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  probleme avec son asus a7n8x


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probleme avec son asus a7n8x

Posté le 14-07-2004 à 22:51:19  profilanswer

Bonjour a tous!
la je suis a bout du rouleau et j ai besoin d aide.
-asus a7n8x
-soundblaster ls
-msi ge-force fx5700
Tout les drivers a jours.
Tester avec plusieurs speaker
Teste uen sb live! et audigy
Tout les jumpers son correcte
Carte son onboard desactive dans le bios
Quand je joues disont a desert combat,le bruit des chenille des chars d  
assault a comme un bruit d interference en background.(comme une paire d  
ecouteur qui a une mauvaise connection..qui fait gricher la chanson qui joue  
quand on joues avec le fil).Ces un exemple mais ca arrive souvent.
LA j en susi venue a la conclusion que c est mon motherboard.MAsi comem d  
habitude,asus dit que c est ma sb,qui eux me disent que c est mes  
speaker..***soupir.***J ai teste avec plusieurs carte de  
sons,speaker..toujours le meme trouble.
Quelqu un aurait une solution de la derniere chance?ou pourrait me confirmer  
que c est bien ma carte mere??
j ai lis que le modele avait de gros probleme de ne sai splus  
quoi penser.Pt un codec ou un interup de materiel?
merci d avance.

Posté le 14-07-2004 à 22:51:19  profilanswer

Je suis fou et je m'en fous
Posté le 15-07-2004 à 02:31:17  profilanswer

J'ai moi aussi le même problème sauf que je n'ai pas de carte son, j'utilise "celle" de la carte mère A7N8X. Je joue à CS ou à Day of Defeat et hop... au bout d'un certain temps le son se met à grésiller et c'est TRèS lourd. Alors please HEEEELP !!!

Savoir pour comprendre, Comprendre pour agir.
Je suis fou et je m'en fous
Posté le 15-07-2004 à 02:43:19  profilanswer

Tiens en cherchant j'ai trouvé ça Dagobert : [...] =0&subcat=
Tu vas à la rubrique SON et tu descends et tu verras de quoi apporter réponse à nos questions :D

Savoir pour comprendre, Comprendre pour agir.
Posté le 15-07-2004 à 09:09:40  profilanswer

Les gars j'ai eut le meme probleme que j'ai regle.
En effet, telecharger les dernier pilotes carte meres(le pack qui installe tout).Moi j'ai la a7n8x deluxe rev 2.0 .
Sinon je vois pas quoi faire a part attendre d'autre pilotes ou mettre une carte son annexe.  
Pour les carte sons sound blaster, je pense que c'est eux qui ont un probleme,avant de regler le pb dema carte son integrer (soundstorm 5.1), j'avais mis un sb live player 5.1
et j'avais par moment des saturations (bien que courte c'est desagreable)et cela meme neuve.
si la carte son integrer est une AC'97 vaux mieux changer meme pour  une  carte bas de gamme car celle ci consomment bcp de puissance processeur pour ce qu elle fournit.  

Posté le 15-07-2004 à 14:23:42  profilanswer

Merci pou rle coup de main.Et j ai ca aussi.
Asus a repondu.On ce tiens au courant?je vasi tester ca a soir.
Thank you for your support of our products!
If you are experiencing problems with your onboard audio setup:
Make sure the speakers you are using are functional, that they are plugged in, and that they are powered on. Also check the volume level on the speakers, as well as the volume levels in your operating system (if possible).
What type of output is the audio set to provide? Is it set for 6-channel surround sound audio, or a two-speaker setup? Make sure the board is set to provide the type of sound you require.
Please make sure that the front panel audio connector on the MB, if not used, has the return jumpers in place from the B_LINEOUT to the LINEOUT for BOTH the left & right channels. If the front panel audio is in use, please remove it from the header connector and place jumpers here for troubleshooting.
Try removing all PCI cards from your system. If this corrects the problem, add the cards back one-at-a-time. Reboot your system after you install each card. If the sound fails during the reboot, the last card that was added is most likely the source of the problem. Anytime you add, move, or remove a PCI card, please enter BIOS Setup and set the option "Reset Configuration Data" to "Yes" if your BIOS has this option. This will force the BIOS to reassign resources to your PnP devices.
You may need to refer to the "Interrupt Request Table" in your User's Manual and arrange your PCI add-in cards so they do not cause interrupt conflicts. Some devices (most notably video and sound cards) experience difficulty sharing interrupts with each other.  
Look in Sounds and Multimedia (in the Windows Control Panel), under the Audio tab. Make sure your onboard sound is set as the preferred Sound Playback device. Check the audio controller in Device Manager to see if it has a conflict (!) or if a driver needs to be installed (?).  
If you are having trouble installing a driver, there may be a problem with the system setup. Make sure you have a FRESH install of your operating system (OS) on THIS motherboard, and that the drive was partitioned and formatted on this motherboard. When you install the OS, be sure to install the most recent drivers in the following order:
1) Chipset/Motherboard drivers (VIA 4-in-1s for VIA chipsets, Intel INF Update and Application Accelerator for Intel chipsets, etc.)
2) Latest version of DirectX  
3) Latest Video Card drivers  
4) SCSI/ATA drivers
5) LAN/NIC drivers
6) Modem drivers
7) Any additional drivers, except for sound
8) Install sound drivers LAST
If the problem persists, check that your MB is not picking up EMI (Electromagnetic Interference), or improperly grounding against the case. Please remove the MB from the case and set it up DIRECTLY on the cardboard box it came in or some other non-static, non-conductive surface, like a telephone book. Install your components, then boot the system. If your sound works, then the problem has been caused by grounding. You will need to electrically isolate the MB from the case in order to correct it. To do this, you will need to use electrical tape to cover the brass stand-offs that support the MB, and insert paper washers between the MB and the heads of the mounting screws. The red paper washers should be included with your case hardware, or they can be purchased at Radio Shack or a computer store.  
Make sure that no standoffs are placed in a spot where the motherboard isn't designed to be grounded, as some cases will have different standoff locations to accommodate different styles of motherboards. Also check that there are no other metal objects that could contact the motherboard or any other electrical device attached to the system, such as a metal burr, loose screw, metal rod, or any other object that could cause a short.  

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  probleme avec son asus a7n8x


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