve esayer de retrouver la carte;)

life 's full of suprises
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 21:59:37  profilanswer

vla le lien [...] on_map.gif
je sais pas pk mais ca marke erreur,je lavai psote sur un ancien topic castle sur ce forum, ya vaitr el ememe mess derreur ki ne se produisait pas chez moi,lol mais on ma dit que c etait contournable;)

Et pas DVD ! Lisez mieux !
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:09:48  profilanswer

precisions :
level 46
96.7% de la map effectuee (en gros plus que les 3/4 de la battele arena et dracula ;))

Et pas DVD ! Lisez mieux !
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:11:55  profilanswer
plus qu'a me dire ou c ;)

life 's full of suprises
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:25:26  profilanswer

ah cool :)
regarde en bas a gauche,tu a sune salle de sauvegarde (rouge) tout en bas et une un peu plus haut,ok?  generalement jarrive du transporteur( jaune)  ki est un petit plus haut je descendai et noramlement tarriuve dans lze nivo de la bibliotheque, avec o debut comme enemi des grifons je crois pis des chandelier/chaise...
je suis pas sur de lendroit exacte mais tu va arrive un moment dans une sale ou  y a un gars avec une armure ,je sais plus quelle couleur,je crois que c est holy armor,tu va a gauche de cette salle la,tu arrive dans une salle "vertical"(en hauteur koi",tu peux monter avec le grand saut ou descendre et ces tla je crois qu il ya les ibiscus (ca doit etre le lon couloir bleu ki se trouve tout a gauche entre lersd deux point de sauvegarde)
la sur cte carte,lendroit est pas indique :( mais je suis  90% sur que c est dans ce long coulir en hauterur,disons que quand tu arrive dans cete sale,o liue de monter azvec le super saut,descend dun etage et sur la droitrte colle toi o mur,et essai une glissade,si ca marche pas,redscend dun cran, la ca devrait etre bon
desole pr les explication vague,mais ca fait des mois que jai pas retouche la cartouche(compltement demoralise apres ce ki est arrive a ma sovegarde)
tout ce que je peux garantir c est que c est dans le sud ouest ;)lol
donc,cherche la ou je tai dit ,a lextremet en bas a gauche dans le couloir ki descend;)


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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:31:50  profilanswer

c le monstre tout noir ki se teleporte là?
si oui il est immonde à tuer...

Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:31:50  profilanswer

life 's full of suprises
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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:34:25  profilanswer

nan,c pas cui la ;)
ca c devil il donne pas bcp d xp( pas mal mais moins que lilith)
lilith est une femme bleu avec des ailes noirs ;)
 avec le crucifix boomerang et si on saute o bon moment ca va nickel ;)

HFR Powered since 1998
Transactions (19)
Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:39:37  profilanswer

Les gars pour tuer la miss plus vite utiliser vos attaques spéciales (combinaison de deux cartes dont les noms ne me reviennent pas).
bas - droite - haut + B pour déclencher le pouvoir (utiliser le tonnere : efficace !!)

life 's full of suprises
Transactions (0)
Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:40:54  profilanswer

ou thunderbird + je sais pas koi,ca augmente la for ce de 25%

Et pas DVD ! Lisez mieux !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:47:16  profilanswer [...] on_map.gif
faut copier et coller dans une nouvelle fenetre d"ie et hop :)
au fait
il est possible d'utiliser des cartes qu'on a pas
choisissez une combi de cartes
activez la, et au moment ou vous activez le dss et que nathan commence a briller, pause, dss, choississez des cartes ques vous avez pas
et hop
magique ;)


[edtdd]--Message édité par -VDV---[/edtdd]

HFR Powered since 1998
Transactions (19)
Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:47:32  profilanswer

Voilà comment faire (désolé c'est en anglais) :

Citation :

