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[F1 2002] GT Racing 2002 *Dispo !!!!*


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 07:56:01  profilanswer

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2° part...
 [B] The refrained one ends...[/B]
  it must also bend, and that feeling to bend with this 360, than fulmineo insertion, as it reacts optimally on the steering and the transfers of cargo.  Then he remains also stable and neutral in center curve, it makes you to understand just that the motor is in center with least polar inertia.  I see the escape of the curve to I begin to give gas sweetly..., nothing the machine it is glue them, still a po ', begins to increase a po with the snout... then I crush, a strilliante rumble fills up my room and the posterior one of the cominicia F360 to increase closing the trajectory... differentiates blocks them and to me catapult in rectilinear.  Difficult to describe to words the feeling, anyone has guided a posterior traction knows the only raised feeling... to enesima the power!  Gasato from the curve previous arrival to next fast they, fulmineo insertion the machine enters with a lightest understeering, and change direction endured with kick on the accelerator... large mistake.  Sure the F360 does not have polar inertia and is fulminea in the change direction and insertion, but in this case it loses grip on all the four wheels and although I try of all in order making to turn it or to rialineare, the machine slips on all the four wheels outside from the track without being able to make null.  I stop myself on the gravel with the extinguished motor.  What I make?  it continues...

Posté le 29-11-2002 à 07:56:01  profilanswer


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 08:00:52  profilanswer

Citation :

[B]What if we try one Porsche not? [/B]
 The 911 I upset lucicato GT2 is that one that serves and from its dazzling sheets I re-enter in the box.  "Stavolta I do not extinguish it before" and accelerating graft.  I hiss accuto from I upset knows them within the nside, boxer the 6 cylinders fill up with its urlo the atmosphere and the machine is turned in testacoda within the pits!  That shame, and while task to the distributed power that it touches the 600 horses.  To times they are much optimist.  I share with the due respect and stavolta I exit once again from the pits in full upset acceleration remaining from the noise!  I upset, wastegate, boxer, change... that mix esuberante!  Scaldo the rubbers and I try to understand the machine in curve.  E' easier than those that it seemed, at least to tourist rhythms.  It is understood endured all behind, front light, discretto insertion and understeering, much understeering while the posterior one seems incollato.Le things very changes when it is begun to push... the motor in center curve remains without pressure on I upset, crushes in order to exit and the power is not a lot, the front one slips towards the outside and then... of new those I hiss that it knows them.  It knows them also my adrenalin and stavolta they are ready to controsterzare.  And it is just the thing that saves to me, why as a storm I upset arrives to the maximum pressure giving a bag of horses to the motor.  The posterior one begins to slip fastly towards the outside, fast controsterzo and exits to wheels in full lock!  Sure counter-productive but it is not that I had alternatives, while I have one feeling of cold in my back!  To the successive curve the thing is repeated, and still and still and once again.  After 5-6 turns and with rubbers behind in crisis, I begin to understand that I must guide in an other way, holding I upset always alive but not leaving to explode it.  In this way the Porsche steers "with the gas" eliminating nearly of the all chronic understeering.  Unfortunately this style is not always advisable.  Exiting from a famous second curve in that my front bale on small imperfections of the street bottom.  Before rendering me account of the danger the posterior one it passes over... the "imperfezioni ".  A milisecondo after I find myself with the snout where it had to be the posterior one... and vicevera.  Cut the rettilneo in retromarcia.

VW Seb
Who's the Boss !!
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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 09:13:53  profilanswer

il est sorti ou pas le mod???


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 13:36:12  profilanswer

Putain c'est incompréhensible le rital vers le rosbeef !


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 13:48:35  profilanswer

Je pense que le mod GT Racing 2002 sort demain.
en attendant voila des nouveaux screenshots du mod BPR Endurance GT:


