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Moins de 4 euros le jeu (pendant une durée limitée), un bon prix ?

57.1 %
 12 votes
1.  Oui
0.0 %
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2.  Non
42.9 %
 9 votes
3.  Je l'ai déjà car je suis un roxxor of doom.

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Auteur Sujet :

[Topik Unik] • Red Orchestra : Ostfront 41-45 • - RO : HOS annoncé


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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 14:04:34  profilanswer

Reprise du message précédent :
Ah ben oui, RO est un des FPS les moins bourrins et se veut le plus réel possible avec du fun bien sûr [:aozora]
Moi, mon HUD est complètement vide, même pas la boussole !!! :D J'ai tout enlevé !!! [:banane masquee]

Posté le 21-02-2007 à 14:04:34  profilanswer

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 18:38:02  answer

HysterX a écrit :

Des belles cartes, peut être des posters, un dog tag, ça se néglige pas :o

QUOI ? Si tu me dis qu'il y a des posters je vais me racheter RO COLLECTOR POUR MOI alors !!!! [:sannyb]  [:vags]  
Et un dog tag: kézako ? :whistle:  

undercoverbrother a écrit :

dispo a Virgin Belle Epine (94 Thiais)

Merci mais je suis loin de Paris (plutot Lyon, et encore [:ddr555] )

monkichi a écrit :

Ah ben oui, RO est un des FPS les moins bourrins et se veut le plus réel possible avec du fun bien sûr [:aozora]
Moi, mon HUD est complètement vide, même pas la boussole !!! :D J'ai tout enlevé !!! [:banane masquee]

 :love: si certains serveurs pouvait proposer ça !!!! :love:


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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:12:00  profilanswer

Les dog-tag  sont les deux plaques d'identification que les militaires portent au cou quand ils vont au combat.
Je les ai portés en 1988 lors des prises d'otages...

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:15:03  answer

monkichi a écrit :

Les dog-tag  sont les deux plaques d'identification que les militaires portent au cou quand ils vont au combat.
Je les ai portés en 1988 lors des prises d'otages...

ok, merci et j'espere que ces dog tag ne te rapellent pas de mauvais souvenirs :(


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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:19:11  profilanswer

Mais non que des bons souvenirs avec mes potes du contingent  :D  :D  :D

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:33:57  answer

monkichi a écrit :

Mais non que des bons souvenirs avec mes potes du contingent  :D  :D  :D

bons souvenirs ? tu ne devais pas être en otage toi alors ! :o


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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:39:21  profilanswer

Ben non j'étais bidasse, t'as pas compris ?
Mais là n'est pas le sujet, tu vas l'acheter ce jeu ou non ?  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Message cité 2 fois
Message édité par monkichi le 21-02-2007 à 19:44:18
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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:44:39  answer

monkichi a écrit :

Ben non j'étais bidasse, t'as pas compris ?

non je ne crois pas :heink:


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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 19:57:37  profilanswer

T'inquiètes pas :lol:

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 21-02-2007 à 20:11:42  answer

monkichi a écrit :

Ben non j'étais bidasse, t'as pas compris ?
Mais là n'est pas le sujet, tu vas l'acheter ce jeu ou non ?  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Ben moi je l'ai déjà le jeu !
A la base je le cherche pour l'offrir pour l'anni de mon meilleur ami...
Mais quand je vois l'edition collector, ça me donnes envie. Mais bon dur a trouver aussi :(  

monkichi a écrit :

T'inquiètes pas :lol:

Hum... Ok

Posté le 21-02-2007 à 20:11:42  profilanswer

c'est joli mais ça sert a rien
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Posté le 25-02-2007 à 13:06:57  profilanswer

undercoverbrother a écrit :

Je viens de prendre ce jeux sur steam (deja COD1 et 2 + HL² + CS source + Day of defeat) et j'avoue avoir été désagréablement surpris par ce jeu : lenteur du personnage, graphismes bof, visée loins d'égaler du HL², devoir appuier sur I pour viser kelkun ... pas de viseur (croix) ... je suis limite dégouté d'avoir payé 23$ pour ca !

