MetalDestroyer Transactions (0) | LES MODS Freespace 2 :
- Aeos Affair campaign
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 113 Ko
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 10 missions
Site Web :
Fichier :
Description :
Une série de 10 missions basé sur la mission "Exodus of Force". Les missions proposé sont d'une difficulté bien plus poussé que ceux de FS 2. La difficulté recommandée est de jouer en Easy. Cette campagne est fait spécialement pour les joueurs d'élite.
- Ancient Demo
Status :
Files size : 3.43Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- Babylon 5 The Tales Of EAS Janus
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 3.19 Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 21 Missions
Site Web :
Informations Supplémentaire :
Posséder Babylon 5 : The Babylon Project Release 1.
Installer ces fichiers .vp (Tales Janus + Babylon R1) dans la racine du dossier Freespace 2. Et ne pas utiliser FS2_open. Executer le jeux, via l'exe Freespace2.exe et allez dans la section campagne pour séléctionner la campagne de Tales Of Janus.
Description :
Campagne se déroulant pendant la période Minbari/EA et se terminant, jusqu'à la bataille finale sur Terre.
- Behind Enemy Line
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- BlackWater Operation
Status : Demo Version dispo
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Blackwater fait parti d'un des excellent mods tel Babylon, Inferno. La réalisation de la campagne est excellente. Le campagne comporte plusieurs fin différentes, et étant énormément inspiré des jeux des frères Roberts (Wing Commander), vous jouerez le role d'un pilote nommé Aidan Mallory. Il s'agit aussi d'un des mods disposant de voix d'acteur.
- Casualties of War
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Un très bon mods en somme, mais très court ( 8 missions seulement). Vous faites partie intégrante du GTVA et durant vos missions vous allez devoir combattre des anti-GTVA. Avec ce mod vous allez découvrir de tous nouveaux vaisseaux de guerre.
- Cleaning Crew
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 358 Ko
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web : n/a
Fichier :
Description :
Standard dealy to install, either drop it in the main directory or drop it in a folder and use the -mod command or the FSO launcher. FSO only, folks, sorry, that's the format I saved the missions in. I tested it on Medium, where it gave me a run for my money several times, but I'm a bit of a mediocre player.
There is a single known issue with campaign: in the first mission, it occasionally chooses to CTD for reasons that I cannot determine. Just load up the program and play again, it's never done it to me twice in a row.
Post-Capella mop-up with the Vasudan 33rd Heavy Fighter Squadron...and a surprise at the end...
- Derelict
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- Desperation Chapter 1: Lost to the fog
Status : Under Construction (1 chapitre)
Files size : 49 Ko
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web : n/a
Fichier : ou
Description :
The campaign is based on the story i submitted for FA, and is created entirely in FRED2. You play Alpha 1 of the 116th Black Knights squadron, but there is no time for introductions as a distress signal has come in from the Nebula, and your wing is the only one available to check it out.
And so begins the desperate adventure to escape from an oncoming shivan armada!
- Deus Ex Machina
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 278 Ko
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 5 Missions
Fichier :
Description :
------------------------- STORY ---------------------------------
You're a new recruit to the NTF, and you've come at a crucial time for the survival of the rebellion. GTVA attacks have been severely damaging morale. Pilots are frustrated. Wingmen are dying. It's up to you, Alpha 1, to save the day again.
Your squadron, the 47th Red Shirts, has been called in on a mission of utmost importance. Allied raiding parties have seized several shipments of Bosch Beer, and the Bosch Shipping Lanes are in danger of falling to GTVA control. The Admiral wants the shipping lanes secured at all costs.
Your job won't be easy, pilot. Command bureaucracy, continuity glitches, and impossible mission goals abound. Your wingmen are incompetent. Your fighter is a piece of junk. And, as usual, you're the only pilot who uses his own brain. Are you up to the challenge?
------------------------ FEATURES -------------------------------
Encounter the Colossus, the Sathanas, AND the Lucifer all in the same campaign!
Watch Allied Command reach a landmark new level of stupidity!
See Alpha 1's wingmen all die in the first 30 seconds!
Witness when ETAK first goes on-line!
Meet the mission designer face to face!
Plot holes!
And much, much more!