                     CASTLEVANIA: CIRCLE OF THE MOON
                             Summoning Guide
                               By Twinkie
                               Version 1.3
                            Created: 7/16/01
                           Submitted: 7/18/01
                           Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Legal Junk
3. FAQ History
4. What is a Summon?
5. Getting Started (What You Need!)
6. How To Summon
7. Summon Usage
8. Types of Summons
  1. Salamander
  2. Serpent
  3. Mandragora
  4. Golem
  5. Cockatrice
  6. Manticore
  7. Griffin
  8. Thunderbird
  9. Manticore
  10. Black Dog
9. Credits
10. How to Contact Me
                            1. Introduction
Castlevania: Circle of the Moon is the best Game Boy Advance launch game, but
it is also one of the most difficult.  One of the problems people are
encountering (especially at the GameFAQs CotM message board) is summoning.  
It's almost crazy how many topics have been made asking how to do it!  To save
myself a headache, I've decided to write this guide on summons.  Read on!
                              2. Legal Junk
Copyright 2001 Twinkie.  This may not be stolen, altered, or sold for ANY FORM
OF PROFIT.  It MAY be reproduced electronically, and used for PRIVATE and
PERSONAL use.  It MAY NOT be put on a CD-Rom or printed in a magazine or any
other form of publication.  If you would like to put this on your web site,
please email me at  If this document is found taken
without permission, altered in any way, or used for profit, legal action will
be taken.
The websites where this is allowed to be currently are: (where the most updated version is always found)
If any of you reading this find it elsewhere, email me!  Thanks.
                           3. Guide History
7/20/01 (later in the day): A few spelling and grammar errors are pointed out
to me by bobbychild, so I fix those.
7/20/01: Hmm...  I got an email saying that it IS possible to get the Uranus
card before defeating Camilla.  The guide is, accordingly, altered.
7/19/01: Apparently a bit of my information about the different kinds of
summons is incorrect (Manticore is poison clouds, NOT pebbles), so I changed
that and added a list of the summons from best to worst.
7/18/01: The guide is completed, unless I think of something else to put in, so
I submit it!
7/17/01: Make a few more sections!
7/16/01: I start writing the guide; make the first few sections.
                          4. What is a Summon?
A summon is a button combination using a DSS card combination which "summons" a
mythical creature, such as a Mandragora or Unicorn depending on the card
combination.  The effects given are usually attacks; the Mandragora puts out
little "bubbles", but the Unicorn heals you.  Summons are incredibly useful
since they are also incredibly powerful.  However, they use a lot of mana, or
MP.  Still, they can take out bosses very quickly and almost always instantly
kill regular enemies.  Also, summons make you invulnerable while using them,
which is truly awesome!
                    5. Getting Started (What You Need!)
Before you start using summons, you'll need to get the right DSS cards.  The
most important is the "Uranus" card which is in the top row of cards.  To get
it, though, you'll have to first beat Camilla in the sewers.  Once Camilla is
defeated, go to the Golem boss room in the Machine Tower (look at Zeric's
excellent Card Map at GameFAQs).  The candles there have turned into "Scary
Candles"; hit them once and they dive to the floor and dissolve.  To avoid them
getting away, I used the ice sword (Mars + Serpent) to freeze the candles
before they got away.  It's also possible to hit the candle once while it's
"faking" and standing still on the wall, then slide (press down on the control
pad and A, so that you can use the +25% luck combo (Venus + Mandagora) to get
the card more quickly.  In any event, once you have the card, you can use it
with the 10 attribute cards on the bottom row.  To get these, look at Zeric's
(NOTE: Apparently it is possible to get the Uranus card before fighting
Camilla, which is different than what I, and many others, had previously
though.  So, I'm guessing that it appears after Death instead.  Thanks goes to
Wes Brown for the info.)
                            6. How to Summon
First off, select a combination using Uranus and an attribute card (one on the
bottom row) by going to "DSS" on the pause menu.  Next, go back into the game
and press "L" on your Game Boy Advance to activate the DSS.  However, summoning
isn't that simple (and this is the cause of much confusion).  What you need to
do is press on the control pad (that funky little plus-sign thingy on the left
of the controller, doofus) this combination: down, down-right, right,
upper-right, up, and B.  This is what those of you who've played Street Fighter
know as a half-circle forward, of a HCF.  You can also change all of the times
"right" is used in that to "left", and it'll still worok.  Of course, those of
you who didn't understand how to summon on the message board still aren't going
to quite get that.  So, I'll draw out exactly what you need to press in what
order (1 is first, 6 is last):
      |   |
      | 5 |  4
 _____|   |_____
|               |
|_____     ___3_|             (  6 B   )
      |   |
      | 1 |   2
So, in essence, you're just rolling your thumb from the bottom of the control
pad to the top.  If you STILL don't understand, think of it as this: you're
pressing it in a "180" motion from the bottom to the top.  A "360" is a full
circle, so you're doing a half circle motion.  You say you still don't get it?  
Try looking at a Street Fighter II guide for Ryu, and you'll see what they say
about his "Hadoken" or "Fireball" QCF motion; keep going to the top instead of
stopping on the right.
                             7. Summon Usage
Summons are incredibly useful.  Since they're so powerful, you can use them
almost exclusively against bosses combined with using MP refills (Mind Restore,
Mind High, Mind Ex).  There are a few particular instances in which their usage
is the best, however.
Lilith- she's the best way to gain EXP (20,000 per time!), and is located in
the Underground Warehouse.  Lilith is located in a secret room (again, look in
Zeric's Game Map!).  To access the secret room, go up and down the wall hitting
it with your whip to find it.  Lilith is an extremely hard enemy without using
a summon, and unless you're a super-high level, it's almost futile to not use
one.  Anyway, use 2 or 3 summons against her right after each other (I
recommend Thunderbird), and she's easy.  Personally, I fought her enough to
raise my level from 45 to 63!  If you fight her enough, you'll also eventually
get the Sage Robe (THE best armor in the game, since your INT goes up the roof)
and Mind Ex's.
Battle Arena- the Battle Arena supposedly doesn't allow usage of DSS, but it IS
possible!  First off, go to the pause menu and use a Mind Restore, Mind High,
or Mind Ex.  Next, switch to a DSS combo that uses a summon.  Unpause and
IMMEDIATELY press L and do the summoning button combo.  You'll use a summon
before all of your MP is automatically drained!  I like to use a Unicorn summon
