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  Operation FlashPoint [Topic] next round : le 17/01 @ 21:30


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Operation FlashPoint [Topic] next round : le 17/01 @ 21:30

I'm still alive
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 11:39:56  profilanswer

Operation Flash Point (BIS-Codemasters) est disponible depuis Juin 2001, et s'est vu gratifié de deux packs d'extensions-upgrade que sont Red Hammer puis Resistance. Enfin, est sortie plus recemment OFP GOTY (Game Of The Year), qui regroupe ce jeux plus ces deux extensions (~45?).
Graphiquement ce n'est pas du MOHAA, mais le gameplay (surtout en mutliplayer) est extraordinaire. Depuis la version 1.75 disponible avec l'addon Resistance et la derniere mouture dite GOTY (en version 1.85) OFP offre de meilleurs graphiques, une meilleure gestion du multiplayer, plus d'options graphiques et enfin une nouvelle campagne ainsi que des missions multiplayers sur une nouvelle île.  
J'ai la chance de jouer en 1600x1200-32 sur la version 1.90, et graphiquement, OFP n'a vraiment pas à rougir (face MOHAA par exemple) vu les distances d'affichages qui se chiffrent en kms et non en dixaines ou qq centaines de metres (comme par exemple dans GhostRecon).
Avec un parametrage ad'hoc (Autodetect par exemple) dans le menu Preferences, OFP est jouable à partir de 700Mhz / 256Mo / GeForce1 ou equivalent. Une configue à partir de 1 Ghz et GeForce 2 est néanmoins souhaitable pour ne pas trop perdre en qualité et/ou distance d'affichage.
La version 1.90 (en fait 1.75 et ultérieure) est un régale pour les machines des HardCore Gamers et autres PowerUsers. Il m'est impossible de regler tous les curseurs à droite sur ma modeste configue (XP2000 + 1Go DDR + GF4Ti4400). Les heureux possesseurs de Radeon 9700Pro ont la chance de pouvoir bénéficier d'un rendu et d'une fluidité encore meilleure grâce aux FSAA et aniso. 512Mo de RAM n'est pas un simple luxe à partir de la version 1.90 qui suivant la configue peut occuper jusqu'a 600 Mo. Bref, il faudra donc faire des compromis entre distance et qualité d'affichage, mais le fait d'avoir le choix est une très très bonne chose ... en attendant une GeForceFX et autre Radeon 10000 ;)  
Le but de ce topic est donc simple :
- receuillir vos sentiments, astuces, suggestions de patchs officiels ou non, de configurations, de missions solo ou multiplayers et faire vivre notre Team HFr ... alors n'hesitez pas à appuyer sur :
le site officiel avec la demo et les patchs : patch 1.90 [...]
RESISTANCE est actuellement en version 1.90 (beta 1.91 dispo)
Installer la 1.75 depuis n'importe quelle version puis la 1.85 et enfin la 1.90
Les liens vitaux pour les missions et patchs non officiels :     TRES bon site Français - Excellent FulcrumPack01    le dynamic range update package est un MUST !     LA FAQ     les maps and much more [...]     28 Mo sound pack OFP:Resistance     idem precedent, voir un peu mieux mais ne semble pas compatible 1.75 ?      Editor upgrade pour version 1.75+ [...] 86_FRA.exe
Pour ceux qui auraient qq plantages avec la v1.75 + WinXP + AMD [...] ndex.shtml   details du Flashpoint Preferences :hot:
Le test de Resistance sur
Pour connaitre votre FPS en temps réel et faire des screenshots
AddonS non officiels mais de qualité. [...]
Dernier pack son DynamicRange pour les versions 1.75, 1.85 et 1.90 [...]
Pack théatre d'opération Vietnam
pour le jeux en rezo :          Pour les joueurs Français et/ou francophones et Team HFr      HyperLobby Pro [...] load&cid=3   TeamSpeak
2 modules, un serveur et un client. Le serveur peut être installé sur n'importe quelle machine (Benou) et les joueurs utilisent la partie client pour se connecter.
======  Configue requise pour RESISTANCE d'apres Bohemia Interactive Studio  ===========
. Nécessite de posséder le jeu original Operation Flashpoint  
. Windows 95/98/ME/2000/XP  
. DirectX 8  
. Processeur : Pentium II 400 MHz (733Mhz et plus selon moi)
. 64 Mo de RAM (plutot 128Mo et 256Mo avec XP)
. Carte son 16 bits compatible Direct Sound  
. Carte graphique 3D compatible avec 16 Mo de RAM (8 Mo si utilisation d'une Voodoo2)  
. Lecteur CD-ROM 8X  
. 550 Mo d'espace disque dur disponibles  
CARTES 3D SUPPORTEES (Cartes compatibles Direct 3D) :  
. 3Dfx Voodoo2, Voodoo Banshee, Voodoo3, Voodoo4, Voodoo5  
. ATI Rage 128, Radeon  
. Matrox G400, G450, G550 (probablement Parhelia aussi)
. Nvidia Riva TNT, Riva TNT2, GeForce 256, GeForce 2 MX, GTS, ULTRA, GeForce 3 et 4  
. S3 Savage 4, Savage 2000  
. 3D Labs Permedia 3  
. PowerVR Series 3 (kyro)  
Spécifications minimum du mode multijoueur (2 joueurs et plus) :  
. Modem 56 kbps ou plus (128 kbps nécessaires pour être l'hôte)  
. Réseau TCP/IP  
. Tout autre réseau supporté à 100% par Microsoft DirectPlay®
======  Comment Installer RESISTANCE d'apres Bohemia Interactive Studio  ===========
Before you install Resitance you do not have to do any preparations