COD 1 et 2 sont en vente sur Steam ?
y a que ma version multi dedans, nan ??

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Posté le 25-02-2007 à 21:42:44  profilanswer

c'est un jeu complet ou un mod ?

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par FuRie le 25-02-2007 à 22:03:13
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Posté le 25-02-2007 à 21:57:30  answer

FuRie a écrit :

c'est un jeux complet ou un mod ?

A l'origine Red Orchestra est un mod pour UT2k4 mais RO : Ostfront 41-45 est un jeu complet ;)

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Posté le 25-02-2007 à 22:02:32  profilanswer

Ok merçi.


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Posté le 02-03-2007 à 11:58:17  profilanswer

Pour ceux qui sont intéressés par les matchs RO, un système de retransmission des plus gros matchs ( de la Winter cup II, qui vient de débuter) a été mis en place. Ca s'appelle ROTV et ça retransmet les matchs en live (avec un court délais bien sûr), commentaires inclus.


Il suffit de se rendre sur un serveur spécial (50 slots) pour voir le match.


Liste des retransmissions : [...] ews_id=365


Perso je trouve que c'est super pour les gros matchs, les mouvement sont super fluides, et ça donne une idée de ce que c'est qu'un match sur ce jeu! A voir! (ce soir 21h par exemple :whistle: )

Message édité par HysterX le 02-03-2007 à 11:59:32
The StuG life chose me.
Transactions (2)
Posté le 02-03-2007 à 18:26:21  profilanswer

Op, mon excuse pour ré-installer RO. :o

There is a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking, you are winning. Resistance is victory. Defeat is impossible. Touhou music

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Posté le 02-03-2007 à 20:47:05  profilanswer

Tu l'avais désinstallé  [:le kneu]  [:darkmavis xp]


PS : ce soir match de bofs... Il y a deux teams "Iron Crescendo" et là c'est la mauvaise :o

Message édité par HysterX le 02-03-2007 à 20:55:57
The StuG life chose me.
Transactions (2)
Posté le 03-03-2007 à 10:48:50  profilanswer

Mais non, Mais non, juste oublié de le réinstaller après un format :o

There is a war going on for your mind. If you are thinking, you are winning. Resistance is victory. Defeat is impossible. Touhou music

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Posté le 03-03-2007 à 10:50:22  profilanswer

Ha ok :o


Sinon hier le match prévu a été annulé et remplacé par celui de la meilleure team (pt) vs des noobs.


C'était chiant à souhait  :sleep:

Message édité par HysterX le 03-03-2007 à 10:50:52

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Posté le 09-03-2007 à 15:31:46  profilanswer

upeuh :o

me name is potato
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Posté le 21-03-2007 à 16:17:14  profilanswer

Quel est votre config clavier ?


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Posté le 21-03-2007 à 16:55:57  profilanswer

Je me lance :o


Space > run
zqsd > move
shift > slow
B > map
V > prone
X > commands
Mouse 5 > crouch
pavé numérique > taunts
O > vote map
escape > menu sélection
ALT > mettre bayo
F > tir secondaire
AE > lean
KLM > fonctions MG (changer cannon, request ammo, et je sais plus quoi)


Voilà, le plus gros... Après tu dois faire à ton aise hein, mais perso j'aime pas du tout celle de base (dans tous les jeux ne fait :o)

Message édité par HysterX le 21-03-2007 à 16:57:03
no brain, no pain
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Posté le 21-03-2007 à 17:08:17  profilanswer

Grubnatz a écrit :

Quel est votre config clavier ?