(to replenish health instead of using one of the various potions or meats) and
the Cockatrice summon (to easily get through a room with minimum health loss).  
The Battle Arena is already fairly easy if you're a high enough level, but
summons make it a piece of cake!
Difficult Normal Enemies- many "normal" enemies, such as Devils or many of the
varieties of Demons (Ice, Wind, ect.) or the various Armors are very difficult.
 So, if possible, lure more than one so that they're both on one "screen", and
let loose your summon.  Voila!   They should only take one or two summons to go
down.  Also, if you're being swarmed by many "weak" enemies, use a Thunderbird
summon to take all of 'em out.
Magician Mode- since in Magician Mode, emphasis is on, well, magic (you start
out will all the cards!), summons are an essential tactic.  As a Magician,
you're physically weak but magic is very strong, summons should be used against
ALL powerful enemies.  They're the best way to get through it, bar none.  Use
the Thunderbird summon VERY often!  Against the bosses in this mode, by
summoning OVER and OVER again, you can win very easily.
Camilla- Apparently, it's possible to get the Uranus card BEFORE Camilla and
defeat her.  So, just use many Thunderbird summons while standing by the door
and she's a piece of cake!
Hugh- unless you're playing in Magician mode, Hugh is one of 3 bosses that can
be defeated by using summons, as Camilla must be defeated to get the Uranus
card.  Hugh can be beaten by using the Cockatrice summon only three or four
times (sometimes less if you're powerful enough!).  If you're not using
summons, Hugh can be extremely difficult.  However, by using summons, he's
extremely easy!  ;)
Dracula- yep, the final boss can also be easily defeated by using summons.  In
his first form, while he teleports, wait for two of the beams of light to come
down, and immediately use the Cockatrice summon.  On his second form, use the
Thunderbird summon while his eye is open, and once only his eye (which flies
around) remains, a few more Thunderbird summons will kill him and beat the
game!  ^_^
                          8. Types of Summons
The summon action card, Uranus, can be used with each of the 10 attribute
cards.  So...  Here they are, with their usage, power level (* is the worst,
***** is the best), type (fire, ice, ect.), overall value (*=worst,
*****=best), and description!
MP Usage: 160
Power: ***
Type: Fire
Overall: *1/2
Salamander summons a giant lizard which comes down from the upper right-hand
corner and brings down magma rocks covering the screen.  It's fairly powerful,
but the high MP usage makes it worthless when you can get a Thunderbird or
Cockatrice summon for just 40 more MP.  Don't use it.
MP Usage: 120
Power: Varies depending on projectile
Type: Ice
Overall: **
A serpent comes from the lower-right hand corner which fires a spiral of snow,
ice blocks, and snowflakes.  The damage incurred on enemies depends on which
projectile hits them (which is entirely random): snow is most powerful, ice
blocks are mediocre, and snowflakes are awful.  It's just a bit better than
Salamander, as it's MP usage is low, but the whole idea about random
projectile-based damage makes it practically worthless if you need more damage.
MP Usage: 100
Power: **
Type: Plant
Overall: *
A large tree (Dryad?) comes into the center of the screen and fires out green
bubbles.  Unfortunately, they don't cover much of the screen at all, and
they're not very powerful.  This is the second-worst summon; DON'T USE IT.
MP Usage: 100
Power: ***1/2
Type: Earth
Overall: ***1/2
A Golem (yes, he looks EXACTLY the same as the boss) pops up from the bottom of
the screen and showers all the enemies with dirt clods.  It's fairly powerful,
and the low MP usage makes this a great summon if you need one to not take up
much MP.
MP Usage: 200
Power: *****
Type: Stone
Overall: ****1/2
A rooster flies across the screen from the right and showers enemies with rocks
(rather like the Golem summon).  The MP usage is very high, but it's the most
powerful summon in the game, sheer power-wise.  However, it can't hit enemies
off of the screen like the Thunderbird, making it the second best summon.
MP Usage: 80
Power: **1/2
Type: Poison
Overall: ***
A strange lion/scorpion creature appears in the center of the screen and pelts
the enemies with poison clouds.  It's about medium in power, and the low MP
usage makes it good, but still not great.
MP Usage: 100
Power: ***
Type: Wind
Overall: ***
A hawk-creature flies from the bottom-right corner of the screen and sends out
gales of wind to injure enemies.  It's more powerful than Manticore, and with a
bit more MP, this is a just a bit better than average summon.
MP Usage: 200
Power: ****1/2
Type: Electricity
Overall: ***** (the best summon!)
A weird-looking four-winged bird flies from the bottom of the screen, showering
all enemies with lightning bolts.  It uses a high amount of MP, but it is also
VERY powerful (the only one more powerful is the Cockatrice summon).  However,
there is another function that makes Thunderbird the best: it can hit
off-screen enemies!  This is very useful especially when killing Lilith, since
she often flies off-screen and back on.  Thunderbird should be your most-used
MP Usage: 100
Power: N/A
Type: Holy
Overall: ****1/2
A Unicorn comes from the bottom of the screen, and does not attack, but HEALS
you (about 1/8 of your health is restored)!  This is extremely useful when
you're in trouble and without potions or meat; use of this in the Battle Arena
with the DSS-using trick makes it extremely easy!  Because of the huge
usefulness of this and the low MP usage, Unicorn is one of the best summons to
                          BLACK DOG
MP Usage: 100
Power: *
Type: Darkness
Overall: *
A black dog (it's a dog, and it's black!) flies from the left side of the
screen and does extremely low damage to enemies and also heals you an extremely
low amount.  This is also extremely worthless, since there are much better
summons to damage, and the Unicorn summons heals you a heck of a lot more.  
This is the worst summon, bar none.  Like the Mandragora, DO NOT USE IT.
Here's all the summons, from best to worst:
1. Thunderbird
2. (tie) Cockatrice
2. (tie) Unicorn
4. Golem
5. (tie) Griffin
5. (tie) Manticore
7. Serpent
8. Salamander
9. Mandragora
10. Black Dog
                               9. Credits
Thanks goes out to: the Circle of the Moon GameFAQs message board for my whole
reason to write this, CJayC for having the awesome site of GameFAQs, and Konami
for making this absolutely excellent game!  Also, thanks to Wes Brown for
pointing out that it's possible to get the Uranus card before Camilla.  Thanks
goes to bobbychild for pointing out some grammar and spelling errors, too.
                          10. How to Contact Me
To webmasters wishing to use my guide OR comments, suggestions, or critique
about my guide contact me at  DO NOT send advertisements
to this address.  If this happens, I will take this address off.  Other than
ads, I'm happy to accept your thoughts on this!  Just one other thing, though:
please look through the guide first to find what you need.  I won't answer if
it's something I've stated in here, so realize that.  Thanks!