You do not have to reinstall Flashpoint, you do not have to remove any addons including Gunslinger's editor upgrade, you do not have to remove any sound packs including Dynamic Range sound pack. No matter what addons, missions, campaigns or sound packs you have installed in your OFP, you do not have remove them. You can install Resistance over any OFP version, including 1.00, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.40, 1.42, 1.46. All addons will be accessible from Resistance. All custom addons you installed in OFP will still be accessible from Resistance. The only exception are most sound packs, which are technically implemented not as addons, but as config modifications.
All missions and campaigns will be accessible from Resistance as well, but some of them may show error messages due to more strict addon management. Singleplayer mission will be able to continue after the error message, in case of some multiplayer mission it will be necessary to edit them on server.  
============= << Les news du Team HFr >> =============
Prochaine recontre officielle multiplayer :
- vendredi 17 janvier @ 21:30  
- Host : amdmanu , diffusion de l'IP sur ce topic @ 21:30
- start @ 21:35:00 : Nogova Bridge addons vietnam obligatoire...
LE site web of the Great Team HFr :
Les règles sont les suivantes :
- pas de rusher du genre Counter Strike
- 1 heure de jeux en multi par semaine mini (hors vacances)
- comportement de gentleman : pas d'insulte, pas de prise de tête : ça n'est qu'un jeux !
- version 1.90 ou 1.85 (OFP Resistance + patches 1.85 et 1.90)
- pas de version warez
- si possible avoir l'audio GOA ou TeamSpeak (ppeu utilisé néanmoins)
- si possible pas de 56k ou avec un tres bon ping
- meeting sur de préférence
- faire precéder son nom dans OFP par [HFr] (ex: [HFr]Totala)
- aucune connotation ou revendication à caractère politique, raciale ou religieuse ne sera tolérée
- toutes suggestions ou remarques sont les bienvenues :hello:
============= << Les membres du Team HFr >> =============  
Nick HFr    Nick Goa/OFP    Statut      version / modem  
Amdmanu       Totala        General 07/02      1.90 / cable (nc)
Coockie_jr     coockie        Colonel 07/02     1.90 / adsl
Popok           klem3i1        Capitaine 07/02   1.90 / adsl
Benou         benou_OPF     Capitaine 07/02   1.90 / adsl
HfrSlaine       slaine          Capitaine 08/02   1.85/ cable noos
Alexp25       alexp25          Sergent 07/02    1.85 / adsl
Baxter          baxter          soldat 09/02      1.90 / adsl
Duron850    marmotteOPF   Sergent 07/02    1.90 / adsl
Mareek         mareek         soldat 07/02      1.90 / adsl
Nsv              glasnost       Sergent 07/02    1.85 / adsl
Stukka          stukov          soldat 07/02     1.85 / adsl
Alcortha       alcorte          soldat 07/02     1.90 / adsl
Farib           farib             soldat 11/02      1.90 / adsl
JoFission     jofission        soldat 01/03       1.85 / adsl
Cooltwan      cooltwan       soldat 07/02      1.75 / adsl
Arcapt          arcapt          soldat 07/02     1.75 / adsl
Schimz          Schimz         soldat 07/02    1.75 / adsl
Krixoff           krixoff          soldat 08/02    1.75 / câble
Alkurun         alkurun         soldat 08/02    1.75 / adsl
locutus        locutus         soldat 08/02    1.75/adsl
Vincedetroy  vincedetroy    soldat 08/02     1.75 / adsl
Neubo          neubo           soldat 09/02    1.75 / adsl
Kroklebo       kroklebo         soldat 09/02    1.75 / adsl
Kim-kafwang   kim-kafwang   soldat 09/02    1.75 / câble
Alapeche      Alapeche     soldat 10/02    1.85 / ?
HfrDjey       HfrDjey     soldat 10/02    1.85 / ?
vous ?
Une partie du Team sur AfganistanII :
Une partie du Team sur HALO :
Debut de mission au Vietnam
Pour poster vos meilleurs screenshots sur notre site : Merci Coockie :jap:
Télécharger ce prog bien pratique (qui fait des miniatures)  ici  
Puis créer sur votre disque dur un dossier du type jj/mm/aaaa dans lequelle vous faites un sous dossier avec comme nom, le nom de la mission (sauf si quelqu'un a déja uploadé des screens pour ce jours là ) mettez vos screens avec le soft qui fait des miniatures (vous pouvez baisser la qualité commme ca, ca prend moins de place) les miniatures sont créées dans un sous dossier du votre et s'appelle par default "thumbnail" gardez ce nom c'est important!  
Ensuite vous vous connectez au serveur de screen (toujours le même mais si vous voulez l'acces demander moi par mp; c'est le meme que pour les ip)et placer votre dossier dans "galleries".  
Voila le plus dur est fait. Ensuite connectez vous sur le site de screens : [...] cation.php  
et identifiez vous en tant que serveur (demandez moi le mot de passe par mp) et allez dans "admin" puis "MAJ base d'images" et voila c'est terminé les photos sont visibles pour tous  :D  
Ca a l'air compliqué mais c'est facile en fait :sarcastic:
(c) AmdManu also known as Totala