Toi-même  :o  
Space > Jump
zqsd > move
shift > sprint
ctrl > slow
, > map
W > prone
V > commands
A > toggle crouch
escape > menu sélection
F > mettre bayo
X > tir secondaire
Boutons sous le pouce de ma MX518 > lean
G > fonctions MG (changer cannon, request ammo, et je sais plus quoi)
Quasiment toutes celles de base à peu de choses près  :hello:
Edit : c'est pas crouch mais toggle crouch en fait

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par napalmito le 21-03-2007 à 19:18:34

Team HFr OFP/ArmA  mes groupes : Bad Whispers  
me name is potato
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Posté le 21-03-2007 à 17:44:00  profilanswer

napalmito a écrit :

Toi-même  :o  

Ben je la cherche pour l'instant, avant je jouait avec les fleches directionnelles à cause de mon bureau un peu spécial, mais je me suis décidé à jouer avec zqsd, mais j'ai un peu de mal à trouver la maniere idéale de régler les touches s'agenouiller et se coucher pour que ça soit pratique et que ça ne gene pas les déplacements.
Comment tu fais pour attribuer une touche à ta souris ? Sur ma mx310, il ne reconnait pas les boutons de coté.

Message édité par Grubnatz le 21-03-2007 à 17:54:15
no brain, no pain
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Posté le 21-03-2007 à 19:20:38  profilanswer

Pour le logitech, j'ai toujours associé dans les setpoints ou les mouseware les deux boutons sous le pouce aux touches + et - du pavé numérique, vieille habitude d'Operation Flashpoint pour zoomer dézoomer  :D

Team HFr OFP/ArmA  mes groupes : Bad Whispers  

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Posté le 22-03-2007 à 20:49:36  profilanswer

Concours de mapping organisé par TW :


Bon bah les résultats sont un peu différents de ce à quoi on s'attendait (leningrad 1ere par exemple), mais le gagnant du PC à 5000$ est bien là, quel chanceux :cry:


Personnellement j'ai déjà joué plusieurs fois sur sa map et je la trouve pas excellente (contrairement à Leningrad encore une fois :o), même si c'est vrai qu'il y a du TAF derrière, et qu'elle n'est pas déplaisante à jouer...


On gagne pas un PC à ce prix là super facilement non plus :o (quoique, il n'y avait pas des centaines de participants, loin de là [:ddr555]).


Message édité par HysterX le 22-03-2007 à 20:50:02
Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 13:08:02  answer



Et juste comme ça... jvoulai voir la comparaison du nbre de joueurs: CoD 1 (je ne parles même pas du 2!) restent quand même largement plus joués que Red Orchestra, je trouve cela dommage. Pourquoi ? j'aimerai bien savoir, surement parceque ce jeu est bcp moins connu et Steam en rebute peut être certains :(*10000%20plus%20month(ladate)*100%20plus%20dayofmonth(ladate)&str_title=Valeur%20Journaliere%20du%2001/05/2007%20au%2031/05/2007&query_retriction_horaire=hour(ladate)=22&query_no_hl=2&gamelist=171-1960-2112&


(Mais a vrai dire jme suis remis a CoD UO [:sannyb] )

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 31-05-2007 à 13:08:23

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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 16:09:42  profilanswer

D'ailleurs un patch va pas tarder à sortir.


Il proposera 10 nouvelles maps (de la communauté, certaines sont géniales), des centaines de corrections de bugs, la possibilité de jouer sur des serveurs avec plus de 50 joueurs (déjà possible mais là ça sera vraiment fait pour et les maps s'adapteront au nombre de joueurs), et aussi on aura le droit à de la musique :o


Le changelog :

Citation :



-10 of the best community made maps added for distribution with the game over Steam. Tripwire has worked with the developers of each of these maps to ensure the maps have been optimized, polished, and gameplay balanced.