HFR Powered since 1998
Transactions (19)
Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:50:40  profilanswer

Et pour les cartes :

Citation :

Akumajo Dracula : Circle Of The Moon Card Guide
For Gameboy Advance
Version 1.1 (15 June 2001)
Unpublished Copyright 2001 Nyst
This card guide written for Japanese Castlevania(Akumajo Dracula) :  
Circle Of The Moon. There maybe changes to the US game and the names  
maybe different.  
I hardly have time to update this guide, so it may take some time  
for a newer version to be put up. Also I do not have or played the  
US version, thus I do not know the actual names of monsters or places  
in that version of the game.....=)
Version History
ver 1.1 - Corrected SOME information....Final version(maybe)
ver 1.0(8th april 2001) - Updated some important card locations
ver 0.8(1st april 2001) - First card guide written
Card Locations
Here are the card locations that I found, where u can get the cards  
from the earliest monsters. Cards can be found in OTHER monsters too.
Card drops randomly at different times, maybe affected by lck(luck)  
or level(not sure). Once a card is gotten, it won't drop again of
Monster : Bone head (The bone head that is on the ceiling, shooting  
small fireballs.)  
Area    : Catacomb
Monster : Slime (The slimy thingy that sticks on the ceiling and drops  
down when u go near below it. Does poison damage.)
Area    : Catacomb, Abyss Corridor(Secret Room), Audience Room
Monster : Heat Shade (The floating red woman that shoots homming  
fireball, cries when she dies.)
Area    : Machine Tower
Monster : Flying swords (The swords that circles then charge at you.)
Area    : Chapel Tower
Monster : Man Eater (The huge flower that spits seeds. Sometimes  
spits like a machine gun.)
Area    : Underground gallery (Same area where the mantis is)
Monster : Arc Demon (Green demon standing still, shooting bullets from  
up to down, then up again.)
Area    : Underground Storage.(Near the entrance to this area, there  
is a griffon flying around. In the long room to the RIGHT.)
Monster : Ice Armour (The knights that throws 2 long ice shards.  
1st Ice shards thrown higher than the second one)
Area    : Underground Waterway
Monster : Fallen Angel (5 ring winged demoness) (This 5 ring  
winged demoness is NOT the one found at the secret passage in  
the right side of the outer wall area...)
Area    : Near the entrance to Battle Arena
Monster : Scary candle (The creature that pops out of the candle.)  
Area    : GOLEM BOSS ROOM. (NOT the long corridor with skeleton athletes)
I think the candle will only appear later in the game.(After carmila???)
Monster : Trick candle (The creature that pops out of the  
Area    : Cerebus Boss Room. (The lower center candle of the first boss  
room) I think the candle will only appear later in the game.(After carmila???)
Attribute Cards
Monster : Bomb skeleton (Those skeletons that throws bombs.)
Area    : Catacomb
Monster : Earth Demon (The single flying demon that attacks  
with an earth wave.)
Area    : Catacomb, near the place where u get the running shoes.
Monster : Axe Armour (The Knight that throws axes.)
Area    : Abyss Corridor(Secret Room), Audience Room
Monster : Lighting skeleton (The skeleton that throws lightning  
which moves on the ground.)
Area    : Audience Room
Monster : Stone Armour (The knight that throws 3 rocks)
Area    : Machine Tower (Inside a room with a max hp jug, same  
area as the one with Thunder demons.)
Monster : Thunder Demon (The flying demon that attacks  
with 3 lighting bolts)
Area    : Machine Tower (You need to slide through the small  
opening to reach this area.)
Monster : Skeleton Athletes (The skeleton that runs very fast and
rams into you.)
Area    : Audience Room (You need to go through the outer wall  
area for the first time,to reach the eastern part of the audience  
room). Right most room which is quite long.  
Monster : War Panther (The panther-like men that runs, throws a punch and  
then backs off.)
Area    : Chapel Tower. (North part)
Monster : White Armour (The knight that shoots white laser  
from it's sword at 3 different directions at different times.)
Area    : Battle Arena only.  
Black Dog  
Monster : Devil Armour(The knight that shoot 3 vertical dark disk  
at 3 different directions at different times)
Area    : Battle Arena only.
Card Combination Effects(DSS)
I will list the effects by action cards. Action cards represents  
different kinds abilties that can be used. Attribute cards are