Message édité par amdmanu le 14-01-2003 à 21:05:15
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 11:39:56  profilanswer

Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 11:39:56  answer

preums stou [:walaziz]

Message édité par Profil supprimé le 22-11-2002 à 11:40:08
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
Transactions (0)
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 11:48:21  profilanswer

Jofission a écrit a écrit :

kes tu veut dire par là ??
j'ai la 1.85 pour l'instant, ça pose un prob ?

non non, il veut dire que sur sa version (la nouvelle édition GOTY) le patch ne passait pas, mais ils viennent de sortir une version spécialement pour

== est de retour !! ==
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 11:48:37  profilanswer

chacal_one333 a écrit a écrit :

preums stou [:walaziz]  

 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:

== est de retour !! ==
Profil sup​primé

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 11:51:47  answer

MirabelleBenou a écrit a écrit :

 :cry:  :cry:  :cry:  

[:tilleul]  :hello:

All hail the Hypnotoad !
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 12:29:25  profilanswer


** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 12:40:07  profilanswer

HfrBaXtER a écrit a écrit :

[:spamafote] ché pô ... j'connais pas cette mission ...

le vrai titre c'est "capturer un chef terroriste" sur kolgujev je crois.on l'a fait en partie une fois avec mon frangin ca semblait sympa

The NeXt Vortex =>
Et de 3 \o/
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 12:43:53  profilanswer

[:abnocte invictus]

"I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack
All hail the Hypnotoad !
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 12:52:51  profilanswer

bon on fais kel carte ce soir???

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
Marmottes for ever
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:35:22  profilanswer

[:abnocte invictus]  
Présent ce soir! :)

MARMOTTES POWER! :hap: Bidasse de la Team HFr OFP :D " The passage is intense , but if you can complete the journey, you'll become one of the best warrior in the world : The few , the prouds, the Marines ..."
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:35:22  profilanswer

All hail the Hypnotoad !
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:36:32  profilanswer

duron850 a écrit a écrit :

[:abnocte invictus]  
Présent ce soir! :)

on fais kel map??

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
Marmottes for ever
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:41:15  profilanswer

coockie_jr a écrit a écrit :

on fais kel map??

ben ché pas, ca fait pas mal de temps que je suis pas venu, je crois que la map de baxt a rencontré un bo succes mais bon vs devez la connitre maintenant...  
y'a des nouvelles map dispo ou que vs connaissez moins?
coockie, tu connais l'ile ackropolis ? je l'ai montré à benou mardi, elle est excelente (et elle rame pas comme war cry). En gros ce sont des petites villes, construites ds ou a coté des chateaux...

MARMOTTES POWER! :hap: Bidasse de la Team HFr OFP :D " The passage is intense , but if you can complete the journey, you'll become one of the best warrior in the world : The few , the prouds, the Marines ..."
All hail the Hypnotoad !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:43:06  profilanswer

duron850 a écrit a écrit :

ben ché pas, ca fait pas mal de temps que je suis pas venu, je crois que la map de baxt a rencontré un bo succes mais bon vs devez la connitre maintenant...  
y'a des nouvelles map dispo ou que vs connaissez moins?
coockie, tu connais l'ile ackropolis ? je l'ai montré à benou mardi, elle est excelente (et elle rame pas comme war cry). En gros ce sont des petites villes, construites ds ou a coté des chateaux...

non tu me donne un lien je verais ca qd je rentrerai du taf  :hello:

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
Marmottes for ever
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:45:44  profilanswer

coockie_jr a écrit a écrit :

non tu me donne un lien je verais ca qd je rentrerai du taf  :hello:  

ok je t'enverrai ca de chez moi.