   * “Smolensk Stalemate”: the contest winner featuring perfectly balanced to-and-fro infantry combat for ruined villages and trenches in August 1943. The map features German troops attempting numerous attacks against well-prepared Russian defense positions, supported by APCs and the fire of heavy artillery.
    * “Leningrad”: Includes an amazingly complex few blocks of the city reproduced on a 1 to 1 scale. The map features close-quarters infantry fighting in the ruined streets of the city, above them in the bombed-out buildings and deep beneath them in the sewers, all with close-in armor support. Look forward to lots of intense close quarters combat mixed with street fighting and lethal sniping.
    * “Berezina”: the After-Hourz team surpass themselves on this massive rural/village combined arms battle. German armor and infantry have to punch through a series of defensive positions. The map introduces not just a new vehicle (the Russian BT-7 light tank), but also the first player controllable anti-tank gun in the game. To cap it off, the BT-7 even carries tank-riders.
    * “BlackDayJuly”: On the 12th day of July, 1943 the Battle of Prokhorovka would become the largest Tank Battle in all of human History. This pivotal battle in Operation Zitadelle and of the Battle of Kursk would be a huge turning point in the war and the beginning of the end for The Third Reich. This map even adds the Soviet Panzerkampfwagen T-34(r) to the Red Orchestra arsenal. Able to hold a maximum 32 players, this map can provide adrenline-soaked tank combat you won't soon forget.
    * “Mannikala”: On the 8th of June 1944 the red army launched a massive attack against Finnish defends in The Karelian Isthmus. The purpose of the attack was to break the Finnish defenses. The red army succeeded to break the Finnish main defense line and a second line called the vt-line. After the capture of the city of Vyborg, only one line of defense remained in Karelia: the poorly fortified vkt-line. Join the war at the vkt-line in his forest assault map including tank, artillery and infantry combat.
    * “Tcherkassy”: The second Russian winter offensive of 1943-44 launched early in January 1944. The Soviet offensive falling short of accomplishing its purpose after twelve days of fighting drove a deep wedge southwestward across the Dnepr and captured the town of Kirovograd. Stuka dive bombers scream overhead as the Russians attempt to assault the entrenched German defenders at the top of the hill - The battle of the Tcherkassy pocket has begun.
    * “Zhitomir1941”: Operation Barbarossa is in its third week and German forces are penetrating the center of Zhitomir. Stubborn Soviet resistance has slown down the German rage and small infantry groups have dug into Zhitomir defending the city at all costs. Soviet defenses are situated in appartmets and along streets with a warehouse being their HQ. Axis forces however are ready to crush the soviets.
    * “Kryukovo”: As the German offensive on Moscow has stalled in the snows of the Russian winter, a battered German force digs in to resist the Soviet counter-attacks. The Germans have had time to prepare basic defensive positions and have some armor support. The Russians are well-equipped and pushing forward hard with their own armor and infantry across the shelled-out snowy terrain. The Germans have to dig in and resist the Soviet counter-attack or face annihilation in the biting cold outside Moscow.
    * “KurlandKessel”: 1944 December, the Germans were cut off from the rest of the German army and encircled. To the east and the south was the Soviet army, to the north and the west -- the Baltic Sea. The Latvians called it Kurzemes katls, the Kurland kettle; the Germans called it Festung Kurland, Fortress Kurland. The level features infantry combat through thick forests culminating in a final battle for the German trench line.
    * “TulaOutskirts”: Guderian reached the outskirts of Tula on October 26, 1941. The German plan initially called for an instant capture of Tula and for a pincer move around Moscow. However, the first attempt to capture the city failed, as German panzers were stopped by the 50th Army and civilian volunteers in a desperate fight. Guderian's army had to stop within sight of the city on October 29, 1941. For its actions Tula was named a Hero City. This battle features the Germans assaulting across an open valley, through a snowy forest, on to a final battle for the Russian’s bunker.


-Higher player count per server support – we have added support to the engine to allow for 50+ players per server (up from the previous limit of 32). As a reminder, it takes a very powerful server to handle 50 players on all maps so these high player count servers will likely be a few “jewels” in the community, rather than the norm. High player counts can also push a user’s machine harder as well, so if you have issues on high player count servers you may need to reduce your detail settings to increase your frame rate.


-Player controllable anti tank cannons been added by the After-Hourz mod team for their custom level Berezina.


-BT7 Light tank with infantry tank riders has been added by the After-Hourz mod team for their custom level Berezina.


-Added music to the game – the game now features a complete soundtrack from composer Matthew Burns. There is now main menu music and per-map music for all officially distributed levels. (Check your music volume in the audio settings if you have it turned it down so you can hear it).