- Echo Of The Past (EOTP)
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions : ~40 missions
Site Web :
Description :
It is 2431. Peace reigns in the Terran Coalition. After a short-lived war with the Saurods some 40 years before, the Coalition Defense Force now has duties consisting mostly of anti-piracy patrols. That however, is about to change. Take flight in the EOTP universe as a reservist fighter pilot in the Coalition Defense Force. Begin the campaign on a simple anti-piracy patrol, jumped by a squadron of League of Sol fighters. See the remarkable battle of Canaan, and defend the lines against the superior League forces. And then, battle it out with the League over 40 missions, to defend your home, and fight the good fight!
The EOTP Freespace 2 Total Conversion will include entirely new graphics, cut scenes, an original EOTP story, and dozens of new ships and fighters. We are currently in the pre-production phase of this project, and are recruiting artists to port the current EOTP ship models and graphics into the game.
- Freespace Conflict Zone
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo (RTS)
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Ce mod changera radicalement la facon de jouer. Il ne s'agira plus de faire du bon Dogfight spatial mais plutot de faire du management. Ce mod se jouera facon RTS, où il vous faudra combattre pour conquérir des Nodes qui vous permettra de construire et d'agrandir votre flotte.
- Freespace Port
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 212 Mo
Type : FS 1/Silent Threat Conversion
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web :
Description :
Conversion de la campagne Freespace 1 et son add-on Silent Threat sous Freespace 2.
Avec ajout des cinématiques, Voix, Briefing, Techroom, musiques, ...
- Hiden Terror
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Mods en cours de construction. Mais assez ambitieuse, ce mods reprendra les évènements des Freespace 1 et 2 mais retranscrit sur un point de vue Shivien. En gros, vous jouerez chez les Shiviens. Et vous permettra par conséquent de connaitre le vision de la Grande guerre (The Great War).
- Homesick
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 318 Ko
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a (~40 missions)
Site Web : [...] mesick.htm
Fichier : [...]
Description :
Sur ce Homesick, vous jouerez le role d'un Mercenaire qui devra louer ces services auprès des civils ou de la flotte du GTVA. Les missions consistera à un job de routine tel que escorte de convoie de marchandise MAIS, quelque chose va se passer qui ne vous laissera plus aucun repos au long de ces 37 missions... Un excellent mod en somme, avec un bon background story.
- Inferno
Status : 100% Completed (Release 1.0)
Files size : 257 Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions : 15 missions
Site Web :
Requirement : ships pack, Core
Description :
Un des meilleurs disponible à l'heure où je vous écrit. L'histoire se déroule quelques années après Freespace 2. Une nouvelle faction fait surface, il s'agit de la Earth Alliance qui dans cette histoire représentera un ennemis redoutable pour le GTVA. Mais ce n'est pas tout, les Shivien seront de la partie avec des vaisseaux plus puissant qu'un Sathanas.
- Into The Depths of Hell
Status : Under Construction (2 chapitres)
Files size : 8 Mo (Chapitre 4 et 1)
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 12 Chapitres
Site Web :
Mission :
Chapitre 1 :
Chapitre 4 : [...]
Music :
Description :
"People of the GTVA Exiled Fleet, I come before you on the same grounds that we all occupy, as a soldier. We stand on the threshold of the greatest offensive out our time, fitting that we launch this attack against our nemesis for the first time in history as one entity with one goal. We are about to prove that we will not fade into history like some many before us, that we will never surrender and that we will make those Shivan bastards fight for every cubic kilometre of space.
To many of you, this offensive is about vengeance, but I beg of you not to think in that way. The countless lives lost to the Shivan hordes deserve better than that. We will not massacre billions of innocents, we will not cause entire generations to live in terror of annihilation, we are above that. This war is not about death, but life, and we will prove to those murdering Shivan sons of a bitch that we are not here for vengeance, we're here for justice!
All ships move to assigned attack positions, and God speed.
- Just Another Day
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 3.64 Mo
Type : Campagne Solo Hilarante
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web :
Description :
Citation :
Alpha 1, newly recruited to the GTVA. Your lifetime experience handling such unknown craft as the TIE Fighter and the Ferret puts you incharge of the great Alpha Wing.
It is now time for your very first assignment. Loads of spam are hurting everybody in the GTVA, their mailboxes are too large for GMail2, bandwidth is so slow, it takes an hour to download 100TB. Truely dark times. Fight off the forces of darkness and free your mailbox from the cluches of EEEEEEEVIIIIIIIL!