MARMOTTES POWER! :hap: Bidasse de la Team HFr OFP :D " The passage is intense , but if you can complete the journey, you'll become one of the best warrior in the world : The few , the prouds, the Marines ..."
Ainsi soit-il
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 13:54:41  profilanswer

Moi je suis présent pour ce soir !
En espérant que je ne rencontre plus de probs avec la connexion  :sarcastic:  
Bref, vive ce soir ! :bounce:


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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 14:04:21  profilanswer

Jofission a écrit a écrit :

kes tu veut dire par là ??
j'ai la 1.85 pour l'instant, ça pose un prob ?
Rien à voir >>
Demain avec 2 potes on se fait une petite lan sur la mission oussama faymal.C'est un bon choix pour une coop a votre avis ?

farib a egalement ecrit a écrit :

c bon, y'a un patch spécial pour mon edition GOTY :)
j'espere que ca foutra pas trop l'anarchie dans les addons/missions :o:

sinon ce soir je joue !!! :sol:

Message édité par farib le 22-11-2002 à 14:06:10
Gabou ! (ainsi parla le sage)
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 14:04:59  profilanswer

pensez à installer le patch 1.90 pour le tester en même tps :)

== est de retour !! ==
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 14:44:26  profilanswer

Hé ben moi, chuis pas là ce soir ...
... enfin si, chuis là, mais ya du monde à la maison ...
 [:sibelius]  HAVE FUN, GUYS  [:sibelius]

La Fontaine, Prévert et Brassens pour en arriver là...

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 14:48:26  profilanswer

contenu du patch 1.90 :

Citation :