-Added new player death sounds and slightly increased their volume and radius.


-Added new striped camouflaged versions of German vehicles (not in any official Tripwire levels yet).


-Added support for properly handling higher player counts in the scoreboard. This system will show "your" score no matter what place you are in, and then displays a max of 17 players per side on the scoreboard.


-Added support to the server Web administration tool to properly handle player counts higher than 32.


-Minor server side CPU optimizations.


-Added additional spectating options primarily for use in clan matches and competitive play. These should allow server admins to stop using the HUD blackout mutator.


   * Spectating Blackout When Dead And Not Viewing Players: This option will force the player to have a blacked out view whenever they are dead and NOT spectating another live player on their team. This option used in conjunction with the SpectateFirstPersonOnly option will allow the player to still view the action when they are dead without ever seeing more than a live player would see. It is recommended over the full blackout when dead. This value can be set in the RedOrchestra.ini by setting the bSpectateBlackoutWhenNotViewingPlayers value, by setting SpectateBlackoutWhenNotViewingPlayers as a commandline parameter, or by changing the bSpectateBlackoutWhenNotViewingPlayers checkbox in the webadmin page.
    * Dead Spectating Blackout: Similar to the "hud blackout mutator" that many servers currently use for matches. Will force a blacked out view whenever the player is not alive. This value can be set in the RedOrchestra.ini by setting the bSpectateBlackoutWhenDead value, by setting SpectateBlackoutWhenDead as a commandline parameter, or by changing the bSpectateBlackoutWhenDead checkbox in the webadmin page.
    * Dead Spectating Blackout: Similar to the "hud blackout mutator" that many servers currently use for matches. Will force a blacked out view whenever the player is not alive. This value can be set in the RedOrchestra.ini by setting the bSpectateBlackoutWhenDead value, by setting SpectateBlackoutWhenDead as a commandline parameter, or by changing the bSpectateBlackoutWhenDead checkbox in the webadmin page.
    * bSpectateAllowDeadRoaming/SpectateAllowDeadRoaming now actually does something With this option, you can force players NOT to be able to roam/fly around freely when they are dead during the round, while still enabling them to roam/fly around the map before the round starts if they are spectating (if bAllowRoamWhileSpectating is true).


-Added new role settings to support higher player count servers that allow the limits for roles to be increased when the MaxPlayers setting on the server is higher than 32, and higher than 44.


-Added code to the engine to support hit detection on vehicle riders (used right now for the AHZ BT7).


-Added support to the game for displaying the locations of your team’s AT cannons on the overhead map.


-Long view distance settings for maps (out to 4000 meters) are now officially supported and fully functional. (No Tripwire maps take advantage of these settings … yet J ).




-Updated all official maps and the new custom maps distributed with the game to support higher player counts. This includes adding additional spawning points and additional available roles when the max players are set higher on the server.


-Adjusted the leaning first person camera views to more closely match the third person head location. This prevents players from appearing to be hidden behind an object or heavily clipping behind an object to other players while their first person perspective view was unobstructed.


-Modified bayonet stab animations to more closely match where the bayonet damage is occurring (should make it easier to do bayonet strikes).


-Dialed in the tank and AT cannon sight ranges for all of the tanks out to 4000 meters (if the tank sight is capable of setting that range) for all round types. Previously tanks were only properly ranged in out to 1000 meters (since that was the largest official map). This change was added to support the longer view distance capabilities added in the last patch, which are now officially supported and fully functional.


-ResetGame command has been modified to be more useful. Admins can use this command to completely restart the game resetting everything to its starting state, zeroing out all scores, rounds won, etc without having to reload the level.


-Cleaned up vehicle spawning. There was some redundant spawning and destroying of vehicles that didn't need to be done which might have caused slightly higher memory/CPU usage in some cases.


-Updated cannon scope texture for the SU-76 to make it easier to aim with.


-Added longer range settings for the Stug III and SU-76 (out to 4000 meters) to support maps with longer range view distances.