Get ready to see the following things in random order in 6 action packed missions!
* plotholes!
* copyright infringements!
* references to Disco Music!
* the power of ETAM, the next-next-generation of ETAK!
* God*!
* unexpected twist ending!
*God may not be God, your God may vary.
**Any resembelence between this and Deus Ex Machina is entirely coincidental...maybe
- Lightning Marshall 4
Status : 100% Completed (Fourth Part)
Files size : 103 Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web :
Description :
Le mods se situe dans la période post-Capella, conprend 7 Campagnes avec un total de 50 missions. Les 4 premiers épisodes sont disponible sur le site officiel.
- Machina Terra
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- Neo Terra
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : 0.98 Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 19 missions
Site Web :
Description :
This campaign is part one of a planned three part story. In this campaign you play a new pilot in the Neo-Terran Front
who recently defected from the GTVA. Station on the NTD Galaxy you'll undertake missions vital to the survival of the
In the story you'll learn more about the objective behind the NTF, learn that NTF Command isn't all that you expect it to
be and learn about why the Shivans destroyed Capella.....and about a Galatic War that has been running across the Galaxy since
time began.
- Neo Terra Victorious
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- Renegade Resurgence
Status : 100% COmpleted
Files size : 4.64 Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 31 missions
Site Web :
Description :
Citation :
------------------------- STORY ---------------------------------
Two years have passed since the catastrophe in the Capella system. The GTVA currently stands against the difficulties of maintaining and supplying itself. Both the Terran and Vasudan species are preoccupied with their internal problems. There is nothing that brings together these two races as there once was. However, the Vasudans and the Terrans are still allies officially. Three months after the evacuation of Capella, the GTVA General Assembly votes to begin a large-scale construction project at the Altair system. Shipyards and research stations are to be established there. Their task is to cover up and investigate more Ancient ruins, and find more information about the knowledge they had. The GTVA hopes the research into the Ancients will bring up some interesting and useful information about yet unknown jump nodes, and what they knew about the Shivans. Since the location of the Shivan homeworld is still unknown, a third, invasion is anticipated. Hopefully, the findings within the Altair sector might aid the GTVA in the next Shivan incursion.
Captain Varsegre was assigned to oversee and direct the constructions at the Altair IV system. Due to the losses of the second Great War, the GTVA was low on transports and freighters, so civilian traders were hired to assist the transportation of the materials to Altair. Naturally, the civilians had little knowledge what was going on at the system. The constructions were proceeding as planned initially, but suddenly, problems appeared: Several civilian transports and freighters disappeared without cause. The speed of the construction decreased significantly as a result.
The GTVA decided to entrust the GTD Aquitaine with the investigation of the circumstances of the lost freighters.
------------------------ FEATURES -------------------------------
- Serve the GTVA through 31 campaign missions
- 3 brand new ships, which are never encountered before.
- Travel to the most important systems of the GTVA, including Vasuda Prime, Antares, and the place of many mysteries: Altair.
- Use new weapons, including the heat-seeking Hurricane, the advanced Piranha, the Fatboy or the special anti-shielding Aligator.
- Meet the aging Valkyrie fighters, and blow them up.
- Fight for different fighter squadrons, including the elite 99th Skulls
- Fly special fighters for Special Operations Command, which are too expensive to mass-produce, and thereby, only the best pilots are permitted to fly them.
- Robotech
Status : Demos Version
Files size : 19.6 Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web :
Description :
La nouveauté de ce mods Robotech vienne du fait que nous pouvons transformer notre Veritech en avion ou en robot. Toutefois, dans cette démo dispo, il nous ai impossible de revenir en mode Chasseur.
- Shrouding The Light
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 21 missions
Site Web :
Requirement :
Description :
Citation :
A year has passed since the destruction of the Lucifer and the flight of the Shivan armada. In the year 2336, the Terran and Vasudan peoples attempt to reclaim their former empires and piece together their shattered lives. However, dissidents and splinter groups from within jeopardise their hopes of peace - fighting for independence or against hated alien foes. In the midst of all this turmoil, you are transferred, from the safety of the 1st Battlegroup of Vasuda to the 13th Battlegroup's PVD Guardian and the troubled hotspot of Deneb...
