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  probleme soltek


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probleme soltek

Posté le 01-11-2004 à 12:30:28  profilanswer

bonjour jai un petit soucis jai une soltel sl-75frn2 avec un athlon 2100+,au magasin il me l'on reconfigurer, puuis jai voulut y mettre un 2600+ et plus rien quand je boot l'ecran reste noir , les ventilos tourne aucun bip,j'ai fait un clear cmos rien,je ne connait pas la manip a faire car c'est en anglais merci pour votre aide
la ram, la video, les hdd, le cpu sont tous ok pouvez vous me traduire cette doc
1 to reboot system users should first power off the system.
2 if a cpu clock select restore this jumper setting to default setting.
3 execute the clear cmos procedures with clear cmos jumper.
4 then press down "insert" key of the keyboard before pressing down power button to start system.
do not release insert key until you can see the initial bootup screen appear.
5 in some "overclocking cases by bios setup" if system still cannot boot up with the above 4 steps, please remove the on-board battery from the battery-socket and unplug the power cord as weell. keep the battery and power cord away from system in 10 to 20 seconds so as to make sure all power residue has faded away.
6 after restoring the power cord and battery to system, make sure the "cpu clock selected" jumper is at "default setting" and then press the power button to restart system again. please note that step (5) will take the place of step (3) and (4).
7 after starting system, users should also enter "advanced chipset features" of bios setup and set the fsb frequency" to cpu default value for a guaranteed bootup. however, user can also select a higher cpu clock to try overclocking again.

Posté le 01-11-2004 à 12:30:28  profilanswer

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