-Reinforcement count is now adjusted based on the MaxPlayers server setting. This will fix the problem with reinforcements running out too soon on higher player count servers, and will allow reinforcements to run out properly on lower player count server.


-Changed "reinforcements low" message to show up when reinforcements reach a certain percentage (15%). The system before was hard coded to display the message when the reinforcements hit 25 spawns left which didn't scale properly for different amounts of max players.


-Cleaned up some spectating issues. When spectating in first person the spectating info is now displayed (before it only showed the name of the person you were spectating).


-New main menu background.


-Tweaked up the physics for the M1937 AT cannon to fix some jittering issues.




-Engine enhanced to better support very large terrains in levels. Added code that fixes the "stutter" problem which occurs during actor cleanup on maps with large terrain. This optimization should actually help any map with a terrain, but will be most helpful for large terrain maps. With this change much larger maps are possible than were possible before.


-Fixed the long range view distance setting not working properly sometimes in multiplayer.


-Fixing network relevancy bugs with the vehicle weapons that would cause the tank cannon not to fire if the player got out of the tank and was out of direct line of site of the tank for a short time. This would also cause the view shake not to happen when firing the coax or hull MG.


-Fixed tank shells destroying themselves in midair after a very long distance (over 1500 meters) before even hitting the ground or the intended target.


-Fixed the capture bar not showing the correct force ratio on the lower cap bar when in the driver position of the vehicle.


-Fixed a bug where players would under certain circumstances be able to still roam/fly around the map when they were dead when bAllowRoamWhileSpectating or bSpectateAllowDeadRoaming were false. This means ladders/leagues/clan matches should now be able to be played with less restrictive options than a full blackout when dead.


-Fixed an issue where certain static mesh objects (ones using alpha blended textures) would disappear under certain circumstances when viewed through the 3d sniper scope. This was usually seen in things like certain static vehicles in the map Odessa, as well as several other maps.


-Fixed some view clipping exploits in Kaukasus.


-Fixed vehicles exploding on match end on maps with mine fields.


-Implemented a fix for players getting disconnected on map change on servers with high player counts.


-Fixed an issue with role settings that were causing the role selection screen to not "grey out" when a role was full and not to display the number of available role slots.


-Turning off the HUD will no longer disable the blackout effect when dieing, or the alternate "blur" effect of blackout when explosions, etc happen.


-Fixed exploit in Baksan Valley that allowed the player to get up on the outer ring of hills and walk around the map to the other teams spawn location.


-Fixed two death sounds being played when the player died.


-Fixed the network relevancy issues with the M1937 AT Cannon that would cause actors to disappear online when viewing through the AT Cannon.


-Fixed the "jittering view" bug with the AT Cannon.


-Fixed players inside of APCs being killed by grenades when they weren't exposed (hatch open etc) to the explosion.


-Fixed a problem where players inside of tanks could only take damage from explosions if the driver of the vehicle was exposed, regardless of if they were exposed.


-Fixed the default port being set incorrectly when adding a favorite server in the server browser window.


-Fixed certain vehicle voice commands being sent to the whole team when they should have just been sent to players riding in the same vehicle.


-Fixed bulletproof trees on Lyes Krovy


-Fixed being able to see players and other weird rendering artifacts through a certain hill in Odessa.


-Removed uncapturable objectives from the Voice Commands' Attack menu (Before you could order people to attack objectives that weren't enabled or captureable).


-Fixed the Stug and SU76 not firing where aimed when the turret was aimed far left/right


**SDK Changes**


-Added new settings to the RoleInfo actors for higher player count servers that allow the limits for roles to be increased when the MaxPlayers setting on the server is higher than 32, and higher than 44. This is how they work:


   * The new settings are named Limit32to44 and LimitOver44. A server with MaxPlayers set to 32 or less will use the same old Limit setting. A server with MaxPlayers set over 32, but less than or equal to 44 will use Limit32to44. Finally, a server with MaxPlayers set over 44 will use LimitOver44. (NOTE: If Limit is higher than Limit32to44 and LimitOver44, then the new settings will be ignored and Limit will still be used. This allows older maps to function like they always have with no additional changes.)