This package will install RESISTANCE Upgrade 1.90 to your Operation Flashpoint directory.
You have to have OFP: Resistance installed before aplying this patch. If you have 1.85 patch installed you can still upgrade to version 1.90 with this patch - look at "BUG FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN 1.90" section to see what is new.
More info about upgrades and patches can be found on or
New weapons
* Hunting Rifle (HuntingRifle, HuntingRifleMag): civilian hunting rifle with optics. Very strong but a bit slow.
* G-17 - silenced version:  This is the silenced version of standard G-17 (but with less range).
* Revolver (Revolver, RevolverMag): very powerful yet very slow hand gun.
* M-10 : submachinegun used as handgun. Not the most accurate weapon but has a high rate of fire and clips that hold 30 bullets.
New units
* Resistance / Sniper: Resistance soldier with a mask, Hunting Rifle and M-10.
* West / pilot with hand gun: Standard pilot with new revolver.
* West / silenced BlackOp: BlackOp with satchel charges and HK and hand gun, both silenced.
New vehicles
* Bicycle: civilian bicycle.
* Small Car: small and fast.
New features
* Hand guns have no tracers now.
* Hand guns are more inaccurate over longer distances.
* Hand gun types are more different now (The Tok is the strongest but the most inaccurate G-17 is the most accurate, etc.)
* Some new sounds added.
* Some better animations used
New MP Missions
* SectorControl.Noe: New version of old mission. Extensive fighting around a small bridge on the north.
* FlagFightHandGuns.Noe: Very fast and deadly mission. Deathmatch with flag on a very small area. Hand guns only.
1.90  - Fixed: MP: Flying ammo crates or jumping vehicles caused by inconsistent terrain roughness determination.
1.90  - Fixed: MP: Cheating opportunity fixed: setPos can be no longer used to change position of objects that are part of landscape.
1.90  - Fixed: Improved text drawing in atypic resolutions like 1600x900.
1.90  - Fixed: Keyboard rudder control enabled while taxiing.
1.90  - New: Servers checks if world file (.wrp) used by client matches server version.
1.90  - New: MP: Added server.cfg array checkfiles[] - list of files that should be checked for each player connecting. Example: checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}
1.90  - New: MP: Added #debug checkfile command. Server admins can use this command to check if any file used by clients matches server version.
1.90  - Added: functions isEngineOn, engineOn
1.90  - Fixed: Message "Player ... is loosing connection" isn't write for server now
1.90  - Improved: Adjustable 2D viewport - improved support for Surround Gaming.
1.90  - Improved: Better airplane AI dogfighting.
1.90  - Fixed: Airplanes try to avoid mid-air collisions.
1.90  - Fixed: Tank and car exhausts did not work (introduced in 1.85)
1.90  - Fixed: createVehicle may be used to create shells and other non-ai vehicles.
1.89  - Fixed: XML download for Linux (can use no-protocol URI and proxy-server).
1.89  - Added: Item "proxy" added to Flashpoint.cfg to enforce proxy server used to download xml squad page etc.
1.89  - Fixed: It was impossible to climb some very steep stairways.
1.89  - Fixed: Helicopers appeared white on radar after Load/Retry.
1.89  - Fixed: onMapSingleClick handler is now saved when saving game
1.89  - Fixed: createUnit init string was not transferred in MP games
1.89  - Fixed: Joining to DirectPlay sessions through ingame browser often failed
1.89  - Improved: Slow plane takeoff improved, added more adjustable config parameters.
1.89  - Fixed: Chat sound more quiet.
1.89  - New: Adjustable plane wheel steering (wheelSteeringSensitivity). Should make big plane taxiing possible.
1.89  - Fixed: Resource cheating now shows "Modified config" message.
1.88  - Added: Dedicated server command #debug (userInfo) (Requires 1.87 client)
1.87  - New: Server can determine max. size of any single custom file acceptable on the server.
To do this add line MaxCustomFileSize=size_in_bytes into Flashpoint.cfg file.
Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect.
1.87  - Fixed: Too many dead bodies were kept on server in 1.85.
1.87  - Added: Dedicated server command #debug (console, totalSent, userSent) (Requires 1.87 client, client output sent to OS using OuputDebugString)
1.86  - Fixed: Parachutes no longer smoke when destroyed.
1.86  - Added: function sideLogic  
1.86  - Fixed: On dedicated server with mission rotating, after #login and #missions no missions appears
1.83  - Fixed: When seagull fly more than 100 m from dead player, simulation was suspended
1.83  - Fixed: When function disableUserInput true is called, forget all pressed keys
1.82  - Fixed: MP: Problems with get-in very quickly followed by get-out.
1.82  - New: Scripting: Functions loadFile and preprocessFile added.
1.82  - Fixed: functions moveIn... can be called only for local soldiers now (ignored for remote soldiers)
1.82  - New: Scripting: Functions call, if, else, while added.
1.82  - Fixed: Units in cargo space of vehicle can take / drop items even when vehicle moves
1.82  - Added: parameter "kickDuplicate" added to dedicated server config
1.82  - Fixed: Transfer of user defined animations through network in MP
1.82  - Fixed: Fire burning is synchronized in MP
1.82  - Fixed: Walking upstairs was very hard, almost impossible(bug introduced in 1.75).
1.82  - Fixed: Weapon pool lost after using Revert or Continue to start missions First Strike or Fireworks.
1.82  - Fixed: Several fixes in radio submenu 0 - Reply.
- Custom radio key was the same as key for Repeat.
- Mission radio key was the same as key for Copy.
- Done could be issued only when some command was active.
- Negative could be issued only when some command was active.
1.82  - Improved: Editor: Vehicle classes (Armored, Car, ...) are now fully dynamic. Any addon maker can now introduce his own classes.
1.82  - Fixed: Some empty objects could also be inserted as Civilian, using group slots and causing confusion inside of the editor.
1.82  - New: Addons and scripting: Customizable event handlers for events: Killed, Hit, Dammaged, GetIn, GetOut, Init, Engine, Gear, Fuel, Fired, IncomingMissile.
1.82  - New: Scripting: New functions addEventHandler, removeEventHandler, removeAllEventHandlers.
1.82  - Improved: MP: Minimal error to send updates across network can be now adjusted by MinErrorToSend value in Flashpoint.cfg. Default value is 0.01. Using smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother.
1.82  - New: Addon dependencies can be declared using requiredAddons[] section of CfgPatches.
1.82  - Fixed: Tanks no longer slide aside when standing on the hills.
1.82  - Fixed: Tanks jumping after getting in, especially on the hill.
1.82  - Fixed: Tank braking singnificantly faster.
1.82  - Fixed: MP: Fixed inconsistencies in determination of simulation precision, which caused remote vehicle shaking.
1.82  - Fixed: MP: Remote grenades and bullet tracers are now visible.
1.82  - New: Scripting: Function "private" introduces local variable in the innermost scope.
1.82  - New: Scripting: Brackets { and } can be used to enclose string constants.
1.81  - Fixed: MP: Ghost might be left after user disconnected.
1.80  - Added: functions missionName, missionStart, playersNumber
1.80  - Fixed: When replaying mission from campaign, weapon pool was not loaded.
1.80  - New: Scripting: flyInHeight now affects not only helicopters, but also planes.
1.80  - Added: functions velocity, setVelocity
1.79  - Improved: Mission on dedicated server launched if all roles are assigned and confirmed even if some players remain
1.79  - Improved: Mission voting is finished once result is certain.
1.79  - Improved: Compression of sound dynamic range less agressive.
1.79  - Fixed: Multiplayer setup display - sometimes bad message appears for server (or admin)
1.79  - Added: Elimination of "disconnect cheat"
1.79  - Fixed: Multiplayer session list: bad title appears when open the screen and Internet sessions was selected last
1.78  - Added: MP respawn in base - enable several respawn markers for each side / vehicle (named "respawn_west_1", "respawn_west_2", etc.)
1.78  - Fixed: Better usage of already transferred multiplayer missions (cache added)
1.78  - Fixed: Behaviour of AI in Capture the flag or Flag Fight missions (sometimes flag was placed on wrong unit)
1.78  - Fixed: Cursor movement orientation was wrong when camera was banked. This made plane mouse controls difficult.
1.78  - Fixed: MP: Missile direction was not transfered to other clients.
1.78  - Fixed: MP: Fired flares were not transfered to other clients.
1.78  - Fixed: setObjectTexture often did not work when repeating mission.
1.78  - Fixed: AH1 cannon was aiming, but not moving (wrong animation).
1.78  - Fixed: AI Helicopter pilot no longer climbs high when preparing to stop or land.
1.78  - Fixed: User dialog doesn't disappear when mission end
1.78  - Improved: AI Airplane mgun engaging improved.
1.78  - Fixed: A10 cannon adjusted to cause more dammage.
1.78  - Fixed: Dedicated server crashed when unregistered addon was used.
1.78  - Added: Radio commands India & Juliet
1.76  - Fixed: Scripting command nearestObject (pos,typeName) did not work.
1.76  - Optimized: Dedicated server CPU load improved, especially when many players are connected.