different types of elements available.  
Some cards need certain button sequence to activate, but it's the
same for all that need it.(Uranus, Apollo and Pluto)
Here's the button sequence:
Activate DSS(Press the left shoulder button). Press,
Down, Left Down, Left, Left Up, Up, Attack(B button)
Down, Right Down, Right, Right Up, Up, Attack(B button)
Tips : Monster that are frozen or stoned can be step on without  
taking any damage. This allows you to jump to higher places
that cannot be reached easily.  
Action Cards  
Mercury - Whip enhancer
Venus   - Stats modifier
Jupiter - Protective shields
Mars    - Weapon changer
Diana   - Whip projectiles
Apollo  - Explosives  
Neptune - Recovery
Saturn  - Familiars
Uranus  - Summoning
Pluto   - Special effects
Attribute Cards
Salamander  - Fire
Serpent     - Ice/Water  
Mandragoras - Plant
Golem       - Earth
Cockarice   - Stone
Manticore   - Poison
Griffon     - Wind
Thunderbird - Lighting
Unicorn     - Holy  
Black dog   - Dark  
(Damage reduces when attacking enemies of the same element.  
i.e. Fire whip against bone head that spits fire)
Mercury + Salamander  
Mp : 6/attack
Stats : Increase str by 5%.  
Fire whip.
Mercury + Serpent      
Mp : 2/attack
Stats : Decrease str by 30%.
Ice whip. Able to freeze enemies when they are about to die. Faster
attack speed than other whips.  
Mercury + Mandragoras  
Mp : 6/attack
Stats : Increase str by 10%.
Plant whip.
Mercury + Golem        
Mp : 8/attack
Stats : Nil.
Longer whip. But seems to be quite slow.
Mercury + Cockarice    
Mp : 6/attack
Stats : Increase str by 10%.
Stone whip. Able to stone enemies when they are about to die.
Mercury + Manticore  
Mp : 6/attack    
Stats : Increase str by ABOUT 11%.  
Poison whip. Whips in an up diagonal direction and produces 3 small  
poison clouds. Monsters within the poison clouds continues to take damage.
Mercury + Griffon  
Mp : 10/attack  
Stats : Increase str by 13%.
Wind whip. This whip attacks multiple times per button pressed.
holding the attack button allow continuous whipping(not spinning), but  
cannot move at the same time.
Mercury + Thunderbird  
Mp : 10/attack
Stats : Nil.
Lighting whip. Holding the attack button allows the whip the stay.
But the damage will slowly decrease when holding.
Mercury + Unicorn  
Mp : 20/attack
Stats : Increase str by 22%.
Holy whip. Heals you 10%(round down) of max hp at same time it attacks.
Mercury + Black dog  
Mp : 40/attack
Stats : Increase str by 40%.
Dark whip. Leaves a dark cloud on the enemy which rapidly drains
their hp(about 1% of your max hp). If u kill it by the first hit
there won't be any dark cloud of course........=/
Stats change is NOT exactly x 1.25(??????)
Venus + Salamander  
Mp : 4
str x 1.25.
Venus + Serpent  
Mp : 4/time  
def x 1.25.
Venus + Mandragoras  
Mp : 4/time  
lck x 1.25.
Venus + Golem  
Mp : 16/time  
Increase def base on map coverage.
Venus + Cockarice
Mp : 2/time
Gain exp while WALKING.(1 exp per few steps)
Venus + Manticore
Mp : 2/time  
Heart gain from CANDLES x2.
Venus + Griffon  
Mp : 4/time
int x 1.25.
Venus + Thunderbird  
Mp : 16/time
Increase str base on map coverage.
Venus + Unicorn  
Mp : 8/time
2x def, 0.5x str.
Venus + Black Dog
Mp : 8/time  
2x str, 0.5x def.
Jupiter + Salamander  
Mp : 4/time
2 slow fire shields(balls circling arround u). Damages the same amount  
as the whip.
Jupiter + Serpent
Mp : 4/time
4 fast ice shields. Low damage.
Jupiter + Mandragoras
Mp : 16/time  
Self Healing. Stand still and you will recover about 1% of MAX hp per  
second(Minimum 1 hp).
Jupiter + Golem
Mp : 4/time
After-hit-invincibility time x4.
Jupiter + Cockarice  
Mp : 8/time
Immune being stoned(not the damage), but limits your movement.
Jupiter + Manticore  
Mp : 4/time
Poison gas shield. Enemies within the poison gas takes constant damage.
Jupiter + Griffon
Mp : 4/time
Charge shield. When RUNNING a cresent shield appears in front of you.
Damages enemies but not protect you.
Jupiter + Thunderbird
Mp : 4/time
All damage received are halved.(Very useful combo!!)
Jupiter + Unicorn
Mp : 8/time
White sphere that protects u from enemies and certain projectiles. But  
you will still take damage if you ram against them.
Jupiter + Black Dog  
Mp : 8/time
Same as above but dark sphere is stronger. You will be in POISON state
(which means you will constantly lose hp) when this combo is activated.
Mars + Salamander  
Mp : 8/attack
Stats : Increase str by 10%.
Fire sword.
Mars + Serpent  
Mp : 4/attack
