DXo je sais pas, mais Photoshop et LR, même sans cg dédiée tu devrais t'en sortir
y'a de l'acceleration matérielle pour certains filtres et effets lorsqu'un gpu dédié est présent, mais ca reste tout à fait utilisable sans
je serais toi je commence avec un K, et si vraiment ya des trucs qui vont pas, il sera tjs temps de choper une cg
pas besoin d'un monstre, même une simple GTX 1650/1660/2060 c'est deja tout a fait suffisant
qqs liens si tu veux creuser le sujet
Citation :
Adobe has been increasing support for GPU acceleration in Photoshop over the last few years, but currently there are only a handful of effects that can utilize the video card. Adobe maintains a list of effects that are GPU accelerated in their GPU FAQ: Photoshop GPU card FAQ Although Adobe is constantly expanding GPU acceleration support to Photoshop, the current demand on the video card is actually relatively light. Even an entry video card will be able to provide a huge boost in performance for GPU-accelerated effects but there is a sharp drop in performance benefit by using anything more than a mid-range video card. A few tasks may be able to see a performance benefit to using a high-end card like the GeForce RTX 3090, but an RTX 3070 Ti is going to get you within a few percent of the best performance possible. What GPU (video card) is best for Photoshop? For Photoshop, it is extremely important to have a supported GPU, but the actual performance of that card will not make a major impact on performance. Compared to the high-end GeForce RTX 4090, the much more modest RTX 4070 is within a single percent – even when only looking at GPU-accelerated tasks – and the 4060 Ti is only a couple percent back. These results are so close that any of the GeForce RTX 30 or 40 Series cards should be plenty fast enough… so much so, in fact, that we don’t really do in-depth GPU testing on Photoshop very often anymore.
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Message édité par kabyll le 23-04-2024 à 17:29:14
Infographiste 3D & Post-Production - Freelance