--------------- faites votre manette d'arcade !  

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 16:30:27  profilanswer

agnostica a écrit a écrit :

contenu du patch 1.90 :

Citation :

This package will install RESISTANCE Upgrade 1.90 to your Operation Flashpoint directory.
You have to have OFP: Resistance installed before aplying this patch. If you have 1.85 patch installed you can still upgrade to version 1.90 with this patch - look at "BUG FIXES AND IMPROVEMENTS IN 1.90" section to see what is new.
More info about upgrades and patches can be found on or
New weapons
* Hunting Rifle (HuntingRifle, HuntingRifleMag): civilian hunting rifle with optics. Very strong but a bit slow.
* G-17 - silenced version:  This is the silenced version of standard G-17 (but with less range).
* Revolver (Revolver, RevolverMag): very powerful yet very slow hand gun.
* M-10 : submachinegun used as handgun. Not the most accurate weapon but has a high rate of fire and clips that hold 30 bullets.
New units
* Resistance / Sniper: Resistance soldier with a mask, Hunting Rifle and M-10.
* West / pilot with hand gun: Standard pilot with new revolver.
* West / silenced BlackOp: BlackOp with satchel charges and HK and hand gun, both silenced.
New vehicles
* Bicycle: civilian bicycle.
* Small Car: small and fast.
New features
* Hand guns have no tracers now.
* Hand guns are more inaccurate over longer distances.
* Hand gun types are more different now (The Tok is the strongest but the most inaccurate G-17 is the most accurate, etc.)
* Some new sounds added.
* Some better animations used
New MP Missions
* SectorControl.Noe: New version of old mission. Extensive fighting around a small bridge on the north.
* FlagFightHandGuns.Noe: Very fast and deadly mission. Deathmatch with flag on a very small area. Hand guns only.
1.90  - Fixed: MP: Flying ammo crates or jumping vehicles caused by inconsistent terrain roughness determination.
1.90  - Fixed: MP: Cheating opportunity fixed: setPos can be no longer used to change position of objects that are part of landscape.
1.90  - Fixed: Improved text drawing in atypic resolutions like 1600x900.
1.90  - Fixed: Keyboard rudder control enabled while taxiing.
1.90  - New: Servers checks if world file (.wrp) used by client matches server version.
1.90  - New: MP: Added server.cfg array checkfiles[] - list of files that should be checked for each player connecting. Example: checkfiles[]={"HWTL\dta\data3d.pbo","dta\data3d.pbo"}
1.90  - New: MP: Added #debug checkfile command. Server admins can use this command to check if any file used by clients matches server version.
1.90  - Added: functions isEngineOn, engineOn
1.90  - Fixed: Message "Player ... is loosing connection" isn't write for server now
1.90  - Improved: Adjustable 2D viewport - improved support for Surround Gaming.
1.90  - Improved: Better airplane AI dogfighting.
1.90  - Fixed: Airplanes try to avoid mid-air collisions.
1.90  - Fixed: Tank and car exhausts did not work (introduced in 1.85)
1.90  - Fixed: createVehicle may be used to create shells and other non-ai vehicles.
1.89  - Fixed: XML download for Linux (can use no-protocol URI and proxy-server).
1.89  - Added: Item "proxy" added to Flashpoint.cfg to enforce proxy server used to download xml squad page etc.
1.89  - Fixed: It was impossible to climb some very steep stairways.
1.89  - Fixed: Helicopers appeared white on radar after Load/Retry.
1.89  - Fixed: onMapSingleClick handler is now saved when saving game
1.89  - Fixed: createUnit init string was not transferred in MP games
1.89  - Fixed: Joining to DirectPlay sessions through ingame browser often failed
1.89  - Improved: Slow plane takeoff improved, added more adjustable config parameters.
1.89  - Fixed: Chat sound more quiet.
1.89  - New: Adjustable plane wheel steering (wheelSteeringSensitivity). Should make big plane taxiing possible.
1.89  - Fixed: Resource cheating now shows "Modified config" message.
1.88  - Added: Dedicated server command #debug (userInfo) (Requires 1.87 client)
1.87  - New: Server can determine max. size of any single custom file acceptable on the server.
To do this add line MaxCustomFileSize=size_in_bytes into Flashpoint.cfg file.
Users with custom face or custom sound larger than this size are kicked when trying to connect.
1.87  - Fixed: Too many dead bodies were kept on server in 1.85.
1.87  - Added: Dedicated server command #debug (console, totalSent, userSent) (Requires 1.87 client, client output sent to OS using OuputDebugString)
1.86  - Fixed: Parachutes no longer smoke when destroyed.
1.86  - Added: function sideLogic  
1.86  - Fixed: On dedicated server with mission rotating, after #login and #missions no missions appears
1.83  - Fixed: When seagull fly more than 100 m from dead player, simulation was suspended
