une petite question
j ai vu des tests de plusieurs cm, a savoir :
Gigabyte 7VAXP
Abit AT7 MAX2
je voudrai savoir si ces cm supporteront les nouveaux cpu
je pense que les 2400+ et 2600+ sont supportés, mais les autres : 3200+ (je crois) ?? ils seront compatibles dessus?
je site: (chui pas bon en anglais )
"Looks like we'll have to wait for 166MHz FSB CPUs to give the KT400 another chance as it doesnt seem to be cutting it with the current crop of Athlons. That being said, Abit still manages to produce a very good board with excellent overclocking features, great stability and awesome perfomance. We havent really recommended a KT400 board until now, but owning a MAX board is an experience"