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  enlever du ventirad d'origine, "le thermal phase pad" si artic silver


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enlever du ventirad d'origine, "le thermal phase pad" si artic silver

Posté le 22-03-2003 à 13:02:36  profilanswer

NOTE: The bottom of the HSF that ships with the boxed Pentium 4 comes with a thermal phase change pad installed. If you wish to use a more effective thermal interface such as Arctic Silver thermal compound then you will need to first remove the pad from the heatsink. The pad is most easily removed by using a combination of isopropyl alcohol and a flat dull object such as a old credit card. Be careful not to scratch the bottom of the heatsink too badly when removing the pad as this will decrease the thermal transfer effectiveness
si je lis bien  faut bien enlver la petite languette derriere le ventirad d'origine (intel) si on utilise del'artic silver a la place
c'est ca ?

Posté le 22-03-2003 à 13:02:36  profilanswer

Posté le 22-03-2003 à 13:07:46  profilanswer
Posté le 22-03-2003 à 13:18:18  profilanswer

y a quelqu'un qui a installé un p4 avec de l'artic silver ici ?

Posté le 22-03-2003 à 13:43:24  profilanswer

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  enlever du ventirad d'origine, "le thermal phase pad" si artic silver


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