1.83  - Fixed: When function disableUserInput true is called, forget all pressed keys
1.82  - Fixed: MP: Problems with get-in very quickly followed by get-out.
1.82  - New: Scripting: Functions loadFile and preprocessFile added.
1.82  - Fixed: functions moveIn... can be called only for local soldiers now (ignored for remote soldiers)
1.82  - New: Scripting: Functions call, if, else, while added.
1.82  - Fixed: Units in cargo space of vehicle can take / drop items even when vehicle moves
1.82  - Added: parameter "kickDuplicate" added to dedicated server config
1.82  - Fixed: Transfer of user defined animations through network in MP
1.82  - Fixed: Fire burning is synchronized in MP
1.82  - Fixed: Walking upstairs was very hard, almost impossible(bug introduced in 1.75).
1.82  - Fixed: Weapon pool lost after using Revert or Continue to start missions First Strike or Fireworks.
1.82  - Fixed: Several fixes in radio submenu 0 - Reply.
- Custom radio key was the same as key for Repeat.
- Mission radio key was the same as key for Copy.
- Done could be issued only when some command was active.
- Negative could be issued only when some command was active.
1.82  - Improved: Editor: Vehicle classes (Armored, Car, ...) are now fully dynamic. Any addon maker can now introduce his own classes.
1.82  - Fixed: Some empty objects could also be inserted as Civilian, using group slots and causing confusion inside of the editor.
1.82  - New: Addons and scripting: Customizable event handlers for events: Killed, Hit, Dammaged, GetIn, GetOut, Init, Engine, Gear, Fuel, Fired, IncomingMissile.
1.82  - New: Scripting: New functions addEventHandler, removeEventHandler, removeAllEventHandlers.
1.82  - Improved: MP: Minimal error to send updates across network can be now adjusted by MinErrorToSend value in Flashpoint.cfg. Default value is 0.01. Using smaller value can make units observed by binoculars or sniper rifle to move smoother.
1.82  - New: Addon dependencies can be declared using requiredAddons[] section of CfgPatches.
1.82  - Fixed: Tanks no longer slide aside when standing on the hills.
1.82  - Fixed: Tanks jumping after getting in, especially on the hill.
1.82  - Fixed: Tank braking singnificantly faster.
1.82  - Fixed: MP: Fixed inconsistencies in determination of simulation precision, which caused remote vehicle shaking.
1.82  - Fixed: MP: Remote grenades and bullet tracers are now visible.
1.82  - New: Scripting: Function "private" introduces local variable in the innermost scope.
1.82  - New: Scripting: Brackets { and } can be used to enclose string constants.
1.81  - Fixed: MP: Ghost might be left after user disconnected.
1.80  - Added: functions missionName, missionStart, playersNumber
1.80  - Fixed: When replaying mission from campaign, weapon pool was not loaded.
1.80  - New: Scripting: flyInHeight now affects not only helicopters, but also planes.
1.80  - Added: functions velocity, setVelocity
1.79  - Improved: Mission on dedicated server launched if all roles are assigned and confirmed even if some players remain
1.79  - Improved: Mission voting is finished once result is certain.
1.79  - Improved: Compression of sound dynamic range less agressive.
1.79  - Fixed: Multiplayer setup display - sometimes bad message appears for server (or admin)
1.79  - Added: Elimination of "disconnect cheat"
1.79  - Fixed: Multiplayer session list: bad title appears when open the screen and Internet sessions was selected last
1.78  - Added: MP respawn in base - enable several respawn markers for each side / vehicle (named "respawn_west_1", "respawn_west_2", etc.)
1.78  - Fixed: Better usage of already transferred multiplayer missions (cache added)
1.78  - Fixed: Behaviour of AI in Capture the flag or Flag Fight missions (sometimes flag was placed on wrong unit)
1.78  - Fixed: Cursor movement orientation was wrong when camera was banked. This made plane mouse controls difficult.
1.78  - Fixed: MP: Missile direction was not transfered to other clients.
1.78  - Fixed: MP: Fired flares were not transfered to other clients.
1.78  - Fixed: setObjectTexture often did not work when repeating mission.
1.78  - Fixed: AH1 cannon was aiming, but not moving (wrong animation).
1.78  - Fixed: AI Helicopter pilot no longer climbs high when preparing to stop or land.
1.78  - Fixed: User dialog doesn't disappear when mission end
1.78  - Improved: AI Airplane mgun engaging improved.
1.78  - Fixed: A10 cannon adjusted to cause more dammage.
1.78  - Fixed: Dedicated server crashed when unregistered addon was used.
1.78  - Added: Radio commands India & Juliet
1.76  - Fixed: Scripting command nearestObject (pos,typeName) did not work.
1.76  - Optimized: Dedicated server CPU load improved, especially when many players are connected.

on pourrait avoir une synthèse ??

