Have your background on one layer - use the eyedropper to pick up your
Darken your colors just a bit
On another layer draw a reasonably crooked line - Like what you'd expect a
rip to look like.
Apply the wind filter (Don't recommend the blast or staggered because the
lines are too extreme and distorted) Apply the wind in the direction as if
the lines are moving over the fabric
Distort using the glass filter (Distort | Glass) You don't have to use
much. You can also try the Ocean ripple filter instead of the Glass
Apply another wind
Select just these jagged lines in your layer (Select | Color Select - is a
good way to do it)
Add a little bit of noise - Not much, but enough to show some nice dots
Finally apply a drop shadow
Turn on the texture and it should look like a torn fabric
I put the one I just experimented with at
This was a quick 10-15 min. exercise, so watch the critique. But it is a
solution in the absence of commercial filters.
Suri.morkitu.org : Balades au coeur de la ville...