Stats : Decrease str by 29%.
Ice sword. Faster attack, but lower damage(Very useful for freezing  
enemies to step on and reach high places)
Mars + Mandragoras
Mp : 10/attack
Stats : Increase str by 12%.
Plant sword.
Mars + Golem  
Mp : 4/attack
Stats : Nil.
SLOW warhammer. The attack will cause a slight earth shake and damage
enemies that are on the ground.
Mars + Cockarice
Mp : 12/attack
Stats : Increase str by 21%.
Tonfas. Stones enemies when they are about to die.
Mars + Manticore
Mp : 8/attack
Stats : Decrease str by 11%.
Poison claws.
Mars + Griffon  
Mp : 16/attack
Stats : Nil.
Charge slash. The longer you hold the attack button, the further you  
slash and higher the damage. The damage for holding to the fullest
is about 10 times than just pressing attack button.  
Mars + Thunderbird
Mp : 16/attack
Stats : Nil.
Press attack once results in a punch. Press quickly and continuously  
for 3 punches and a kick combo.
Mars + Unicorn
Mp : 32/attack
Stats : Increase str by 71%.
Holy sword. This sword is very long and damages quite a lot.
Mars + Black Dog
Mp : 32/attack
Stats : str x 2.
SLOW laser GUN. Nathan take out a pistol fires a laser and puts it back.
This attack damages A LOT!!
Diana + Salamander
Mp : 32/attack
Shoots 1 fireball.
Diana + Serpent  
Mp : 64/attack  
Shoots 3 big snow flakes.
Diana + Mandragoras
Mp : 96/attack
Shoots 3 leaf ball.
Diana + Golem  
Mp : 16/attack
Creates an earth wave, damages enemies on the ground.
Diana + Cockarice  
Mp : 16/attack
Shoot 3 stones. Stones enemies when they are about to die.
Diana + Manticore  
Mp : 16/attack
Shoots 1 poison ball.
Diana + Griffon
Mp : 128/attack
Shoots an arrowhead shot that leaves trail. Damage is a lot.
Diana + Thunderbird  
Mp : 16/attack
Lighting charges the whip when SPINNING.
Diana + Unicorn  
Mp : 48/attack
Shoots a white ball leaving trails that continues to fly and  
hit the nearest single enemy for about 5 times.
Diana + Black Dog
Mp : 32/attack
Shoots 8 dark energy balls. Damages about 2x of whip damage.
Apollo + Salamander  
Mp : 20/use
Fire explosive.
Apollo + Serpent
Mp : 20/use
Ice explosive. When explode, it spits into 8 parts and flys in
8 different directions. Freezing effect.  
Apollo + Mandragoras  
Mp : 40/use
Plant explosive.
Apollo + Golem
Mp : 30/use
5 big spears erupting from the ground.
Apollo + Cockarice
Mp : 60/use
Meteor shower with 3 huge meteors. Stones enemy when they are  
near death.
Apollo + Manticore
Mp : 10/use
Poison dust explosive. Continuous damage if enemy stays within
the poison dust.
Apollo + Griffon
Mp : 60/use
Throws a whirlwind in front of you. the whirlwind then shoots
many arrowheads in both left and right directions.
Apollo + Thunderbird
Mp : 80/use
Throws a big lighting ball. If it hits the enemy, it stays
on it for a few seconds, rapidly damaging the enemy.
Apollo + Unicorn
Mp : 80/use
Holy lances rain from heaven.
Apollo + Black Dog
Mp : 120/use
Throw a huge dark energy ball that will fly to the nearest
enemy and stays on it for a few seconds.
Basically neptune completely protects you from certain element attacks  
and enemies base on the type of attribute card, drains 1/8th of the  
damage and recovers your hpby that amount.(ie Neptune + salamander  
protects you from fire enemies and attacks).
Example : Let say you got hit by a fire ball which normally damages
you for 80 hp. Now with Neptune + Salamander activated, you RECOVER  
10 hp instead!
All combo Mp : 3/time    
Saturn + Salamander  
Mp : 4/shot
A Bat that shoots small fireball, when you attack or spin the whip.
Saturn + Serpent
Mp : 4/attack
Ice skeletal ghost that attacks. Freezes enemies when they are about  
to die.
Saturn + Mandragoras  
Mp : 4/shot
Falcon(looks like an owl to me..) that shoots projectiles, when you  
attack or spin the whip.
Saturn + Golem  
Mp : 4/attack
Hawk that attacks. It will charge into the enemy.
Saturn + Cockarice
Mp : 6/shot
Medusa head that shoot stone balls, when you attack or spin the whip.
Stone balls stones enemies when they are about to die.
Saturn + Manticore
Mp : 8/attack
Mist that attacks.
Saturn + Griffon  
Mp : 8/shot
Fairy that shoots energyballs, when you attack or spin the whip.
Saturn + Thunderbird
Mp : 16/attack
Bird with lighting around it that attacks.
Saturn + Unicorn
Mp : 32/shot
Little angel that shoots knifes, when you attack or spin the whip.
Saturn + Black dog
Mp : 4/shot
Little devil that shoots fireblast base on the amount of time u  
charge(ie spinning the whip).