The NeXt Vortex =>

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 18:25:18  profilanswer

Joue-t-on ce soir ? Et ai-je besoin de d/l le patch 1.90 ou le 1.85 suffit pour le moment ?


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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 18:55:07  profilanswer

bah tt le monde sera en 90 je pense...

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology
None Shall Pass
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 19:10:30  profilanswer

Tous en 1.90 pour ce soir.
+1  pour le compte des présents (sauf urgence)

Membre de la Team HFr OFP -- New Zealand Trip
I'm still alive
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 19:13:40  profilanswer

Wep, autant jouer en 1.90 ;)
A priori 21:30 comme d'hab :D

Et de 3 \o/
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 19:22:57  profilanswer


"I wonder if the internal negative pressure in self pumping toothpaste tubes is adjusted for different market altitudes." John Carmack
I'm still alive
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 19:31:53  profilanswer

Vérifiez la 1.90 chez vous !!  
Chez moi j'ai un paquet de bugs :
- Armes absentes dans Afganistan II
- Pilotes en dehors des véhicules dans Kickass ect ... :cry:

All hail the Hypnotoad !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:06:34  profilanswer

amdmanu a écrit a écrit :

Vérifiez la 1.90 chez vous !!  
Chez moi j'ai un paquet de bugs :
- Armes absentes dans Afganistan II
- Pilotes en dehors des véhicules dans Kickass ect ... :cry:

on pourra faire iss alors   :)

Message édité par coockie_jr le 22-11-2002 à 20:06:54

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:11:06  profilanswer

c un jeu de foot iss :pt1cable:

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology
All hail the Hypnotoad !
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:12:34  profilanswer

farib a écrit a écrit :

c un jeu de foot iss :pt1cable:  

je vois que tu ne connais pas l'enfer  :pfff:  
mission a downloader sur le site

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
I'm still alive
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:14:38  profilanswer

OK, j'ai la réponse :
la 1.90 n'est pas compatible avec le dernier pack DynamicRange :cry:
Donc, on joue en 1.90 sans pack sonore :/

All hail the Hypnotoad !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:19:47  profilanswer

amdmanu a écrit a écrit :

OK, j'ai la réponse :
la 1.90 n'est pas compatible avec le dernier pack DynamicRange :cry:
Donc, on joue en 1.90 sans pack sonore :/

dommage :/
n'empeche que ca sent opf 2 tout ca a force  :)

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:23:16  profilanswer

il est si bien le pack sonore ?

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology
All hail the Hypnotoad !
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:39:08  profilanswer

farib a écrit a écrit :

il est si bien le pack sonore ?

yep mais pas compatible avec la 1.90 (il faut attendre un patch)

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
Ainsi soit-il
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:52:36  profilanswer

Youhou pour le 1.90 !!!  :)  
J'ai un bug pendant l'install ...
Il y a m'indiques des erreurs de map dans /MPmission ...
et me demande de réinstaller le jeu.
Que faire ???


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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:54:34  profilanswer

alcortha a écrit a écrit :

Youhou pour le 1.90 !!!  :)  
J'ai un bug pendant l'install ...
Il y a m'indiques des erreurs de map dans /MPmission ...
et me demande de réinstaller le jeu.
Que faire ???

si t'as la version goty fo le bon patch

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology
All hail the Hypnotoad !
Transactions (0)
Posté le 22-11-2002 à 20:55:35  profilanswer

alcortha a écrit a écrit :

Youhou pour le 1.90 !!!  :)  
J'ai un bug pendant l'install ...
Il y a m'indiques des erreurs de map dans /MPmission ...
et me demande de réinstaller le jeu.
Que faire ???

sa le la fais pour la 1.85 .
j'ai copié les fichier kil aimait pas de mon cd au repertoire sur mon dd

** STRAVA || Photos flick r || Pooky's world trip **
Ainsi soit-il
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 21:02:55  profilanswer

Ca n'a pas marché !!!
Tant pis je réinstalle  :??:  
A tout de suite


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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 21:05:29  profilanswer

putain... la pression monte !

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology

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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 21:19:17  profilanswer

eh putain il se passe quoi y'a plus personne !

Bitcoin, Magical Thinking, and Political Ideology
Ainsi soit-il
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Posté le 22-11-2002 à 21:22:45  profilanswer

je crois savoir d'où vient le prob !
C'est que les noms des missions DOIT être en MAJUSCULES !!!
Ready dans 9 minutes le temps de copier les patchs

Posté le   profilanswer

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