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 13:50:54  profilanswer

voila une meilleure traduction de la preview de driving italia:
I always loved the Ferrari 360. Following Doug Arnao (sir Doug?) instructions I choose it for my first go on the track. The 3D model is really awesome, even better than in the screenshots. Going through the various menu screens fast and I'm inside the cockpit...what a shock! The cockpit is simply amazing, veru highly dettailed and it doesn't look a bit like a plastic 3D triangle thing. Very very realistic. But my thoughts on the cockpit quality are violently interrupted from a very strong, violent and metalic sound, which I can't really find the words to describe it in english! Never before heard a sound like this, except when I heard the real thing!
"Come on Aris drive it!" I think and engage 1st gear... out of pits and 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th gear! what a mix of sounds! Engine, gearbox, wind, wheels, everything is there and it's simply stunning! Speed sensation is very high too. I was afraid that a NGT car would feel something like a F2 in GPL... Inside a sim the sense of speed is usualy much lower than in reality, specialy in a touring car. But fortunately this is not the case! You can feel the speed oh yeah!
Anyway first turn is coming fast at me... so I think it's better to brake soon for the first time, so I brake and brake and brake... geesh nothing happens! This thing is not braking at all! I step on it and nothing. Doug Arnao worlds are coming to my mind. "You have to warm up your brakes first", so this is what I do and yes after 2 or 3 times the brakes start to grab very very well and I have to be carefull to not block the wheels
Braking with GT RACING 2002 mod is really great. You don't have to do strange things like accelerating while braking (as in GPL) but it's not an easy thing to. Actually I swear I can feel the tire moving (specialy the unloaded rear ones) and giving me that "instability" impression you have when you brake hard. It's a top notch experience. The braking is over though and the really interesting part is coming now... the curve! You can really feel the slow polar inertia of the F360! It has an amazing turn in capacity and then it settles down being very neutral with a tad of understeer through out the curve... on exit I can feel the front end washing out but the right move is to step on the gas and make the rearend slip out a bit while pointing you straight ahead! You can really feel the differential working as the rear wheels try to get the grip and push the car straight! excellent stuff! I got a bit over confindence on the way the F360 handles... so on the next chicane I make a very fast enter and amazingly the front end reacts perfectly, left, aaaaand right! The front end tries to change direction for the second time and then is where I realize that I overdid it. The cars looses grip on all four wheels without rotation and I slip over without possibility to change the direction. The weight distribution is such (center) that I just can't make the car change direction of travel... Only possibility is block the wheels and wait...  
to be continued...  
Let's see... what a porsche can really do?
The 996 turbo GT2 is what I need now... if the F360 had that sound... I really have to hear that turbo! Ok let's eliminate the auto clutch too, and 1st gear and... cough cough cough... engine's dies. "Oh...nice future... cool ahemmm let me try again" This time I'll get it right I think. and 1st gear again and step on it! A strange whissle sound builds inside the car and before I can think about a six flat screams inside the pits! A slam on the back and I do a 180 inside the pits... this is embarasing... So let's start again this time with the correct amount of respect that this "beast" needs. So here I am outside the pits and with my eyes wide open because I simply can't believe what I'm hearing! Again! Turbo, exhaust, wastegate...whatever! this can't be real! infact it's a sim... oh dear oh dear! So with one slow lap to warmup everything I try to understand how it reacts. It's actually much easier from what I thought. The rearend is heavy and pretty much planted with respect to the gas pedal, while the front end is really light and actually dance here and there in turn in. The car is a little (a little too much) sensitive in lift off the gas but nothing to scary. Problem is that on exit the front end is very vague and washes out a lot resulting in severe understeer and time loss. I keep trying to find I way to eliminate this problem, and I come to understand that I actually have to step on the gas and get the rear end out from the apex of the curve. This driving stile is really rewarding as it's not to difficult to keep the car in a small controllable drift and point always on the inside of the curve. I was having fun until... on a 3rd gear curve exit the front gets in some bumps and starts dancing again, haven't got time to think what to do and the rear (while drifting) gets on the bump too... oh damn! Left, no RIGHT! NO LEFT!! no use... the cars slaps me in the face and I'm facing the wrong way... this is getting more and more embarising...  

Message édité par [DALTON]Joe le 29-11-2002 à 13:51:11
Dieu m'a créé. merci papa!
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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 13:56:16  profilanswer

ben ça promet :)


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 13:57:15  profilanswer

en tout cas la preview est très élogieuse  :love:  
sinon les 270 Mo du mod sont bien confirmé (une fois installé il fait 345 Mo)


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 14:05:47  profilanswer

[DALTON]Joe a écrit a écrit :

voila une meilleure traduction de la preview de driving italia

Merci c vrai que celle que j'ai mise n'est pas toujours trés compréhensible... mais elle donne bien l'esprit
 :bounce: Viiiiiiiiiiiiiittte :bounce:

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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 16:30:38  profilanswer

et m***rde... mission: trouver F1 2002 ce week-end car mon CD n'est plus reconnu :/

As the plane took off, the pilot turned to the co-pilot and said, “Have you ever flown solo?” Co-pilot: No. Typically I fly much higher than this.
Posté le 29-11-2002 à 16:30:38  profilanswer

Dieu m'a créé. merci papa!
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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 17:22:39  profilanswer