URANUS (The most cool effect card in the entire game!!)
Note : During summoning, enemies can still move about and attack,
but you are unaffected.
Uranus + Salamander
Mp : 160/use
Summons a huge salamander that moves across the screen from the
top right to the bottom left. Meteor Shower attack.
Uranus + Serpent
Mp : 120/use
Summons a huge serpent that moves from bottom left to top right.
Attacks with snow flakes and balls in a spiral pattern.
Freezing effect.
Uranus + Mandragoras
Mp : 100/use
Summons mandragoras(a huge tree with eyes) at the center of the  
screen and attacks with many rings appearing in different areas.
Uranus + Golem
Mp : 100/use
Summons a huge golem erupting from the ground. Rocks and stones
erupts from the ground and rise to the top of the screen.
Uranus + Cockarice
Mp : 200/use  
Summons a huge cockarice(looks like a rooster) that flies across  
the screen from right to left. Rocks and stones also flies across  
the screen in the same direction. Enemies gets stoned when they  
are about to die.
Uranus + Manticore
Mp : 80/use
Summons a huge manticore(looks like a lion) that appears
in the center of the screen. Attacks with poisonous rain.
Uranus + Griffon
Mp : 100/use
Summons a huge griffon that files from bottom right to the top
left. Attacks with many cresent blades flying around.
Uranus + Thunderbird
Mp : 200/use
Summons a huge thunderbird that moves from bottom to the top.
Rains lightning.
Uranus + Unicorn
Mp : 100/use
Summons a huge unicorn that heals some hp.
Uranus + Black Dog
Mp : 100/use
Summons a huge black dog that drains enemies
of their hp and recover yours.(Each second drains only a little
Pluto (This is THE MOST USEFUL card in the entire game!!)
Pluto + Salamander
Mp : 4/time
Item Crash attack(Need to activate button sequence). Basically it is a  
super attack of your subweapon(dagger, axe, holy water, cross,  
stop watch).
Dagger - Shoots daggers like a machine gun.
Axe - Shoots axes in a spiral pattern from center to out of the screen.
Holy water - Rains holy waters.
Cross - Big Crosses spiral from bottom to top.
Stop Watch - Four clocks appears instead of one.
Pluto + Serpent
Mp : 4/time
Shoots TWO subweapons instead of one. Heart usage stays the same.
(except for cross and stop watch)
Pluto + Mandragoras  
Mp : 4/time
Increase your exp gain by 20%!!
Pluto + Golem  
Mp : 8/time
Creates a shadow replica that follows you. If you use subweapons, the  
replica will also use it, but won't drain hearts. If you attack, it  
will also attack. Basically it mimics what you do.(Cool..)
Pluto + Cockarice
Mp : 6/time
Increase def base on play time. (The longer the time, the higher the  
Pluto + Manticore  
Mp : 5/use + normal cost of subweapons use
(eg. Daggers drain 1 hearts, so when using his combo it would drain  
Subweapons now use MP instead of HEARTS.
Pluto + Griffon
Mp : 4/time
Doubles movement speed. Now you can run around and move from places to
places SUPER FAST!!(It leaves trails)
Pluto + Thunderbird
Mp : 4/time
Increase your str base on play time. (The longer the time, the
higher the strength)
Pluto + Unicorn
Mp : 20/time
Total invinciblity, but CANNOT attack also.  
(This is super useful, imagine using it in boss battles...=)
Pluto + Black Dog
Mp : 5/time
Transform nathan into a skeleton. Any damage received is 9999(lesser  
if higher def). You do very low damage most of the time(throws bone),  
but sometimes u throw a huge bone that does 9999 damage(depends on str).  
(A weird card....But I killed the Golem boss with just one hit from  
this combo....lucky..=)  
Also u can turn into a cute litte bear that shoots small rockets
when equipped with the BEAR RING using this combo.  
Don't ask me where is the BEAR RING..... ;)  
First I want to thank Konami for creating such a fantastic game with
superb sound and graphics for a handheld.
Thanks Nintendo for creating Gameboy Advance.
Thanks jbill007 very much for some of the card locations and effects.
Thanks Nekoame for some of the card locations and effects.
Thanks jpsanders for letting me know where the other skeleton athletes are.
Thanks ChangeV for providing the links, translation and info on pluto card.
Thanks NotMousse for correcting me on the pluto + manticore combo
Thanks Devin Morgan for telling me the name of fire witch in us ver
(heat shade)  
And finally I won't be updating the guide for a looooooooong time....maybe if there are mistakes(of course there are!!) please bear with
them....=) Thanks all ppl at cotm gamefaqs board!!!