Fichiers nécessaires :
Le mod en question :
Requière FSPort main VP (fsport2_3.vp), et le FS1 music VP (fs1_warble.vp) [...] t/website/
Lightspeeds Set 3 and Set 6 nebulae (green and blue)
Les effets spéciaux pour les armes :
Installation :
Créer un dossier dans le dossier de FS2 que vos nommerez Shrouding_The_Light (par exemple sans espace).
Placer les fichiers vp du mods dans ce dossier nouvellement créé.
Placer les nébuleuses téléchargées dans data/effects
Lancer le jeu à l'aide de FS2_open
- Sol A History
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Requirement : Ships pack de Inferno
Description :
Une introduction de mod Inferno, montrant la naissance du Earth Alliance. Il est aussi disponible et reste tout comme Inferno un des meilleurs mods actuel.
- Solar War
Status : (chapter 1)
Files size : 1.36 Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions : 13 missions
Fichier :
Requirement : Ships pack de Inferno + Inferno R1.
Description :
Citation :
You are a pilot in the Earth Alliance. You are no hero, no super solider. Your just a man trying to make his way in the universe. 48 hours after the surrender of the EA, you are called back into action once again.
What will you learn during your tour of duty? What exactly will happen? Well you'll have to play to find out!
- Stale Enemy
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- StarFox
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Lien Forum :
Description :
- Stargate SG-1 : Earth's defense
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web :
Description :
Citation :
Do to VW shuting down we are now going to be posting here until we can get our own forum or what ever. I plan on updating this thread and copying the information that is placed here. A great deal of archived progression information was lost do to VWBB going down.
Now I know alot of people may or may not have seen this but there is a TC in the makes for a Stargate SG1 convertion to Freespace 2 Called Stargate SG1: Earth's Defence. With the new season of Stargate SG1, as well as the new series Stargate Atlantis, we will most likely have alot to place in the mod. Including new weapons and ships.
At the moment their are two demo campaings in the planing:
- First, "Earth's Defence" will be about the time we have our last battle with Anubis, you will be fling in a wing abourd the X-303 Prometheus and will find out about an alliance between Anublis and a new Gou'ald. The last missions will be centered around the battle against Anublis over Antarica.
- Second, "Jaffa Rebellion" will take off from where "Earth's Defence" leaves off, this will take place before and during the meeting with the System Lord's conserning Baal's power move.
Main Campaign:
The main campaign will be centered around the new "Homeworld Security" program headed by General George Hamond. No more information will be disclosed at this time.
- Star Wars Conversion
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- Super Nana (Powerpuff Girls)
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions : n/a
Site Web : n/a
Liens Forum :
Description :
- Technological Superiority
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- The Babylon Project
Status : 100% Completed (Release 1.0 et 2.0 et 3.0)
Files size : 280 Mo (R3)
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
La version 3.0 sera purement une TC, le scénario s'étalera de la Saison 1 à la Saison 5 de la série TV. Cette TC ne demendera pas la possession de Freespace 2, mais simplement de FS2_Open qui est une application créé par la communauté. Je tiens à préciser que la Release 1.0 et 2.0 sont disponible pour quelques Mo.
- Twisted Infinities
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Vous êtes au sein du GTVA pour l'Operation Ragnarok, la phase la plus ambitieuse du projet Epsilon Pegasi Renewal ... Ce mod sera un mixte entre combat Air-air, air-sol et combat dans l'espace.
- Vlanetar
Status : 100% Completed
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Le scénario reste un peu du n'importe quoi c'est ce qui lui donne le charme à cette excellent mods unique et FUN. Donc, vous êtes Alpha 1 est vous faites parti de la flotte Vlanetar. Votre ennemis n'est autre que ces fichtres BYDO Empire. Les nébuleuses de FS2 sont remplacés par de vrai background photographié par la NASA. La campagne s'étale sur quelques nombreuses missions (environ 20), comprenant en effet de nouvelles armes et uniquement que des nouvelles armes.
Les musics sont assez délirantes (Star Wars, Robotech, Wing Commander, pour ne citer qu'eux).
- Warzone
Status :
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Campagne Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
- Wing Commander Saga
Status : Under Construction
Files size : xxx Mo
Type : Total Conversion Solo
Nbre Missions :
Site Web :
Description :
Mods reprenant l'univers des Wing Commander, le mods est presque terminé. La réalisation semble très respecté par rapport à l'univers. Message édité par MetalDestroyer le 29-12-2007 à 20:24:49