[dalton]joe, quand le mod sortira, tu pourras nous remttre le lien d'un des sites ou le download est possible STP [POIL INSIDE MAIN :D]

marseille ma ville mon clan
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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 18:02:24  profilanswer

liens: site francais textures  des f1 site géneraliste de jeux de simu idem

Message édité par Matmac0013 le 29-11-2002 à 18:04:34


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 18:23:50  profilanswer


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 18:37:53  profilanswer


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 18:44:06  profilanswer


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Posté le 29-11-2002 à 19:04:43  profilanswer

Suite de la traduction en anglais de la preview de driving italia:
Nahh... porsche's do you no good... the real GT is the Ferrari 550! It's Monza time!
What a car...what a car! with that big mouth and wonderfull sculpted rearend, and after all.. IT IS a V12! GAS! step on it! YEaaahhh it really screams through out the monza straight and wohaaa! already in 6th gear?! This lady is fast! So here I am at the curva grande, yeah get it flat out! Keep you foot on the gas... keep it down, keep it... the front end is getting a bit light, will I make it? No, no way I'm going straight I have to lift, I lift... a tenth of a second, no even less, almost nothing but for just a tiny bit of time I have this feeling that everyone has felt someday, somehow, in some occasion. The feeling of "oh god, I did it, this is serious, I'm going to get hurt", like you did a fatal error. I'm still lifting, the front end grabs in some kind of ridiculus amounds of grip and points directly inside the curve, but the speed is at about 250km/h and the car is long, very long, I have a sensation that the chassis is bend all over me and the rearend flicks out almost instantly. I didn't had the time to react, I didn't had the time to think about it. I'm sitting in a cloud of smoke in a smashed car and thinking about it now.  
The Ferrari 550,so great looking, so fast, so efficient, but don't play with her. She is a diva, so no respect and she'll turn and bite you. There a lot of cars out there to get "silly" with them but not her, you got to have respect!
Racing emotions...  
So here I am after 15 laps on this tricky english track, up and down, down and up through medium to fast bends. It's a rollercoaster. I'm used to long races... on the championship I partecipate we usually do more than 1 hour and a half races, with the big nascar cars on road courses... so I should be used and pretty relaxed after 15 laps. But not so. I'm tired, not physicaly, those cars wheel is quite light although it does move much more than the one of nascar20002. Still yet my tireness is not physical. It's mental thing. You just need to be so focused to find your brake, turn in and accelerate point cause everything is moving and vibrating so much. More over the Lister I'm driving now is an animal! OK I did my part creating a setup just a bit too low and rigid...but it's just a beast of power and velocity! Ask no questions just shoot! It wont tell you what it's going to do, it won't tell you why? It will just do it, whatever you do whatever you want... pass the limit and it's game over, or you loose too much time.  
Anyway nothing to extreme that I can handle... (yeah sure) except that kind of a strange chicane/curve to the right. You arrive at 6th gear and you brake violently to 3rd (4th if you're mad enough), point the car to the right (so to say not easy with it's turn in understeer the lister has) jump a milion bumps while still accelerating moderately (don't lift..) and exit fast to a braking point for a left 2nd gear curve. Problem is the bumps are so many the car is so stiff the pass is so fast you just can't see! literaly! You just brake, point, enter, count (and one, and two) exit aaaaand brake! But you do it like a robot. Automatic! 18th lap... getting tired. my eyes are burning (strange I work almost 12 hours a day with a PC...)
20th lap, and pushing... brake, 4th gear (!) point, count (and one...) wohaaa I'm out already? BANG! to the guard rail and straight throught the second curve and BANG! tire wall... cloud smoke again. I think it's time to soften a bit this car... or try the famous marcos?  


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 10:07:27  profilanswer

Alors H - combien ? l'attente est insuportable lol
Esperons ce week-end
@+ Ced

Parle à Monkey ...
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 10:51:36  profilanswer

Ben je viens de lancer le telechargement de FIAGTV3_full.exe 88 Mo .. ????
alors que je m'attendais a 270 Mo ....

russian knights en action
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 10:54:11  profilanswer

FIA GT Mod V3 for EA's F1 2001
c'est pas le bon

La douleur n'est qu'une information

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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 10:55:33  profilanswer

stancw a écrit a écrit :

Ben je viens de lancer le telechargement de FIAGTV3_full.exe 88 Mo .. ????
alors que je m'attendais a 270 Mo ....

t'aurais pas pris la version de l'an dernier pour f1 2001?? :ange:

Parle à Monkey ...
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 10:58:06  profilanswer

Maudis sois mon impatience : effectivement c'est F12001 ...


