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  Installer micro logitech AK5370 sous XP SP3


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Installer micro logitech AK5370 sous XP SP3

Posté le 07-05-2010 à 23:05:14  profilanswer

J'ai un micro usb logitech ak5370. Ce micro est livre sans driver, il est cense utilise les drivers usb audio integres a windows.
Seulement, j'ai install windows avec nlite et a l'epoque n'ai pas installe le composant usb audio.... donc le driver n'est pas installe.
En cherchant, j'ai trouve les instructions ci-dessous. Je les ai appliquees une fois sur un PC avec SP2, et ca marche. Sous SP3, ca ne marche pas (l'assistant ne trouve pas les drivers).
Avez-vous une solution?
PS. j'ai un chipset via

After much research, I've discovered a fix for correcting problems in getting a driver installed for Logitech's USB Microphone (AK5370). This should solve issues where no driver is found for the AK5370 device by Windows XP with SP-2. This may also work for Windows XP with SP-1, but I haven't tested it. My problem existed because I installed Windows XP with nLite and opted not to install the USBAudio component, referred to as "Cameras and Camcorders & Portable Audio...". Since Logitech does not provide their own driver for the mic, they rely upon the default Windows USB Audio driver. You will need access to the SP-2 (or SP-1) files for this. If you don't have a Windows install CD with your SP installed, download the service pack from for installation. After you run it, the updater will copy over temporary files into an "i386" folder (watch the dialog to see where it places it; usually place in a "WU" folder). Do not continue the installation. Instead, copy the i386 folder to a new location to use in the directions below.
Physically detach the mic from USB
Remove the existing entry for AK5370 in your Device Manager. Right click on "My Computer" icon, select "Properties", select "Hardware" tab, click on "Device Manager", locate AK5370 with yellow question mark icon then right click on it, and select uninstall.
Reboot your PC so that it will remove any cached driver inf in memory.
Expand files from the SP-2 or SP-1 folder. Either open a command prompt or use "Run" in the start menu to execute these commands. Be sure to replace "D:\I386\" in the commands with the location to your Windows install CD path or SP (service pack) files.
%WINDIR%\system32\expand.exe D:\I386\usbaudio.sy_ %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\usbaudio.sys
%WINDIR%\system32\expand.exe D:\I386\wdma_usb.in_ %WINDIR%\inf\wdma_usb.inf
For SP-2 with Intel USB chipset:
%WINDIR%\system32\expand.exe D:\I386\wdma_int.in_ %WINDIR%\inf\wdma_int.inf
For SP-2 with VIA USB chipset:
%WINDIR%\system32\expand.exe D:\I386\wdma_via.in_ %WINDIR%\inf\wdma_via.inf
For SP-2 with ALi USB chipset:
%WINDIR%\system32\expand.exe D:\I386\wdma_ali.in_ %WINDIR%\inf\wdma_ali.inf
For SP-1:
%WINDIR%\system32\expand.exe D:\I386\wdmaudio.in_ %WINDIR%\inf\wdmaudio.inf
Reboot your PC
Physically attach the mic to USB. Now it should find the drivers without prompting you for their source, which will include USB Composite Device, USB HID, and USB Audio Device. If you are prompted for driver locations, point the hardware wizard to %WINDIR%\system32\drivers\ or %WINDIR%\inf\ as many times as necessary.
Notes: You may expand all wdma_*.in_ files into the inf folder for SP-2 if desired, but the system will only need the inf for your USB's chipset manufacturer.
These instructions should be reasonably accurate, but it is only from my memory of the solution. I did get mine to work and it is possible to do without reinstalling Windows. If you're still having problems, try expanding all of the above files into your own folder and point the hardware wizard to that folder for discovery. If you do this, you must not delete or move that folder in the future. So put this folder in a permanent location (ie: inside the WINDOWS folder somewhere). As a last resort, update the chipset drivers for your PC as they typically include updated USB drivers. If you purchased your PC from a major manufacturer, such as Dell, HP/Compaq, Gateway, Alienware, etc., visit their site and download the chipset driver for your specific PC. If you built your own PC, determine the chipset manufacturer and visit their site for updated drivers (ie: Intel, VIA, nVidia for nForce chipsets, etc.).

Message édité par zagzagzag le 07-05-2010 à 23:05:50
Posté le 07-05-2010 à 23:05:14  profilanswer

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  Installer micro logitech AK5370 sous XP SP3


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