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  voodoo5 et americas army probleme enfin resolu ,juste apres une traduc


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voodoo5 et americas army probleme enfin resolu ,juste apres une traduc


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Posté le 13-10-2002 à 11:27:09  profilanswer

Right now AA:O currently doesnt support voodoo cards. Here's a little tutorial around that from my friends at #ut2003 on efnet. UT2003 runs on the same ut2 engine build 927 as AA:O right now.
How to get Voodoo cards working with the leaks (unstable but works): Ok first things first, get some hexeditor and make a backup of D3DDrv.dll. T hen start the game, it should say it detected ure voodoo card but still quits the game. O pen up the log file (ut2/ut2003.log) and look for Init: D3D Device: dwVendorId=XXXX Now get the nr there (XXXX), for example 4318 , type it into calculator convert it to hex 10DE, and make it the correct endian (pentium) so 10DE becomes DE10. Now do the same for a geforce or tnt card(a known working card) get the vendor id and convert the hex / correct endian then u got 2 hex values one for ure voodoo card and one for a working card. N ow open up d3drv.dll and look for the hex value of the voodoo card in the file there, should be only 1. Replace it with the hex value of the working card, then search for the value of the known working card. There should be 2 now, the one u just changed and the one there was before, obviously u'll need to find the 2nd one (that was there before) and change this value to the value of ure voodoo card. Save the file and start the leak(s) and there u go ut2k3 (AA:O) thinks ure voodoo card is a geforce and the game run ! Proved working but can be a bit unstable, but hey, it works FF  
d apes eux ca resolu le probleme de compatibilite
mais quelqu un pourrait me traduire ca en claire et m indiquer les etapes svp

Message édité par amstrong le 13-10-2002 à 14:52:40
Posté le 13-10-2002 à 11:27:09  profilanswer


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Posté le 13-10-2002 à 12:14:27  profilanswer

c est quoi le probleme  y a plus de 3dfxlovers


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Posté le 13-10-2002 à 13:14:29  profilanswer

:bounce:  :bounce:

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Posté le 13-10-2002 à 13:15:17  answer

pu de 3dfx lover mais des aa lover oui [:dawa]

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Posté le 13-10-2002 à 13:15:42  answer

ca tourne bien sous 3dfx?


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Posté le 13-10-2002 à 14:51:30  profilanswer

chacal_one333 a écrit a écrit :

ca tourne bien sous 3dfx?

bah pour l instant aucune voodoo ne tourne c'est pour ca que je poste :gun:


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Posté le 14-10-2002 à 19:03:26  profilanswer

:bounce:  :bounce:


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Posté le 14-10-2002 à 19:10:26  profilanswer

quelqun a test avec une kyro avec new driver  powervr
parce que sa marchait pas sur battlefield a cause du t l et la sa marche donc peu etre que sa fait pareil  ;)


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Posté le 16-10-2002 à 14:31:48  profilanswer

:bounce:  :bounce:

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  voodoo5 et americas army probleme enfin resolu ,juste apres une traduc


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