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 11:31:29  profilanswer

mdr !!! :lol:


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 13:31:32  profilanswer

Bon on est bientot en decembre la!!!!!!!!
J'espere que ca va pas tarder...

PC : RTX 4090/7800X3D/32Go 6400/B650E/LG C3=42"/Asus 49"32:9 CAISSES : Corvette C7 GS track car (620HP NA Full aero et suspattes/slicks) / Tesla Model S Plaid 1020HP

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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 13:44:51  profilanswer

plein de nouveaux screenshots içi:
le mod ne devrait pas tarder, ils sont en train de l'uploader sur differents serveurs.

Message édité par [DALTON]Joe le 30-11-2002 à 13:45:25
Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 13:46:23  profilanswer

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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 13:50:22  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit : [...] /img36.jpg
c quel circuit ca :??:  
brands :??:

je sais pas (j'y connais rien en circuits) en tout cas il a de la gueule

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:01:25  profilanswer

[DALTON]Joe a écrit a écrit :

je sais pas (j'y connais rien en circuits) en tout cas il a de la gueule

roooooh :o
enfin, il me semble reconnaitre la portion juste apres le 1er virage .. et les couleurs de vibreurs ont l'air de correspondre avec d'autres screens que j'ai vus sur le site, enfin bref :o  
les circuits seront inclus dans le pack j'espere :??:

iRacing, LA simu automobile

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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:03:53  profilanswer

Juju_Zero a écrit a écrit :

les circuits seront inclus dans le pack j'espere :??:

bien sur et les circuits qui sont dejà dans F1 2002 seront mis à jour avec les pubs qui sont dans le championnat FIA GT plus d'autres améliorations au niveau des textures je pense.

marseille ma ville mon clan
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:05:48  profilanswer

a votre avis c pour ce soir ou pour demain ?


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:07:24  profilanswer

Matmac0013 a écrit a écrit :

a votre avis c pour ce soir ou pour demain ?

aujourd'hui je pense mais à quelle heure  :??:  

Live Fast, Die Young
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:07:58  profilanswer

[DALTON]Joe a écrit a écrit :

bien sur et les circuits qui sont dejà dans F1 2002 seront mis à jour avec les pubs qui sont dans le championnat FIA GT plus d'autres améliorations au niveau des textures je pense.

ah sympa, ca ... :d

iRacing, LA simu automobile
marseille ma ville mon clan
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:21:45  profilanswer

les modems vont fumer penser a prendre un extincteur à coter du pc ou souvenez vous de ce numéro le 18

marseille ma ville mon clan
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:22:41  profilanswer

je vais pleurer avec mon 56k mais bon oublige


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:23:54  profilanswer

en avant premiere sur HFR:
en mattant les screenshots je suis tomber dessus  :D

Message édité par [DALTON]Joe le 30-11-2002 à 14:27:26
marseille ma ville mon clan
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:26:32  profilanswer

je viens juste de commencer a le pomper quand j'ai recu un mail du hardware a les courage et penser a deposer vos impressions ceux qui on l'adsl car moi je l'aurai pas avant demain


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:28:54  profilanswer

environ 1h 45 de dur download avant le bonheur fait je sais pas si qcq connait le modele de proto ferrari enzo que l'on trouve sur le net mais ce truc est magnifiue ( a par le cokpit qui est a chier)


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:29:34  profilanswer

Matmac0013 a écrit a écrit :

je viens juste de commencer a le pomper quand j'ai recu un mail du hardware a les courage et penser a deposer vos impressions ceux qui on l'adsl car moi je l'aurai pas avant demain

il est pas encore annoncé sur le forum officiel, c une bourde de blackhole je pense  :D

marseille ma ville mon clan
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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:34:39  profilanswer

on sen fou on pompe moi j'en ai pour 15 heure  :( mais bon vivement demain je pourrais y jouer


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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:54:05  profilanswer

tin merde le lien marche po

PC : RTX 4090/7800X3D/32Go 6400/B650E/LG C3=42"/Asus 49"32:9 CAISSES : Corvette C7 GS track car (620HP NA Full aero et suspattes/slicks) / Tesla Model S Plaid 1020HP

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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:55:20  profilanswer

comme sur le site d'ailleur :(

PC : RTX 4090/7800X3D/32Go 6400/B650E/LG C3=42"/Asus 49"32:9 CAISSES : Corvette C7 GS track car (620HP NA Full aero et suspattes/slicks) / Tesla Model S Plaid 1020HP

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Posté le 30-11-2002 à 14:58:22  profilanswer

dès que je trouve d'autres liens je les poste.

Posté le   profilanswer

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