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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 22:55:58  profilanswer

junta454 a écrit a écrit :

bah tico,tu irais bcp plus vite avec lilith ;)
crois mois
esai de trouver lendroit je ve esayer de retrouver la carte;)

ouaip, je sais, mais ça me rappelle la bonne epoque :D

Et pas DVD ! Lisez mieux !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 23-09-2001 à 23:04:36  profilanswer

lilith elle fait bobo


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Posté le 23-09-2001 à 23:05:23  profilanswer

Pour moi la meilleure façon de se faire de l'XP pour la BA est tout simplement... de la faire (la BA). Enfin pas complètement mais partiellement, et dès qu'on commence à être bien abimé, on en sort, on va sauvegarder et rebelotte. Parce que bon le streum à 20 000 XP il est gentil, mais c'est un peu lourd de se retaper tout le temps la même salle, surtout qu'il est relativement long à battre, et dur à éviter (en général au début on se fait même pas mal toucher).
Donc je préconise d'aller chopper le boomerang (la "croix" ), qu'on trouve en bas à gauche de la map je sais plus où (dans un cul-de-sac, avec un objet à aller chercher en haut d'un truc qui ressemble à une tour), puis de se faire les premières salles de la BA. Plus on les refait, moins on se fait toucher (après quoi on peut aller un peu plus loin... l'avantage des multiples sorties de la BA). D'ailleurs perso à force de refaire cette BA, je passe 2/3 des salles sans me faire toucher. Question d'entraînement ;).

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