C'est possible que la pile commence à tirer la langue par contre ça n'explique pas le pb de Cd-Rom. C'est quand le 3ème lecteur que j'essaye en vain.
Pour l'erreur concernant la flashage du bios :
The program file's part number does not match with your system
Unknown Flash Type !
J'ai trouvé ces infos :
The file name of Award BIOS binary files is usually derived from the BIOS serial number. Because one file name resemble another, a customer may inadvertently use the wrong binary file when updating the system BIOS with the Award flash utility.
To help avoiding this problem, Award have added a new feature to AWDFLASH.EXE, version 5.33 and above - a warning message that appears if the program detects a mismatch between the BIOS binary file and the system board.
If a mismatch is detected, the following message appears when the user responds YES to the program prompt to flash the BIOS:
The program file's part number does not match with your system
This warning message appears only if the binary file name you specified in the program differs from the existing file in your system.
If you receive this message, check carefully to ensure that you have the correct binary file for your system.
You can bypass checking the serial number by typing the following at the DOS command line:
Awdflash 2Axxxxxx.BIN /Py
The /Py switch immediately flashes the new binary file to the BIOS EPROM.
Je tente le coup ?