-View distance settings now affect the 3d view in the editor so that longer view distance settings will be rendered in the editor just like in game. NOTE: You must save and reload the editor for changes to take effect.


-Added code to support ROSpawnarea logic using neutral objectives to determine which spawn area is active.


Oui c'est énorme, pour un jeu sorti il y a plus d'un an et demi :D :love:


Ah aussi, ils précisent que ce n'est pas leur dernier patch dans leur forum [:ddr555]


Et pour la version qui pique moins aux yeux : [...] hp?t=19002

Message cité 1 fois
Message édité par HysterX le 31-05-2007 à 16:10:38
me name is potato
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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 18:34:51  profilanswer

Steam marche chez vous ?


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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 18:38:28  profilanswer


me name is potato
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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 18:43:56  profilanswer



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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 18:48:01  profilanswer

Je viens de déco/reco et ça marche plus :o

\o/ Buy the dip Shinji ! \o/
Transactions (2)
Posté le 31-05-2007 à 19:05:59  profilanswer

ptete encore une tempête en californie ;)
Ptain c'est vraiment pas des pédé les devs de RO, c'est meme à la limite les seuls à faire bien leur taf ama.

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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 19:35:25  profilanswer

C'est pour ça que j'aime pas Steam... mais comme vous tous, je fus obliger de l'installer pour RO...
Être dépendant d'une plate-forme unique... :kaola:

Message édité par monkichi le 31-05-2007 à 19:35:47
\o/ Buy the dip Shinji ! \o/
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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 19:47:16  profilanswer

Qui marche 99% du temps, qui simplifie les patchs, les mods... [:petrus75]

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me name is potato
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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 20:35:44  profilanswer

Ça remarche après une màj de steam chez moi.

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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 21:10:20  answer

HysterX a écrit :

D'ailleurs un patch va pas tarder à sortir.
Il proposera 10 nouvelles maps (de la communauté, certaines sont géniales), des centaines de corrections de bugs, la possibilité de jouer sur des serveurs avec plus de 50 joueurs (déjà possible mais là ça sera vraiment fait pour et les maps s'adapteront au nombre de joueurs), et aussi on aura le droit à de la musique :o
Le changelog :

Citation :


Oui c'est énorme, pour un jeu sorti il y a plus d'un an et demi :D :love:
Ah aussi, ils précisent que ce n'est pas leur dernier patch dans leur forum [:ddr555]
Et pour la version qui pique moins aux yeux : [...] hp?t=19002

 :ouch:  :ouch:  :ouch:  :ouch: Et tu attendais quoi pour nous le dire ?
ça fait combien de temps que tu nous cache ça ? :whistle:  

Grubnatz a écrit :

Steam marche chez vous ?

ouai d'ailleurs je viens de faire une MAJ.
Il y a une MAJ pour Red Orchestra assez longue aussi qui se télécharge a 400KB/S jamais vu Steam aussi bien fonctionner :D  

vanloque a écrit :

ptete encore une tempête en californie ;)
Ptain c'est vraiment pas des pédé les devs de RO, c'est meme à la limite les seuls à faire bien leur taf ama.

Effectivement, il y a aussi les ptit gars chez MADDOX qui font du super boulot et qui apportent vraiment une quantité de patch impressionant. Sont fort ces russes :pt1cable:


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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 22:00:02  profilanswer

Ca fait à peine une semaine ;)
Sinon la MAJ est sortie ? YEY GREAT :D

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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 22:28:11  answer

HysterX a écrit :

Ca fait à peine une semaine ;)
Sinon la MAJ est sortie ? YEY GREAT :D

laquelle ? celle dont tu parlais ? :pt1cable:

The StuG life chose me.
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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 22:34:24  profilanswer

Vais me remettre à RO avec mon ridiculous lowskill.

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Posté le 31-05-2007 à 23:13:18  answer

Zellounet a écrit :

Vais me remettre à RO avec mon ridiculous lowskill.

t'en fait pas on est 2 [:ddr555]. Quel serveur ?

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